- You will need:
- How to assemble a telescope at home - the order of manufacturing the lens:
- We make the eyepiece
This article is devoted to people who are keen on astronomy. Many quite unfairly consider the telescope to be an excessively complex instrument. There is nothing difficult in its operation, believe me! You will learn how to assemble a telescope, spending only a few hours on it. The range of increase from a self-made device is 30-100 times. So, how to make a telescope with your own hands at home?
to the contents ↑You will need:
- Whatman paper.
- Paint( it can be replaced with ink).
- Adhesive.
- Two
How to assemble a telescope at home - the lens manufacturing procedure:
- Fold a sheet of a paper in a 65-centimeter tube. The diameter of the pipe is slightly larger than the diameter of the magnifying glass.
Important! If you apply glasses for making an astronomical device from glasses, the diameter of the folded sheet will not be more than 60 mm.
- Paint the inside of the sheet in black.
- Secure the paper with adhesive.
- Using a jagged cardboard, fix the magnifying glass in the inside of the paper tube.
We make the eyepiece
The eyepiece of the astronomical device can perfectly serve glass from binoculars. To assemble the telescope with your own hands:
- Take care that the lens is firmly seated inside the tube.
- Now, using jagged cardboard, connect the smaller tube to a larger diameter pipe.
Important! The device for observing celestial bodies, in principle, is ready. However, it has one minus: the image of objects is turned upside down.
- To fix the situation, add one more 4-centimeter lens to the eyepiece tube. Iridescent coloring, or diffraction, can be removed by setting the diaphragm in place of the focus. The image loses a bit in brightness, but the "rainbow" disappears.
Naturally, the question arises, how to assemble a telescope with a 100-fold increase. This is a more serious device in which the moon is seen literally as in the palm of your hand. You can consider using this device Mars and Venus, which will seem like small peas.
You can achieve a 100-fold increase by applying 0.5-dioptric lenses more than with a 30x magnification. The length of the pipe is 2.0 m.
Important! To prevent the two-meter tube from bending under the weight of the magnifying glass, special wooden supports are used.
As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the construction of the device that every self-respecting astronomer has. Therefore, you will definitely cope with the task and you will be able to assemble such a system yourself.