Recently, a new heating period has begun in Russia - hot water has spread through radiatorsfilling the air in apartments with warmth that is so necessary in winter. Yes, in living rooms and kitchens, the presence of batteries is commonplace, but with a bathroom and a bathroom, everything is much more complicated. The bottom line is that installing a full-fledged block of sections will "steal" a lot of free space, and using stationary electric convection heaters impractical due to constant contact with water. There is one truly versatile and effective solution to this problem, and its name is the stainless steel heated towel rail. Its "younger" version, included in the heating system, can sometimes be found in old apartment buildings, but it has a number of disadvantages, the main one of which is corrosion of metal. Why is the hero of our review better than other options, how to rationally choose and install it - answers to these questions will be provided today by the HouseChief editorial staff in its new article. Stay with us for the next few minutes if you care about your health and comfort!
Read in the article
1 Design and operational features of stainless steel heated towel rails
2 Types of products - what forms does a water heated towel rail take
2.1 U-shaped model
2.2 M-shaped model
2.3 Snake-shaped
2.4 In the form of a staircase
2.5 Exclusive and constructively complex models
3 How to choose a stainless steel heated towel rail - the most important characteristics
3.1 Metal thickness and type of coating
3.2 Dimensions of the heated room
3.3 Hot water source
3.4 System connection type
3.5 Availability of additional options
4 Rating of the best manufacturers of stainless steel water heated towel rails
5 Features of installing water heated towel rails in the bathroom
6 Conclusion
Design and operational features of stainless steel heated towel rails
Before you start choosing the most worthy sample, you should decide on the appearance of the product and its basic functions. From a structural point of view, the heating element is a steel pipe with an unusual "curved" shape. During operation, hot water passes through the apparatus, heating the steel walls. Thanks to convection (as in central heating batteries), the room becomes warmer.
The effect lasts as long as the liquid in the pipe has the required temperature and is continuously renewed PHOTO:
In addition, due to its specific shape, the device allows you to dry damp clothes or towels on its surface. But this function, in spite of the fact that it is in the name of the product itself, is more of an applied nature.
Due to the compact size, which necessitates the unwrapping of the fabric, you are unlikely to be able to dry more than two to three towels at a time. PHOTO: islamsvar.dkThe heated towel rail has not only a functional, but also a decorative function in the interior of your home PHOTO:
Types of products - what forms does a water heated towel rail take
As we said earlier, heat-conducting elements made of stainless steel acquire a certain appearance during the production process. Each design is good and convenient in its own way, but first, let's see what types are most common on the domestic market.
It is difficult to call any type of product ideal - each has its own unique characteristics PHOTO:
U-shaped model
The most compact and cheapest option of all. Despite the economy in all respects, such a solution is beneficial only in exceptional cases - the small size imposes too many restrictions on the owner.
Even the most elongated versions of the appliance can hardly cope with heating the bathroom PHOTO:
M-shaped model
A more advanced and efficient piece of apparatus. Due to the larger device, it is increased as heating efficiencyand the ability to place more towels and other linen. It is one of the most common and advantageous offers in modern conditions.
A similar design was used in all older equipment installed in multi-storey buildings. PHOTO:
If the previous options were standard, then the serpentine appearance is an atypical, but very functional example of a water heated towel rail. This is due to the large number of "sections" that not only heat the air more efficiently, but are also able to accommodate a lot of wet clothes.
From the point of view of practicality, such water heated towel rails are best suited for large families. PHOTO:
In the form of a staircase
The most convenient and pleasant type of construction in all respects. There are many reasons for this:
stylish look that will fit to any bathroom or a bathroom;
one device will be enough to heat even a large combined room;
comfortable straight edges from which the fabric will not slip.
In some cases, such devices are chosen even for living rooms or a corridor: it is unlikely that an additional hanger will interfere with anyone. PHOTO:
Note! Ladder models are especially worth highlighting, equipped with a special shelf at the top or bottom of the device. They are much more expensive and require a secure fit. However, in exchange for this, you will receive a unique device with the broadest possibilities for insulation and storage.
Exclusive and constructively complex models
Zigzag, ring, curly, combining various elements - from abundance all kinds of offers from manufacturers in this segment, any buyer will have eyes different sides. But do not forget that such delights are not suitable for any interior, and the functionality may be inferior to simpler models.
