Sewing process includes weight complex operations. Sometimes even experienced craftsmen make mistakes, they have to unpick already sewn products. To the quality of things not damaged, it is necessary to know how to quickly and safely unpick the seams on the garment. There are several ways, and if you try, you can fully master the difficult and not very pleasant transaction. This will not be afraid to spoil the seam when working.

Errors stitching
In the sewing process can always be mistakes. Very often they can only remove the thrust line and re-stitched product.
This trouble may be due to:

- seamstress inaccuracies;
- malfunctioning of the machine.
In the latter case, before re-stitch seam, the sewing work is necessary to establish a mechanism, drawing attention to the following aspects:
- Tensioning of the upper and lower yarns.
- Pressing the retention feet.
- The correct position of parts, cut and so on.
All this will help to understand why the seam to obtain the curve or tightness. Only after troubleshooting you may continue.
Methods for removing yarns
The process of ripping incorrectly made joints are not too pleasant and sometimes annoying monotony, but without it you can not make beautiful and high-quality thing.
The most popular way of getting rid of wrongly laid lines is the use of a blade or razor. In Soviet times it was so ripped seams housewives, and sometimes even a professional seamstress.
Not to cut a sharp edge, one side covered with tape. But even in this case, the process remains complicated and traumatic. In addition, it does not always get to do the job neatly, without hurting warp. But some of the ladies and now prefer to use this method to get rid of the old line.

However, long ago invented a safer and more convenient tools used for these purposes. At present, the sewing shops you can purchase special accessoriesHelping unpick line machine quickly and easily. The simplest of these seam ripper. This inexpensive tool with a handle and two different levels, protected by a plastic nozzle ends connected in a single whole and sharp inside.
Enough to hook the long end of the thread to delete the lines and gently put pressure, it is easy to cut. It's simple and easy. In the case that the thread pitch to the material, the seam is processed in color or white chalk, which allows you to make stitches more visible.
Ripper can be small and large. Everyone can choose the product that is convenient for their work, but still There are several properties that need to always pay attention to:

- The strength of the material.
- A protective tip.
at work you must make sure that the tool is slid on a fabricWithout cutting it.
The easiest way to cut the engine line - it podporot inside out every fourth stitch, and then turn the fabric right side out and just pull uncut threads.
The second option is that each side podporot by two centimeters the joint and then carefully pull the end of the thread with small pliers for weaving beads. As a rule, it can easily and completely drawn.
If the hand is no such devices, you can use a pair of scissors for cutting tissue. It is best to take small items with sharp ends.
Professionals prefer to use snipper (tailor's cutters). They are suitable for cutting and ripping yarns made wrong lines. For the production of such devices uses a durable plastic or metal. The blade is inside and does not injure the hands, the handle comfortably fits in your hand, and the inner part and the ends are sharp, which is very important for the job. Tool larger than the seam ripper, you are not afraid of losing him. It is not difficult to work, even if little experience in tailoring. Once the suture is removed, it can be re-trained and continue to sew.