Candles can create an atmosphere of extraordinary warmth and comfort in a room, however, standard products sold in stores will look ordinary even in the most beautiful candlestick.
Having realized the ideas of this article, you can turn them into real masterpieces of applied art in a short time, and most of the materials necessary for this can be found in any home.

- Dry flowers
- Salt
- Beautiful lettering
- Foamiran
- Sequins and foil
- Coffee beans
- Cinnamon sticks
- Personal Photos
Dry flowers

You need to prepare:
- dried flowers and leaves;
- tweezers;
- spoon;
- scissors;
- two candles (one - "working" - will be used to heat the spoon);
- glue for decoupage.
Working process:
- Light the “working” candle and heat the spoon, holding it with its convex surface up;
- we apply the dried flower to the decorated product and begin to smooth it with a hot spoon, achieving perfect adhesion of the flower;
- reaching the stem, we perform a stronger pressing movement;
- fastening of fragile elements is carried out using decoupage glue;
- to consolidate the result, we release the “working” candle from the wick, put it in a water bath and keep it on low heat, preventing the paraffin from boiling.
- we take the decorated candle by the wick and lower it into the container.

The decor made of crystals of table salt will give an original look to the product in a matter of minutes.
- candle;
- masking tape;
- PVA glue;
- acrylic paint;
- fine salt.
Manufacturing process:
- glue pieces of masking tape to the paraffin in several places;
- mix acrylic paint with PVA glue, apply it to open areas;
- pour fine salt into a plate, quickly roll the base over it;
- dry the product and carefully remove the tape.
Beautiful lettering

A candle with an original inscription is a great gift for a loved one.
For manufacturing you will need:
- candle;
- two tassels;
- stencil;
- embossing stick;
- acrylic paint.
Working process:
- apply a stencil to the candle, scratch the text with an embossing stick;
- remove the stencil, cut the letters along the contour. Brush off the shavings with a large brush;
- take a thin brush, fill the text with acrylic paint and let the product dry.
A candle designed for decoration for the New Year's table can be decorated with a foamiran flower.
You need to prepare:
- candle;
- glue gun;
- pieces of foamiran (red and green);
- beads;
- rhinestones;
- patterns of leaves and petals.
Working process:
- using templates, we cut out blanks for the future flower from foamiran;
- we bring the blanks of the petals to the candle flame to give elasticity to the foamiran, with the help of tweezers we give bends.
- we fasten the processed workpieces together, forming a volumetric flower. We decorate the middle with a bead or rhinestones.
Sequins and foil

Glitter or strips of foil will help give a festive look.
We will need:
- a roll of double-sided tape;
- a bag of sequins;
- candle;
- roll of colored foil.
Manufacturing instruction:
We attach double-sided tape to the candle, then, after removing the protective layer, sprinkle it thickly with sparkles. We use foil strips in the same way.
Coffee beans

There are several ways to use coffee beans to decorate a product:
- mix them with molten paraffin and place in a mold;
- coffee beans are often used to decorate ready-made candles, gluing them in dense rows to the surface of the product. If it was cast recently and did not have time to cool, the coffee beans are pressed into paraffin;
- wrapping and fixing a thin twine on half of the candle, glue coffee beans onto it. The composition is completed with a chocolate-colored satin bow;
- putting the finished work in a wide glass container, the empty space between it and the walls of the dish is filled with grains;
- the aroma is added with molten paraffin wax with fresh coffee.
Cinnamon sticks

Candles decorated with cinnamon sticks will be an excellent fragrance for the room.
For decoration you will need:
- stationery elastic;
- cinnamon sticks;
- hemp twine;
- a strip of lace, burlap or tartan;
- sprig with dry berries.
Working process:
- put on a thin elastic band on the base, tuck cinnamon sticks under it, surrounding the product with them;
- we wrap the elastic with a strip of burlap or fabric in a cage;
- at the last stage, we fix the composition with several turns of twine, tying its ends with a bow;
- if desired, a small twig with dried flowers or red berries can be inserted under the twine.
Personal Photos

An excellent decoration of the room will be a product decorated with your favorite photo.
For manufacturing you will need:
- thick wax candle;
- a sheet of tracing paper and waxed paper;
- Printer;
- Photo;
- Scotch;
- scissors.
Working process:
- we fasten the tracing paper and a sheet of paper for the printer with tape, print the photo. The paper should be loaded into the printer so that the image is printed on the tracing paper;
- we separate the tracing paper from the backing and cut out the printed photo, leaving a narrow white frame;
- put the photo on a sheet of waxed paper, face down, wrap it tightly around the candle and start heating the photo with a hair dryer. We stop warming up when the photo becomes clear and bright. Carefully remove the waxed paper.