The variety is limited only by the imagination of the designer and the paying capacity of the homeowner PHOTO:
How to choose a stainless steel heated towel rail - the most important characteristics
Having decided on the geometric shape most suitable for your needs, you can continue to further select the optimal equipment. For this it is worth investigating a number of important criteria. This is what we are going to do now.
Before you believe the words of the consultant in the store, carefully read the materials of our article. This will help save your money and time. PHOTO:
Metal thickness and type of coating
Stainless steel - the material is quite durable due to its high resistance to corrosion. However, even it is gradually deteriorating. This happens especially quickly under dynamic loads (pressure surges, etc.). To avoid unpleasant situations, it is necessary to choose radiators with a wall thickness of at least 3 mm. It is also worth considering the availability of coverage. Plain polished or chromed steel would be the best option.
Even the best quality paint will eventually dry out and lag behind the radiator PHOTO: crane-and-pipe.rf
Dimensions of the heated room
This is a fairly simple and logical point. The larger your bathroom, the larger the device itself should be. On the contrary, for compact rooms a large water heated towel rail will be simply irrational - high air humidity and stuffiness also does not add health to a person.
If the proposed heating unit is too compact, purchase two or more identical products and connect them to the system PHOTO:
Hot water source
Since the devices we are considering work only thanks to the inflow of hot water, its source should also be given attention. Today, two options can be distinguished:
Water supply type
Heating system PHOTO:
Higher heating temperature
Depending on the heating season, due to stagnant water, corrosion may accelerate
Hot water system PHOTO:
Constant availability of the required amount of coolant
The need to constantly turn on the tap to circulate the liquid
Helpful information! In cases where there are interruptions in the supply of hot water, the best solution would be to purchase an electric heated towel rail. Yes, it is quite expensive in terms of energy resources and requires additional protection from contact with moisture. But you will always be in a warm and comfortable environment.
System connection type
Having chosen the source of supply of the coolant, it is worth considering in advance the method by which the water heated towel rail will be connected to the general system. There are many ways to do this, but each of them is applicable only in certain cases:
Connection type
Availability of additional options
Last but not least, it is necessary to take into account the presence of various "bonuses" that improve your life, and the maintenance of a water heated towel rail. Among them, the presence of movable elements, as well as the previously mentioned shelves or hooks on the side faces, can be distinguished. The expediency of their presence is solely your choice.
Movable modification allows towels to be dried in all directions PHOTO:
Rating of the best manufacturers of stainless steel water heated towel rails
When all the technical parameters have been studied, the appropriate conclusions have been drawn and an "action plan" has been drawn up, there is only one thing left - to purchase a suitable sample of equipment. If you feel confident enough, you can independently study the market for such products. But if you still have any doubts, then we suggest studying our small Top manufacturers and the most successful examples of their products.
Manufacturer / Brand Country
Popular item
HouseChief editorial score, points
Sunerzha / Russia
Sunerzha M-shaped 2P 500 × 500
water heated towel rail Sunerzha M-shaped 2P 500 × 500
Energy / UK (representative offices in China, Russia, France)
Energy Modern 600 × 700
water heated towel rail Energy Modern 600 × 700
Style / Russia
Style Minor 00602 500 × 1000
hot water heated towel rail Minor Style 00602 500 × 1000
Tera / Russia
Tera Foxtrot PM 500 × 600
water heated towel rail Tera Foxtrot PM 500 × 600
Terminus / Russia
Terminus Foxtrot 320 × 500
hot water heated towel rail Terminus Foxtrot 320 × 500
hot water heated towel rail Terminus Foxtrot 320 × 500
Review of water heated towel rails Terminus Foxtrot 320 × 500:
More on iRecommend:
Features of installing water heated towel rails in the bathroom
Finally, it is worth mentioning the installation of the hero of our review in the conditions of an apartment or a private house. As we discussed earlier, there are at least six known methods for mounting a device. To cover them in detail, one article is clearly not enough, so let's look at the basics. Since visual demonstration is much more effective than words, we have selected videos from the Internet for you. Watch it - and many questions will be cleared up!
So our small article about the huge world of water heated towel rails has come to an end. Every day their assortment increases, prices become more and more loyal, and manufacturers regularly improve quality. We hope that after reading the information from the HouseChief editors, your bathroom will be filled with warmth and comfort, and towels and linen will instantly dry on a useful appliance. Share in the comments your opinion, interesting experience in the selection and installation of devices - we are very interested in your opinion on this issue.
And for today we say goodbye and wish you a successful renovation. Until next time!