The cheapest types of facade finishes for budget construction

Creation front of your own house is one of the main problems of construction. Several completely different problems need to be solved here. The architecture creates the appearance of the house, determines its perception by the audience, harmonizes it with the surrounding landscape and other buildings. The choice of facade material determines its appearance over the long life of the house itself. The technology for creating an invented facade should be accessible to real performers. And the financial costs should be feasible for the owner. Therefore, many individual developers are interested in the cheapest types of facade finishes for budget construction.

Read in the article

  • 1 Facade requirements
  • 2 Basic materials for facades
  • 3 Technology
  • 4 Conclusion

Facade requirements

When going to appear in public, a person preens, dresses in beautiful clothes, tries to make a favorable impression on the audience with his appearance. At the same time, he thinks in advance in what guise he should be perceived - a strict business person, a shirt-guy or a quiet modest one. So the house and its inhabitants are perceived in appearance - there live economic people who understand housebuilding and beauty, or lazy inept.

The facade creates the first impression of the house and its owners. And the appearance of the facade itself is formed from the material with which it is finished, and the artistic and architectural solution. When choosing a material for a facade, you have to take into account a lot of conflicting conditions and requirements. Design requirements imply the compliance of the general style of building design with those adopted in a given region and even in a given area. The appearance of the house must correspond to its surroundings on the site, and the landscape outside its territory. Exterior and interior decoration of the house should be done in the same style. Building cladding technology should be fairly time consuming.

The cheapest types of facade finishes for budget construction
Brick facade decoration

Basic materials for facades

The most popular materials for finishing small private houses are brick, wood and plaster. As they say - cheap and cheerful. Sometimes natural stone is used for facing, but it turns out to be too expensive. It has recently been replaced with porcelain stoneware.

Brick as a finish has a very long service life. Therefore, although its purchase will cost the owner of the construction site a lot, it will pay off many times over the decades of the house's existence. Facade maintenance is simple, there is no need to repair. As a result, it turns out that brick cladding is a very profitable solution. It should be borne in mind that the price of a brick depends on its type, and the varieties bricks a lot of.

Brick typeCost rub / 1 m2 (May 2021)
Facing ceramic brick390-850
Hyper pressed brick900-950
Clinker brick900-4300
Hand-molded bricks2100-14000

The lower price refers to products made in Russia, the upper one - to products from Germany.

Wood is a familiar and easy-to-use material. It also has several varieties.

IllustrationType of materialCost rub / 1 m2 (May 2021)
The cheapest types of facade finishes for budget construction
Facade liningFrom 170-220 to 1200-1350
The cheapest types of facade finishes for budget constructionTimber imitation220 to 800-1400
The cheapest types of facade finishes for budget constructionBlock housePine - from 300 to 650-750

Larch - 1300-1500

Plaster is the most inexpensive type of facade decoration. Different materials require different financial investments.

IllustrationType of materialCost rub / 1 m2 (May 2021)
The cheapest types of facade finishes for budget constructionMineral facade plaster110-120
The cheapest types of facade finishes for budget constructionMineral decorative plasterRussian production - 150-400

Foreign production - 450-1200

The cheapest types of facade finishes for budget constructionAcrylic facade plaster100-300
The cheapest types of facade finishes for budget constructionSilicate facade plaster300-400
The cheapest types of facade finishes for budget constructionSilicone facade plaster350-800

A whole group of different facade materials is called siding. It's not very correct to call it cheap, but vinyl and metal siding can be considered affordable.

IllustrationType of materialCost rub / 1 m2 (May 2021)
The cheapest types of facade finishes for budget constructionVinyl basement siding (also called facade panels)Russian production - 470-1300

Foreign production - 1500-3300

The cheapest types of facade finishes for budget constructionMetal sidingFinnish siding - 800


Cheap finishing involves inexpensive materials and cladding technology that does not require high qualifications of workers and high labor intensity. Many materials are presented in the form of panels covering a large area at once. Externally, the panels imitate various types of material - wood, brick, stone. In the case of cladding with panels, they can be easily lifted to a height and fixed with self-tapping screws or clamps. The plaster is applied in one or several layers, depending on the consistency. Liquid solutions can be sprayed onto the wall.


The variety of the range of finishing materials provides the builder and designer with great opportunities to implement their design and creative ideas. And an economist can select a product for this that allows it to keep within 500 rubles. for 1 m2 facade finishing.


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