If the building a house or bath it is necessary to make a direct propyl to a certain depth, help hand-held circular saw. Model selection depends on many factors and nuances of future exploitation. We offer to meet with the principle of operation of this power tool, its advantages, disadvantages, as well as popular models, deserves your attention.
Hand Circular Saw - loyal assistant when working with wood
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1 Application area
2 Design and function hand-held circular saws
3 Basic specifications
4 Advantages and disadvantages
5 Hand circular saw: the choice depends on the tool requirements
5.1 power
5.2 For speed
5.3 By supporting the sole structure
5.4 By adjusting the position of the disc
5.5 According to the depth of cut
5.6 According to the type of food
5.7 Advanced Features and capabilities
5.8 Ergonomics and quality of products
6 A trademark may say a lot about the quality: leading manufacturers
7 Rating popular models of hand-held circular saws
7.1 Hammer CRP 1300 D: Rating 5/5
7.2 Makita HS7601: Rating 5/5
7.3 ZUBR PZ-2000: Rating 5/5
Application area
Hand-held circular saw is used when performing construction work. She is also in demand in the home and in small workshops. The disc moves in the longitudinal or in the transverse direction in a straight line. Used for cutting wood in size boards, From a soft metal, plastics and slate. For concrete, brick and plaster the tool is not suitable.
Cut with a hand circular saw is always performed in a straight line
Design and function hand-held circular saws
The design of all the hand-held circular saw is very similar. They contain:
Housing. Is 1-2 with handles.
Protective cover, which provides secure the machine's environment.
Platform that provides the correct position of the disc at the cutting board.
Riving knife. With it, you can free up disk stuck in the wood.
The electric motor that transmits the rotational motion to the disk.
Protective cover hand-held circular saw blade to prevent injury to the hands
The operating principle of this blade is based on the transmission torque from the engine to the drive shaft. Last, rotating at high speed, allowing to cut off part of the wooden boards or some other material. Cutting is performed only in a straight line. Cutting along the arc is impossible.
Drive always moves in a straight line
Basic specifications
The possibility of hand-held circular saw blade depend on its technical parameters. These should include:
disk rotational speed;
power device;
circle diameter of the saw;
electric cable length or capacity of the battery, if the choice is made in favor of a mobile circular saw;
the direction and depth of cut.
Technical characteristics determine the possibility of hand-held circular saws
Advantages and disadvantages
The main advantages of the circular saw should include:
high efficiency because of the characteristic shape and arrangement of the tool drive along the edge of the cutting edge;
the possibility of using for cutting wood and other soft materials;
some models the battery, which increases the mobility device. The saw can be used as the electrified objects and away from sockets;
high performance device;
forming a smooth line of cut;
use to cut the motor, not the operator's muscular strength;
built-in elements that help protect your hands from accidental injury.
Formed a straight line cut
The disadvantage is:
volatility. Batteries need constant recharging;
figure impossibility of forming cut;
large weight models with broad functionality that inconvenience in the operation;
great value compared to classic chainsaw.
Without power saw will not work
Hand circular saw: the choice depends on the tool requirements
Choose the right model is quite difficult. Not to be mistaken with the purchase, we offer to focus on a number of criteria, deserve attention. They will allow to select the manual saw circulation, ability to cope with the tasks.
Make the choice can be very difficult
Perhaps this is the most fundamental characteristic that determines the speed of rotation of the disk and the allowable depth of cut. In low-power models this option is about 0.8 kW. This tool is suitable to carry out repair work in the country and at home. Usually it is used from time to time.
The average class capacity reaches 1.2 kW. It can be used for continuous operation. More expensive low-power analogue, but by making a choice in his favor, you can perform various kinds of work in the process of building a house, arbours or any other object.
More powerful devices are professional. Products are heavy and are available stationary. Allow the installation of large-diameter disks. Allow to make deep enough propyl. But because of the cost, in the home is almost not used.
Power - one of the main criteria for choosing hand-held circular saws
For speed
Frequency affects the quality of the cut, the precision and the ability to handle a particular material. The larger the figure, the above mentioned parameters. If you plan on processing the solid molded article, pick a manual circular saw with the greatest speed. However, if the planned processing plastic or other material with a low melting point, it is better to choose a model with a minimum of turns. Significant warming at the point of contact and disk products will lead to the melting of the latter.
disk rotation speed determines the precision machining
By supporting the sole structure
Of the supporting sole affect the functionality and reliability of the instrument. Are stamped and cast milled. Last made of aluminum alloy. Have less weight. Formed from stamped sheet steel. They have greater rigidity. Retain the geometry at random bumps and dips. Detachable abutment portion provides a front longitudinal cutting lumber. Preferably its fixation in two places and the presence of the millimeter scale.
The support base defines usability hand-held circular saws
By adjusting the position of the disc
Opportunity to drive tilting significantly expands the functionality of manual circulation drank. Cutting may be performed obliquely. The angle varies in the range of 30-55º. With this feature the device capabilities expand considerably, and the cutting quality is improved.
Rotatable disc expands the functional hand-held circular saws
According to the depth of cut
The depth of cut depends on the selected diameter of the disc. When choosing should focus on a maximum thickness of material being cut. There is a division between the main sizes. For everyday needs enough of 40-45 mm. Semi-professional models allow to perform propyl 50-55 mm. Professional - cut material 60-70 mm thick.
