Bathroom design 2020: current ideas for a modern interior

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The bathroom is almost the most important room in the room. No apartment is complete without a bathroom. And, of course, all modern trends in interior design have made their way here, because you want to be filled with vivacity in a beautiful salon, and not in a dark closet. Therefore, we propose to consider all the novelties of the present time, and equip the bathroom design in 2020.

Wood in bathroom interior design trends in 2018

The bathroom is a special room. We spend a small part of our time in it, but without this room we cannot imagine a comfortable existence.

Fashionable ideas of our time


  • Fashionable ideas of our time
  • Bathroom type
  • Bold color combinations
  • Fashion materials
  • Minimalism in fashion
  • Retro is back
  • Art notes
  • What styles are in demand
  • Video: the main trends of 2020 in bathroom design
  • Photo: current bathroom interior ideas

Check out the innovations and choose the ones that interest you the most:

Change areaTrends
Color spectrumBold colors, bright accents, contrasting combinations
Decoration MaterialsCraving for natural materials: wood, stone, granite, marble
Style directionClassics, Provence, historical focus, nautical theme, eco-style
DecorArt in interior, that is, paintings, painting, mosaic, decoupage
Fashionable bathroom interior in classic style

Color combinations have a significant impact on a person's mood.

The design should suit your taste preferences, so take the selection aspect seriously.

Decorating a false wall in a bathroom with natural wood

In bathrooms, natural wood or its high-quality imitation is increasingly used for decoration.

Now let's move on to a detailed breakdown to create a dream bathroom.

Bathroom type

Until recently, a separate bathroom was popular, and we could not imagine a different layout. But in 2020, adjacent types are ubiquitous. This view is much more convenient: it saves space and gives more freedom for creativity.

Glossy brown tiles in the combined bathroom

Combined plumbing units are in trend again, but now they are much larger.

Old buildings, including the Khrushchev buildings, have a separate type of bathroom. It will take you a lot of time and effort to transform it, but it will be worth it. First, make sure you don't damage the building by removing the wall. Do not forget to legitimize the redevelopment, and act boldly.

Now you can proceed to the arrangement of the interior, and we will help you choose the most fashionable options. Refer to color trends, fashion accessories, and furnishing types and styles.

Remember! There should be harmony in everything, both with your inner world and with materials and chosen colors.

Shower cubicle behind a glass partition

Remember, it's important not to lose yourself in the pursuit of new ideas. Choose what you like and add trendy accents

Bold color combinations

Unexpected color combinations are popular in 2020 bathroom designs. Regardless of minimalism reigning in contemporary design, bold colors are starting to come into their own.

The current interior of a fashionable bathroom for 2018

Be bolder, don't be afraid to experiment

Combine minimalism and boldness by painting one wall bright red or blue. Along with white, gray or cream surfaces, it will act as a bright accent and help visually expand the room. This technique is perfect for small bathrooms in Khrushchevs.

Red tile in the bathroom interior, fashionable in 2018

Red combined with white and black creates incredible energy. Such an interior is great for bright and creative people.

Yellow bathtub in the interior of a modern bathroom

Even a small accent in yellow makes a positive impression

If you want to add even more color, feel free to grab a brush and create. In the bathroom, you can create a beautiful painting in a modern style. In 2020, marine themes, cubism, eco and flowers are popular. Choose what you like and act boldly.

But still, painting gives way to simple figures and monochromatic coloring. If the size of the room allows, paint not one wall in a bright color, but several.

Bathroom yellow zoning

Bright finish is perfect for bathroom zoning

Important! Check the color matching before dyeing. They must be in harmony with each other.

Orange in a trendy bathroom design

Even a small accent in the form of a towel can radically change the atmosphere of the room.

But the most sensible and popular solution would be to make one bright accent. Usually, a functional area is distinguished: above the bathroom or a free wall with a mirror. Do not be afraid of bright colors and in 2020 you will be in trend.

Fashion materials

Bathroom design 2020 loves naturalness. This is primarily reflected in the materials used. Wood, marble and granite are returned to the designers' hands. Natural wood is the most popular this year. But do not forget that it is necessary to work with it carefully, observing certain rules and regulations.

Wood wall decoration in the bathroom

By sheathing the wall with wood with a beautiful pattern, you will add natural warmth and coziness to the room.

First, you need to treat the tree with special water-repellent agents. Until some time, wood was not used in bathrooms, because here it quickly deteriorates due to high humidity in the room. But 2020 is the peak of fashion. Therefore, having correctly processed the material, feel free to proceed with the "wooden decor".

Wood floor in bathroom design

The wooden floor must be carefully protected from moisture; this is not the best option for a bathroom. But there is a compromise - ceramic panels with imitation wood texture

Marble and granite tiles will never go out of style and will be used in bathrooms for a long time to come. However, this material is quite expensive, so it is often replaced with ceramics or porcelain stoneware. But this year, natural materials are still at the peak of popularity, even in the arrangement of the bathroom.

