When was the last time you did something very interesting? The recently watched series does not count. But it's easy to give yourself an unforgettable experience. You just need to turn on your imagination and look around.
Many exciting activities are offered to city dwellers - just have time to sign up. One of them is pottery. If you are fond of handicrafts then pottery art will suit you. To touch the history of the creation of pottery, to feel like a mini-creator of your personal masterpiece, to experience previously unknown tactile sensations - is this not a miracle?
To make your first lesson go like clockwork, there are three simple tips to follow.
First advice.
Find the best for you pottery studio for children and adults. Selection criteria can be the cost of a master class, distance from home, working hours, student reviews. Take some time to analyze the studios that come into your field of vision. As soon as all the puzzles match and the right place is found - call and sign up! Many studios offer both one-to-one and two-person lessons. Therefore, the choice is yours. You can enjoy the process alone. Or you can arrange a romantic date with your husband or a creative bachelorette party with a friend over a potter's wheel.
Second advice.
To get a very fighting spirit, you can watch videos about pottery, get inspired by the process, learn the subtleties and admire the results of those who are already in business. Perhaps, from what you see, you will get an idea in advance of what exactly you will be creating - a vase, a jug, a bowl or something else. If you can't decide, then the studio itself will help you with the choice. Particularly inquisitive minds before this trip for impressions can read the history of the emergence of pottery and then shine with erudition in front of a mentor. There will be a double effect - feeding first with knowledge from a preliminary study of the subject, and then with unforgettable emotions.
Third advice.
When going to your long-awaited master class, wear non-marking clothes so as not to get them dirty in your creative rush. Of course, you will be given an apron there, but still leave the snow-white robes for some other event. It is also better to remove jewelry in the form of rings and bracelets. Hands will be immersed in clay and the thought of how to clean your jewelry later should not distract you from this sacrament.

Get ready for a good physical hand workout! Until the clay is saturated with moisture, it will take force to soften it. Therefore, an additional bonus awaits you - physical activity. Then gradually you will feel the yielding of the clay and will be able to help it to acquire the desired shape.
You won't be able to take your masterpiece with you right away - you will need to leave it for one or two weeks. This time is required for firing. But then you will have a personal work of art that you can proudly show off to family and friends. If you plan to attend more than one master class, then it is quite possible that over time you will be able to create more complex creations. Good luck in your new business!