In every house there are a few very dirty towns that want to ignore. Sometimes they do not pay attention even chistyuli that make daily wet cleaning.
With a few simple tips can make your DPI perfectly clean!

Air vents collect a lot of dirt and dust. How do I clean them? Take an ordinary knife and a soft cloth. Moisten it with detergent, fabric winding on the knife. With this simple device can easily clear all the ventilation slits.

Another dirtiest place in the house - the corners of the shower. To put them in order, use a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda. After applying improvised means leave for 10 minutes. Particularly "difficult" places need to rub. Voila! All is clear!

Keyboard is difficult to clean. Help tape that leaves no traces. It would be the best one that is on small pieces of paper for notes.

How to Clean a very narrow surface? Take a cardboard sleeve, pull on the vacuum cleaner. Form bushing tip to the size of hard-surface. Just vacuuming.

Do not forget to vacuum the refrigerator condenser. It regularly collects dust. Moreover, in large quantities.

One of the dirtiest places home - a mixer. If you make it a rule to clean this place on a regular basis, you will forget about the raid, dirt and bacteria. Take the toothbrush, put on it a little ash - wipe.

Upholstery also requires monthly cleaning: it accumulates a large amount of dust. Each month the tissue to be treated with soda, then vacuuming it with the utmost care.

Shower curtain - a place of accumulation of mold and bacteria. This thing should be washed every 2 weeks in a washing machine. To prevent damage to the thing, use a bag of laundry.

Take the kitchen tongs, microfiber and a soap solution. This is - a simple and effective way to clean blinds.

To wash the oven from scale and fat, use baking soda and vinegar. Newest need to rub the inner surface of the oven, then sprinkle baking soda surface. Leave the agent for 15 minutes, remove residues with a damp sponge.

Stoke sink - another very dirty surface, for which you do not want to undertake. But... it is necessary, and it is worth it. We must somehow get rid of the odor. Remove any dirt will an old toothbrush and soapy water. After that, feel free to send it in the trash.