Why is fishing called the best hobby for men?

From the wives of avid fishermen, one can often hear that their favorite pastime absorbs their husbands without a trace. Every free minute the fisherman tries to devote to his hobby, even when he is at home - he spends time watching thematic videos, methodically sorting out gear, searching for new fishing spots and studying various aspects related to catching. In this article, we will try to figure out why fishing is so attractive to men.

Earner's Instinct

Of course, fishing, as well as hunting, as well as gathering, appeals to the most ancient human instincts - this is how our distant ancestors got food back in Paleolithic times. It is the primitive entourage of this occupation that forces many men to go on long hikes and join in a confrontation with the elements in the hope of catching a large fish and thereby realizing your instinct earner. Unfortunately, many women do not understand this desire, mistaking it for a desire to distance themselves in a relationship or “escape” from pressing problems.

Why is fishing so good?

Most fishermen will give a very vague answer to this question - they say, they "just like" to fish, along the way, resting their soul and body in the bosom of nature. In fact, several factors can be singled out at once, which, of course, affect the popularity of this hobby:

  • The need for equipment. Large specialty shops like artuda.com offer their customers a huge selection of gear and accessories for fishing, the very process of selecting which brings real pleasure to a fishing enthusiast.
  • Communication by interests. It is not in vain that people say that a fisherman sees a fisherman from afar - a community of interests can become the beginning for new acquaintances or even true friendship, in which fishing will become the connecting link.
  • Relaxation. Fishing allows you to dramatically change the situation, which has a very positive effect on the morale of a person. In addition, you can relax while fishing in different ways, because meditative fishing from the shore is strikingly different from dynamic fly fishing and other types of fishing.
  • Tourism. For many, fishing is a pleasant addition to “standard” travel — visiting a new region of our country or even taking tackle on a trip abroad, an avid fisherman will never miss an opportunity to try out a fishing rod in local reservoirs.

Do not forget about the fish itself - an experienced fisherman, who is well acquainted with the nuances of catching certain types of fish, is able to provide your family with a steady stream of fresh, wholesome, all-natural food that is a great addition to your daily routine. diet.