To finish the facade private houses obtain qualitative and functional, should first read the materials suitable for the outer wall finishing. Opting for a particular embodiment exterior trim wooden houseYou can become the owner of a beautiful building. Please find the requirements for the facade decoration, and the most popular solutions.

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- 1 Requirements for the facade decoration
- 2 The criteria for selecting the appropriate option from the existing types of facades lining
- 3 Finishing materials for facades of private domov- types of facade cladding
- 3.1 Plaster
- 3.1.1 mineral plaster
- 3.1.2 acrylic plaster
- 3.1.3 silicate plaster
- 3.1.4 silicone plaster
- 3.2 Natural and artificial stone
- 3.3 We show finishes facing brick facade
- 3.3.1 clinker brick
- 3.3.2 ceramic brick
- 3.3.3 hyperpressed brick
- 3.3.4 silicate brick
- 3.4 Porcelain stoneware facade
- 3.5 Exterior decoration of ceramic tiles homes
- 3.6 decorative siding
- 3.6.1 vinyl siding
- 3.6.2 wood siding
- 3.6.3 metal siding
- 3.7 Sandwich panels
- 3.8 ventilated facades
- 3.1 Plaster
- 4 Facing the front of the house, which material is better-comparison of options
- 5 Combined finishing the facade of a private house
- 5.1 Facade finishing options combined
- 6 Review of prices on the facade materials for the exterior home decoration
Requirements for the facade decoration
To find a suitable material for facades private houses, It is necessary to clearly understand what requirements it must meet. Taking into account the operating conditions, lining shall be:
- waterproof. This feature can affect the life of a private home and the comfort of living;
- solid. The formed coating should remain whole in case of a strong impact;
- good thermal insulation propertiesTo ensure the optimum temperature inside the house and reduce operating costs;
- hygienic. Unacceptable appearance on the surface of the lining rotting fungus or mold;
- with sufficient sound insulation characteristics.
Manufacturers offer a wide range of materials to form a coating that meets these requirements. We offer to meet with the main criteria for the choice of façade cladding that will choose the appropriate option.

The criteria for selecting the appropriate option from the existing types of facades lining
Getting to the facing of the facade, should be to choose the right option. It affects not only presentable private housesBut also its performance. The main selection criteria should include:
- Reliability. The formed coating should withstand exposure to corrosive environmental factors and hold tight on the base. Particular attention should be paid to resistance at extreme temperatures.
- Aesthetics. The material should have a presentable appearance and available colors.
- Life time.
- The complexity of the installation. Especially if the work is scheduled to perform with his own hands.
- Availability. Do not just stop your choice on a budget option, since this will necessarily affect the quality of the formed coating.
Made the right choice will save a certain amount at the stage of installation of the decor and the subsequent operation of a private house. It is necessary to immediately clarify the need for the acquisition of special components or compositions. We suggest to consider the available types of facade to make it easier to choose the appropriate option.

Finishing materials for facades of private domov- types of facade cladding
For facade may have different compositions, different in value, performance and appearance. Please find the main types of finishing materials for facades private houses and their distinctive features.

The traditional material used for the exterior walls of public buildings and private homes. Manufacturers offer compositions plastering facades, Which are based on various substances. Introduction of special additives improves elasticity, durability and presentable formed coating. Rigid additives relevant for the embossed pattern.
facade plasterProviding presentable facade protect the walls private houses from premature destruction. Large assortment allows you to choose the composition of the desired texture and coloring. To beautifully arrange a facade of the house, photos of private houses will be of interest to you.

mineral plaster
The basis of mineral plaster cement. This composition has high performance characteristics. The formed coating:
- It retains its appearance ultraviolet light;
- It has good vapor permeability;
- It is resistant to extreme temperatures;
- able to serve a long time. If in process of applying It was observed technology works and is capable of facing up to serve half a century;
- It has good sound insulating characteristics if the thickness of the formed layer is about 10 mm.
Mineral mixture is environmentally safe. Not combustible. It can be applied jointly with other building materials. The disadvantages of mineral plaster is attributed a low elasticity, which can cause cracking of the formed layer. They have a high level of water absorption and low resistance to abrasion.
Composition differs little term viability. After preparation of the solution composition must be applied for 1-1.5 hours. After this time, the solution begins to set. Administering an amount izvostki reduces setting speed.

Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
"In order to avoid the formation of cracks and chips, mineral plasters should be applied after the end shrinkage of a private home."

acrylic plaster
Manufacturers offer compositions based on acrylic or polyvinyl. Implemented in already finished form. The advantages of acrylic plaster should include:
- High adhesion.
- Ease of application. The composition is easy to apply and spread on the bottom, forming a uniform coating.
- High elasticity, provided due to the introduction of the special plasticizers. As a result, the coating formed does not crack and does not deform.
- Moisture and heat resistance.
Decorative finishing of facades can be carried out even if the shrinkage of private homes is not yet complete. It can be applied on substrates of various types with the exception of metal surfaces.
Disadvantages include lower resistance to UV, so over time the color of the formed coating may vary. The service life of acrylic plaster is 15-17 years. For applying the composition should possess a certain experience, since the solution quickly grasped.

