The secret way to sharpen your saw quickly

A well-sharpened toothed saw is not just a hand tool, it is practically a violin in the hands of a master. She does an excellent job, does not tear or crumple the edge, and the cut is clear and even. The secret is in good sharpening. But the constant use of the saw dulls the teeth and changes their setting. It is not so difficult to return your manual assistant to working condition; this can be done in literally half an hour with a simple tool.

Read in the article

  • 1 Three types of hand saws: what are the differences
  • 2 How can you sharpen a saw
  • 3 How easy it is to spread the saw teeth
  • 4 How to conveniently attach the saw for sharpening
  • 5 Hand saw sharpening process: how to do it right

Three types of hand saws: what are the differences

For those who did not know, we inform you: hand saws are divided into three types. Some of them are designed for cutting wood across the grain, others for working along, and there are universal saws that can cope with both tasks. It is the universal ones that are most common. And it is quite simple to determine the type of saw: the teeth of the cross-cut tool have the correct shape, for longitudinal - a strong bevel in one direction, universal have one face at a right angle, and the other - beveled. Cross-cutting is carried out in two directions, that is, the saw blade moves back and forth, with a longitudinal saw, the saw only works in one direction. Accordingly, when sharpening teeth, these nuances must be taken into account.

The secret way to sharpen your saw quickly
But the wiring is available for all types, that is, the teeth are alternately deflected in different directions, so that during operation a groove is formed in which the chips are removed

How can you sharpen a saw

Hand saws are made from corrosion-resistant alloy steel. This material perfectly retains its sharpening during constant use and does not lose it, even if the hacksaw is not used for a long time. The exception is some modern models, in which the edge is hardened, this cannot be diluted or sharpened without preliminary annealing.

For sharpening the saw, it is most convenient to use a diamond file or a file with a hardness index of 60-65 HRC
For sharpening the saw, it is most convenient to use a diamond file or a file with a hardness index of 60-65 HRC

With a certain skill, you can sharpen a saw and an electric sharpener with a circle up to 8 mm thick made of white stone on vulcanite with a grain of 120-140 and a diameter of 120-160 mm.

How easy it is to spread the saw teeth

Before starting sharpening, the teeth must be returned to the working position, that is, diluted. The easiest way to do this is with a regular hammer, nail or self-tapping screw and a softwood plank.

The blade is laid on the bar, and then you put the cap on the edge of the tooth and hit it with a hammer. So - through one tooth. Then the blade unfolds in a different plane and the other teeth are straightened accordinglyPHOTO:
The blade is laid on the bar, and then you put the cap on the edge of the tooth and hit it with a hammer. So - through one tooth. Then the blade unfolds in a different plane and the other teeth are straightened accordingly

The spreading must be done before sharpening, so that later not to damage the edge of the tooth and so that the setting is even, which is difficult to achieve later.

How to conveniently attach the saw for sharpening

To work with a file or a file, the hacksaw blade must be in a strictly vertical and firmly fixed position with the teeth up.

You can prepare two wooden planks, between which it is convenient to lay the sawPHOTO:
You can prepare two wooden planks, between which it is convenient to lay the saw
Clamped between the boards, the saw is fixed in the workbench with a clamp or other convenient clampPHOTO:
Clamped between the boards, the saw is fixed in the workbench with a clamp or other convenient clamp
You can also use such a holder, which has a powerful weight.PHOTO:
You can also use such a holder, which has a powerful weight.

Hand saw sharpening process: how to do it right

First of all, carefully inspect the saw and find the teeth least affected by the work to determine the sharpening angle. This can be done simply by attaching a metal ruler.

Sharpening is carried out on the teeth that face the edges towards you, and the movement of the file should be directed away from you. Two or three passes are enough to sharpen the edge. And in order for the sharpening to be uniform, the number of passes on each tooth must be the samePHOTO:
Sharpening is carried out on the teeth that face the edges towards you, and the movement of the file should be directed away from you. Two or three passes are enough to sharpen the edge. And in order for the sharpening to be uniform, the number of passes on each tooth must be the same
It is important that the edge is sharpened completely and not partially. The easiest way to achieve this is with a diamond file.PHOTO:
It is important that the edge is sharpened completely and not partially. The easiest way to achieve this is with a diamond file.
After sharpening, small burrs may remain, which can be removed by cleaning flat edges with fine sandpaper.PHOTO:
After sharpening, small burrs may remain, which can be removed by cleaning flat edges with fine sandpaper.

How to sharpen a saw with an abrasive wheel - in this short video:

How do you sharpen a saw? Do you have your own tools or sharpening secrets? Share your experience in the comments!