Minimalism in fashion

We have already mentioned that trends have been tending towards minimalism lately. It is displayed somewhat in color by solid coloration. But to a greater extent this is manifested in the planning and organization of the usable space.

In 2020, you will not find many shelves and cabinets in the bathroom. All the necessary bath accessories are stored in a multifunctional closet along with household chemicals, and often with cosmetics.

Small bathroom in the style of minimalism

Metal and glass, plastic and tiles, simple straight lines - there is nothing superfluous here

Thus, multifunctional furniture models are in use, which allow you to save space as much as possible.

Minimalist bathroom design

There should not be a lot of decor - the basic rule for decorating a modern bathroom

Discreet vase in the interior of the bathroom

Choose decorative elements so that they distract from the main interior items

As a decor, select large decorations in the style of minimalism, cubism, techno. This rule also applies to the colors of the walls. If you choose painting, try to make it large and abstract.

Stretch ceiling is becoming more and more popular. It accommodates all the trends of modern design, and is also perfect for a bathroom with high humidity.

Retro is back

Probably every year it says that retro is back. Only each of them has its own interpretation of retro. 2020 decided to go back quite far and use the "legends of antiquity". So, we get aged things, Provence style, craquelure finish effect. In this case, the old days come back with a touch of tenderness and comfort.

Green tiles in retro style bathroom

To create a retro-style design, you need to carefully consider every element of the interior.

White bathroom in retro style

Styles of yesteryear are characterized by the use of vintage mixers and open utilities.

You can also add luxury to your bathroom as historic styles are making a comeback. Heavy décor elements, columns and decorative or natural stone in the decoration will make a real royal font out of the room.

Empire style bathroom finishes

The Empire style bathroom maintains the basic features typical of the classic trends

To some extent, such a bathroom will turn out to be somewhat gloomy, since you will add a worn or even rust effect to the finish. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to correctly operate with light and texture. The smooth surface of the tiles will add shine, so you get antiquity in a new way. And correctly directed light will give the finishing materials a gloss that will modernize the bathroom.

Art notes

Now let's talk about decor trends. For a modern bathroom design, it is imperative to think about additional decorations. In 2020, it is no longer enough to simply tile the walls or choose the appropriate pattern. The bathroom needs to be made a work of art, and this can be done with the help of a certain decor.

Modern bathroom interior with paintings on the wall

When choosing a painting, pay attention to how it tolerates moisture

Lion painting on the bathroom wall

Use lamination or sealed one-piece boxes

At this stage, art is breaking through into this sphere, ennobling the space. Compositions from paintings are popular. They can be of various subjects. Of course, minimalism in this area also takes rights, so the images have corresponding motives. Cubism and abstraction are the most common themes.

Do-it-yourself abstract painting on the bathroom wall

Pictures look best where you need to fill an empty space.

Photos are also popular. Yes, their place is not only on the desktop or in the living room. They are quite appropriate in the bathroom. These can be your personal photos or images of your favorite celebrities. If you want to emphasize the old style, choose a mosaic, a painting with a historical theme, or a reproduction of a classic.

What styles are in demand

  1. Classics are always in fashion. That's why she is a classic, to be popular at all times. However, this is also a relative concept, and each era puts its own meaning in it. In 2020, this style is calm tones and smooth lines. It is characterized by silhouette painting and simple patterns. From paints for this direction, choose a pastel spectrum, dark shades of green and yellow. Matte surfaces are popular.
  2. The black and white combination remains unchanged. It will never go out of style, but it will remain acceptable in a certain circle. It has been proven that such a tandem is suitable for people who prefer brevity. Often this combination is chosen for a minimalist style. Since the design in this color turns out to be quite tough, look in advance for the options for arranging the bathroom, and then make a decision.
  3. Provence is gaining popularity in 2020. It accommodates two trends: a craving for the natural and the effect of aging, perfectly fitting into the trends.
  4. For the design of the bathroom this year, a nautical theme is used, which corresponds to the Mediterranean style and country. They are light and airy, capable of making a real work of art out of a bathroom.
  5. The craving for naturalness supports eco-style, using natural materials in the decoration. It is also characterized by colors popular in 2020, such as green, purple, lilac, white, mint.
Forged chandelier on the bathroom ceiling

Provence style bathroom

Modern bathroom design in nautical style

Blue bathroom in a nautical style

Wall murals on the bathroom wall

Eco-style bathroom interior

Here is a list of popular styles. It is quite extensive, so that everyone will find here what they like.

Brown in bathroom design

There is no limit to the options for creating an original bathroom interior - it all depends on your desires and capabilities

Video: the main trends of 2020 in bathroom design

Photo: current bathroom interior ideas