silicate plaster
The basis of silicate is waterglass plaster, to which is added a quantity of mineral fillers and pigments.
The composition has excellent performance characteristics:
- Compatible with virtually all the bases.
- Environmentally friendly.
- It has high strength, water resistance and vapor permeability.
- Not afraid to ultraviolet radiation.
It remains presentable under the influence of natural factors. Due neutral electrostaticity formed to cover the surface of dust is not attracted. Good adhesion characteristics simplify the process of forming the coating. As the composition is not combustible, silicate plaster may act as a protective layer for the heat-insulating material with low fire resistance.
Attention! Silicate plaster can be used not only for finishing the house from the outside, but also inside.
Before applying the composition of the base needs good preparation with the application of a special layer primer. Fast setting imposes certain requirements for the qualification of the person performing the plastering facade private houses. On silicate plaster can not be applied to the compositions which are based on other materials.

silicone plaster
Quality expensive material allows to obtain a solid coating that protects the wall private houses from the mold.
- The basis of silicone resins.
- Supplied ready to use.
- The composition has high elasticity.
- Resistant to UV light.
- When applied to the prepared surface exhibits good adhesion to the substrate.
- Permeable.
- Waterproof.
- Durable.
- It retains its properties at low and high temperatures.
Relevant if necessary finish the house facade with modern materials.
Attention! water-soluble dye composition can be used for coloring silicone plaster in a different color.

Natural and artificial stone
An expensive option that can afford not all owners of private houses. It can be used for decoration of concrete and brick walls. Stone has an attractive appearance. Durable. Not afraid of the impact of external environmental factors.
Fake diamond It costs less than natural. Is stable geometrical parameters, which greatly simplifies the procedure for the installation work. Mounted on the wall is carried out by fixing the tiles on special solution.
Natural stone used to finish basement private house. But can finish the entire wall. Natural material is combined with plaster or wood. For facades used a variety of natural materials. You can give preference to:
- Marble. Rich color palette allows you to choose the right option. Characterized by high cost.
- Granite. Due to the high strength and durability characteristics is most prevalent.
- Quartzite. Hard material with characteristic inclusions of quartz grains.
- basalt, characteristics which are comparable to the properties of granite.
- Slate. Cheap material which is very popular with the façade of the original layered structure.
- Porous sandstone. Soft rock, lends itself well to polishing.
- Limestone. Rarely used. Extremely dense species.

We show finishes facing brick facade
Brick It can be used for the finishing of different facades. Formed coating reliably protects the capital structure of the external factors, becoming, in effect, a second wall. The foundation of private homes should be designed for the appropriate load. In case of insufficient base strength required work on its gain.
Mounting face brick on the facade of the building - enough time-consuming process. The result is an attractive coating having excellent insulating properties. The space between the liner and the main wall is filled heater.
Unlike conventional brick facing:
- geometry has clear and smooth trim edges, which greatly simplifies the finishing masonry;
- presented in a variety of colors. Available range of textures and shapes;
- It is resistant to external factors;
- It allows you to decorate the defects that may have formed on the main surface;
- heat and frost;
- It shows good strength characteristics;
- durable.
We decided to show finishes face brick facade, which you can implement on your site.

clinker brick
For the manufacture of clinker used clay specific breeds. After molding brick is dried and subjected to high-temperature firing. The finished product has a high level of moisture and heat resistance. It can be used for finishing various facade elements, including the socket.

ceramic brick
For manufacturing the ceramic clay brick is used, subjected to a special cleaning cycle: annealed at a certain temperature. Manufacturers offer a ceramic brick in various shades ranging from pale ocher and ending with dark brown.

hyperpressed brick
Raw materials for the production of bricks comprises hyperpressed shell rock, limestone, and cement. The material is compressed under high pressure without additional annealing. It has a high specification. The products have a characteristic surface texture, imitating natural stone chipping. Available wide range of colors with a choice of products of various geometric shapes.
Due to the large weight is used for the design of private homes with reinforced foundation. Most often mounted on the ground or part of the facade is found in the form of decorative inserts.

silicate brick
Prepared by autoclaving the composition, consisting of sand and lime. Production is carried out under high pressure at high temperature in the presence of steam. Sand-lime bricks can have different shapes. Presented in a variety of colors. The disadvantage is the low level of water resistance and heat resistance. Not suitable for the decoration of the ground floor, chimneys.

Porcelain stoneware facade
Facade material able to withstand the impact of any precipitation. Finishing allowed to do all year round. Natural ventilation helps protect the wall from mold, mildew and condensation. Coverage of granite It will protect the main wall from excessive heat and reduce their thermal conductivity in the winter.
Installation is carried out on the supporting profiles made of stainless steel alloy. Between the wall and the heat insulator laid granite.

Exterior decoration of ceramic tiles homes
For facade tiles are characterized by good performance. Presented in a wide range. Produced finish the house facade tiles on artificial or natural basis. The most popular ceramic tile.
For its production uses clay, subjected to many hours roasting to produce substantially non-hygroscopic finishing material, able to serve at least half a century. For registration of a private house facade becoming mostly unglazed ceramic tiles with embossed surface, simulating natural stone. Wide range of colors allows you to choose the right solution for a particular private home. Formed coating is not afraid of the impact of natural factors.

Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
"We should buy a suitable adhesive composition and quality seal the seams for reliable fixation of the tiles on the wall of the house."

decorative siding
A simple option is most prevalent. For decorative facade cladding after measuring geometrical parameters of a private house walls acquired sufficient material. When calculating the required number of siding from the wall area subtract square the windows and doors. Together with the base material must be purchased components. for installation siding to the facade of a private house attached wooden or metal guides. Between the guide may be stacked insulation.
Tip! To add a unique facade of a private house can be designed using products of different colors and species.
We offer to meet with the main species.

vinyl siding
The basis of polyvinyl chloride, to which are added colorants modifier, color stabilizer to improve performance. It consists of two layers: the outer provide a presentable appearance, internal - ensures functional properties. The benefits of vinyl siding should include:
- resistance to natural factors;
- preservation of mechanical properties in extreme conditions;
- fire resistance;
- the possibility of failure of complex care;
- facade ventilation;
- a wide range of;
- availability;
- the ability to retain heat inside a private home.

wood siding
pre-treated wood is used for the manufacture. Manufacturers offer wood siding:
- with a humidity below 18%. For its production uses wood of tropical trees and larch;
- high moisture, that to avoid mold formation and protection from rain subjected to heat treatment at a temperature of 170-220 ° C. It is made from pine and ash;
- of preserved wood, subjected to pressure treatment and treated with antiseptic.
The advantages of wood siding include low weight, the ability to paint after the installation is completed, an attractive appearance and a beneficial effect on human health.

metal siding
Manufacturers offer zinc and steel blade. Realized in the form of profiled sheets coated with a layer of a polymeric composition or zinc. Advantages of metal siding is resistant to corrosion and no deformation after strong mechanical action.

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Calculation of siding for the cladding house: CalculatorPresented in the material, and expert advice will make it effortless. The program also helps to calculate the volume and auxiliary elements for facades.
Sandwich panels
Sandwich panels are one type of the insulation of the facade. Composed of three layers of different types, providing in complex high performance. Price facade thermopanels Russian manufacture makes this finishing option available to a wide range of consumers.
Properly mounted cover to protect the wall of a private house from a low temperature and wind, increasing the sound insulation characteristics wall. Sandwich panel 100mm thick thermal conductivity is of the same level as the brickwork thickness of 1.4 m. The panels are widely used for building facades, located in northern regions. Mounting on a "tongue and groove" allows the formation of the hermetic coating.

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ventilated facades
Under ventilated facades decorative design is meant to be mounted at a certain distance from the wall to the quality ventilation the resulting gap. This solution ensures the optimum level of water vapor permeability and waterproofing.

Suspended façade includes a few basic structural elements:
- lath mounted directly on the outer wall of a private house.
- insulation, is placed into the resulting gap.
- Vapor-permeable film, and performs the function of waterproofing layer, which protects the walls from the wind.
- Decorative layer conferring facade presentable appearance and protecting itself and the outer wall structure from adverse external influences.

Facing the front of the house, which material is better-comparison of options
What material is the best depends on the financial capacity of the owners. Few can afford to buy an expensive option that can last for a long time.

If you have to perform facing facade of the house, which material is better, it is necessary to ask advice from the experts. Perhaps the following video will help make the right choice.
Combined finishing the facade of a private house
Due to the availability of a large number of options can be difficult to solve than decorate the facade of the house. In this case it is necessary to consider the combined solutions, each of which has its advantages. When choosing a suitable solution, it is necessary to give preference to those that have comparable characteristics.
Facade finishing options combined
First, let's consider the options that have already been implemented. Widespread combined exterior decoration plaster different types. It looks nice tree alternated with brick masonry. We offer to meet with the options exterior trim of the house. Photo solutions are located below.
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Review of prices on the facade materials for the exterior home decoration
Before any work is to determine the cost of the project. We offer to find out the average price of facade materials for exterior decoration of house:
Photo | Designation / characteristics | average price |
![]() | 63 Mistral / artificial stone | 720 rub. / Piece |
![]() | Exterior Panel Dolomite Rockvin / cinnamon, 3000 × 260 mm | 330 rub. / Piece |
![]() | Siding Grand Line Optima / ship board Pe | 370 rub / sq.m. |
![]() | Siding Grand / ekobrus Colority Print | 620 rub / sq.m. |
![]() | Feldhaus Klinker, Germany / Facade clinker tiles, 9 mm, R100, Perlaliso | 30 rub. / Piece |
![]() | Siding / imitation wood, ship board | 550 rub / sq.m. |
![]() | Cerrad Rust Country Wis / tile clinker | 750 rub / sq.m. |
![]() | Dorset Land / Tiles | 900 rub / sq.m. |
We are confident that the given review will help you decide what to sheathe the outside of the house is cheap and nice. Share in the comments made by the selection and method of attachment. Preferably with photos.