Attention! Some models allow you to adjust the depth of cut.
The thickness of the cut depends on the diameter of the disc
According to the type of food
Current models are able to operate on AC or battery. The latter option makes the manual circulation saw more mobile. The works can be carried out at a considerable distance from sockets. However, such devices have greater weight and limited battery life.
The duration of operation of the device is limited
If you want continuous operation, the tool is preferably operated network. He will be able to function for a long time. However, in the process there may be some difficulties due to the limited length of the cord.
Andrew Feofanov
recruitment specialist tool "VseInstrumenty.ru"
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«If the choice is made in favor of a model that works on the network, choose a saw, can be combined with a string of at least 3 meters long. Buying a mobile power tool, select a device with a more capacious battery. "
cord length must be sufficient
Advanced Features and capabilities
Besides the main elements, hand circular plate equipped with additional. They allow you to extend the functionality of the device and increase the safety of operation. The most popular is attributed:
Dipping into the material. With this feature it does not start with the cut edge of the fabric, and from any location.
connection cleaner. A useful feature. Especially when working indoors. It allows to collect sawdust immediately after their occurrence. Improves visibility place cutting, makes the air cleaner.
Start interlock. Prevents accidental start-up tool. To switch to a working state, press the two buttons simultaneously.
Smooth start. Drive slowly gaining maximum speed. This mode of operation increases the service life.
Laser pointer. With this feature the manual circular saw can be operated without guide rail. However, for beginners to use this option is quite difficult.
Laser pointer helps to work with a hand-held circular saw
Ergonomics and quality of products
The ergonomics of the tool determines the ease of operation. It depends on the personal preferences of the master. Heavy tool is quite difficult to hold in their hands. They are difficult to manage. The hand gets tired easily, and therefore require frequent breaks, which reduces performance.
Tip! Pay attention to the handles covered with special rubber. The coating helps to prevent slippage of the tool.
Handle hand-held circular saws should be comfortable
product quality should be given special attention. Must be free of backlash and irregularities. All the elements must be made of high quality material and securely fixed.
A trademark may say a lot about the quality: leading manufacturers
With the availability of the products of many manufacturers to choose it is very difficult. If you decide to become the owner of high-quality tools, we advise to pay attention to the production:
«HAMMER». In the catalog of the German manufacturer presented high-quality hand-held and table saws at an affordable price. They are ideal for beginners to masters;
«BOSH». The brand has long become synonymous with quality;
«MAKITA». Products that are valued end users and professionals. Excellent quality. Long service life in compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Using a light construction but strong material allowed the manufacturer to increase the convenience of use of a tool;
«SKIL». Pursuing a long time the issue of quality hand tools, the manufacturer was able to make its own brand rather successful and reliable;
«PREMIUM». Saw power tools this manufacturer allows extended operation under high load. Manual models on the parameters are identical to expensive professional equipment;
"Zubr". Products under the domestic brand is going not only in Russia, but also in China. It is available models. Good build quality.
Quality hand-held circular saws BOSH is not in doubt
Rating popular models of hand-held circular saws
With a large assortment of hand tools, to make a choice in favor of a particular circular saw it can be difficult. We offer to meet the models very popular with consumers. Members gave them a high enough score.
Hammer CRP 1300 D: Rating 5/5
The modern model, copes well with the load. It has a capacity of 1.3 kW. Completed disc 160 mm in diameter. Propyl provides 55 mm. It allows to change the inclination angle to 45º. It weighs 4.4 kg.
quality assembly;
smooth ride;
connecting a vacuum cleaner;
Feedback on the manual circular saw Hammer CRP 1300 D:
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—diskovaia-pila-hammer-crp-1300-d/1732136407/reviews? track = tabs & lr = 213
Circular saw Hammer CRP D 1300
Makita HS7601: Rating 5/5
Hand model with a power of 1.2 kW. Completed disc 190 mm in diameter. It provides propyl 66 mm. rotational speed 5200 rev / min. Weighing 4 kg.
connecting a vacuum cleaner;
durable outsole;
sufficient power;
quality assembly.
short cord (2.5 m);
No markings to determine the depth of cut in the presence of adjustment.
Feedback on the manual circular saw Makita HS7601:
More on Irecommend: https://irecommend.ru/content/nezamenimaya-pomoshchnitsa-dlya-umelykh-ruk-ruchnaya-diskovaya-pila-makita-hs7601
Circular saw Makita HS7601
ZUBR PZ-2000: Rating 5/5
Ergonomic powerful model. Allows sawn boards 70 mm in thickness. Disk rotational speed 4500 rev / min. The angle of inclination of 45º.
smooth ride;
high power (2 kW);
forming a smooth line of cut;
ease of use.
the complexity of the disc replacement;
dependence on the voltage on the network;
low quality electronics.
Feedback on the manual circular saw ZUBR PZ-2000:
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—diskovaia-pila-zubr-zpd-2000/4521066/reviews? track = tabs & lr = 213
Circular saw ZUBR PZ-2000
Tell us in the comments about his choice. How do you use a hand-held circular saw?