By choosing flooring, pay attention to the main characteristics: durability, strength and ease of installation. In addition, choose a product based on its external characteristics - even budget models can look beautiful. In today's review, the House Chief editors will tell you what types of budget flooring exist and how to properly install.
Read in the article
- 1 PVC linoleum
- 2 Laminate for kitchen
- 3 Carpet for kitchen
- 4 Ceramic tile
- 5 Finally
PVC linoleum
One of the most affordable and affordable flooring options - PVC linoleum. It is a durable roll cover made with a rubber base. Linoleum is often used due to its very low price, while it has good characteristics, including visual ones. On sale you can find different models of linoleum and choose the right color.

There are three types of linoleum:
- commercial;
- domestic;
- semi-commercial.
If your home does not have heavy furniture and you do not invite crowds of guests to your house, then ordinary household linoleum perfect for the kitchen. If you know that the load on the flooring will be too great, it is best to purchase semi-commercial linoleum.
From the point of view of design, there are no problems when choosing linoleum - it perfectly imitates parquet and other types of flooring. Choose the option that fits into your interior.
In order for linoleum to last more than one year, prepare the floors in advance - it is best to level the coating and pour concrete or lay out the floor ordinary plywood. Make sure that there are no nicks or nails in the floor so as not to spoil the linoleum.
Try to carefully install the kitchen set, and stick felt pads on the legs of the table and chairs - this way you can preserve the beautiful look of linoleum for many years. This material is unpretentious in maintenance, it is enough just to carry out wet cleaning and make sure that hot liquids did not get on the floor, which can dissolve the top layer and leave indelible spot.
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Laminate for kitchen
Contrary to popular belief, laminate, like other types of flooring, can also be used in the kitchen. Laminate Are panels made of fiberboard (fibreboard), which have a stabilizing lining on the bottom and a paper layer. The boards are additionally covered with a protective film and resin and pressed, after which they become resistant to almost all types of influences. Laminate is a budget option, since it only imitates the pattern of parquet, but is made from cheaper and more affordable materials.

You will be able to install laminate flooring even if you have never done it before. The main advantage of this coating is that you do not need to prepare the floors, fill them with concrete or align, just make sure there are no sharp nails sticking out of the floor and you can start styling.
Keep in mind that, despite its durability and strength, the laminate is afraid of moisture, therefore, when laying this material in the kitchen, use an additional covering in the "wet areas" - lay a rug, For example.
Advantages of laminate flooring: ease of maintenance, environmental friendliness of the material and resistance to decay and accumulation of bacteria. In addition, many flooring designs can be found on sale - for every taste and style.
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Carpet for kitchen
Carpet is most often used as a covering for the bedroom and living room, but you can lay it in the kitchen area. To make the coating last as long as possible, try to highlight the "wet" area near shells and slabs and put tiles in this area, and lay carpet on the entire remaining area, separating it from the tiles with skirting boards.

Carpet is inexpensive and sold in rolls. The main advantage of this coating is that it hides all the flaws and is suitable even for areas with an uneven surface. To make installation easy, you can purchase carpet in tiles, not in rolls.
After you lay the carpet, it must be carefully looked after. Clean the coating as often as possible using vacuum cleanerand use a cleanser to remove grease once a month. All pieces of food and crumbs will get stuck in the pile, so they must be cleaned using not only a vacuum cleaner, but also a special brush.
Before choosing a carpet, study all types of this covering:
- woven - is made only from natural materials such as jute mesh and woolen, silk or linen threads;
- needle-punched - in appearance it resembles felt, it is a lint-free type of carpet;
- tufted - a solid foundation is created through which the pile is removed;
- flocked - made only from synthetic materials.
Many experts and designers believe that needlepunched carpet is the best option for kitchens because it absorbs less dirt and is easy to clean.
Despite the fact that other types of coatings are most often used for the kitchen, the advantages of carpet are unambiguous there is, for example, this material does not become wet after water gets on it, which means that it cannot slip.
In addition, the carpet is perfect for a kitchen in which there are always cold floors or a high level of noise - soft material drowns out sounds and does not let air flow.
Ceramic tile
For wet and dirty areas such as hallways and kitchens, ceramic tile might be the best solution. The tile is made of moisture resistant material and is not resistant to the appearance of mold. You can also lay a heating system under the tiles and get warm floor. However, in order to save money, it is enough just to lay the tiles in the kitchen, having previously leveled the floors.

The main advantage of tiles is the huge variety of textures, patterns and designs. You can choose tiles for the kitchen in any style, use plain models or with an unusual pattern. However, always keep a few in stock when buying tiles, as if you drop a pot or plate on the floor, the tiles are more likely to crack.
You can choose a more expensive option - porcelain stoneware tiles, but if you are not ready to overpay, use ordinary tiles, taking into account some of the nuances. Try to create additional protection in the area near the stove and sink - so your tile will last more than one decade.
Before purchasing ceramic tiles for the kitchen, keep in mind that this is a very cold material, and if you prefer to walk around the house barefoot, then you will have to purchase slippers for the kitchen or rugs. In addition, the tile has low sound insulation properties, if your apartment has an increased noise level, give preference to other options. If all these nuances are not essential, then you can save a lot if you buy the simplest, plain tile in a hardware store.
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Whichever option you choose, you need to take care of creating an additional insulating layer, since the kitchen in any home is not only a wet area, but also a dirty area. Even the tidiest housewife can drop crumbs or a piece of raw chicken on the floor, causing marks to appear on the carpet. If you are not ready to call the cleaning service from time to time or take the coating to the dry cleaner, then choose washable options - laminate or tile.
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