heating systems, which are equipped with our apartments and houses are distinguished not only by its workability and efficiency, but also reliability. The degree of reliability of the heating system depends on numerous factors, among which the last place takes the practicality and functionality of the heating equipment, included with your home heating. Radiant floor heating systems are used among the considered the most reliable. Thanks to the technology and design of this heating circuit is very easy to operate. In terms of service, running water floor does not require special attention and special efforts.

Despite high performance "Heated floor" heating systems can produce failures. Often, during the heating season, we wonder why the floor in our house does not heat, broken floor heating or accident is caused by a different kind of reasons. To understand the nature of the problem can be either independently or by inviting experts to examine your heating system - heating engineers.
If you have an idea of how to construct your heating system, you can try to solve the problem. You are not running a warm floor - which means at some point during the installation was a mistake, or one of the elements of the system is out of order. Let us find together a way out of this situation.
Relationship with the device underfloor
In order to be aware of the possible reasons, because of which your home heating system works intermittently or not at all functions, you need to know the principle of operation of the heating system and the way in which the main operating parts and elements design. If your water is bad floor heats, not matching the specified parameters, the main reasons are obvious. The whole point of technical shortcomings committed during the laying of the water floor. Usually it is a violation of installation technology or improper consumables and accessories.

The specifics of equipment installation is how well laid water circuit and competently carried out the connection pipe to the heating system. Lack of proper hydraulic calculations, incorrect setting of the mixing unit leads to the fact that the heating floor coolant begins to flow in the conduit intermittently or its temperature is substantially lower than is required.

Evaluating the entire structure can concentrate on the following structural components of the heating system. Underfloor heating is most often not warm for the following reasons:
- faulty thermostat and temperature control sensor;
- faulty balancing valve;
- ceased to operate the circulation pump;
- Consignment thermostat has broken fuse;
- have failed drives input collector tubes;
- disrupted the integrity of the water circuit;
- problem with the bypass.
Each of these elements may be damaged, making your floor heating is not functional.
On a note: servo breakage, temperature control sensors likely failure of the thermostat. The situation is similar in the balancing valve. The failed valve is not able to provide normal mix with the cooled water to the hot coolant. Accordingly, the water temperature in the water circuit for heating will be insufficient.
It can be a long list of the likely failure of individual elements of the heating system. In each case it is necessary to look for the immediate cause, because of which the floor heating is not turned on or is malfunctioning.
Let us consider separately the most common types of damage to the floor heating.
Paul warm enough. Mala coolant temperature
Typical and common problem, which is forced to face the owners of city apartments and private homes, lamenting the poor performance of floor heating - uneven heating. In normal operation, the water circuit must be fully and uniformly heat the concrete floor or floor covering, creating the necessary conditions for housing heating.
In this case the problem is the uneven flow of the coolant water loop. Because the conduits may be of different dyne because equal flow rate of the coolant, the degree of heating of each tube is different. Usually exhibited electric levels to the desired position before starting in the collector cabinet.

For reference: The actuators are connected with a control unit which in turn is connected to the outdoor thermostat. Applicants to electric signal from the thermostat actuates rods, through which the coolant is carried out adjusting the flow rate in each tube.
Before starting the system initially exhibited optimal parameters calculated for each loop. By measuring the temperature of the coolant in each water circuit, electric drives are set to the appropriate position. Consequently, changing the heating temperature of coolant in the system, and changing the degree of heating water circuit.
The yield in this situation is as follows. Looking water circuit in which the coolant is cold water floor in accordance with the set temperature, then manually increase the flow of boiler water.
Damage water loop
Pressure drops in the system can lead to rupture of the pipeline. Leakage in this case is the most unpleasant factor, which is necessary to eliminate urgently. Negligible water wire depressurization causes attenuation coolant flow rate. Accordingly floor warms enough uniformly. Screed may soon collapse. Determine the location of the leak can be a variety of ways. On the most basic versions, using the means at hand, there is plenty of information material. The quickest and easiest way in this case - to take advantage of the thermal imager. This device accurately determine the location of damage water pipe.

On a note: your floor does not work, then the water circuit insufficient coolant. What would begin to eliminate the leak, you must shut off the coolant through the manifold. After the return pipe is carried draining water from the water circuit.
Elimination of leakage depends on the technology used pipes.
For example: the installation of the water circuit of the cross-linked polyethylene pipes - the most common and affordable option of laying a water floor. However, for the low cost of consumables sometimes have to pay during the operation. At the slightest mechanical damage to pipe loses its integrity. Solve the problem by installing the fitting. Place of installation of the fitting must be noted on the plan diagram or in the installation location of the collector enclosure.

After mounting the fitting edges are crimped. If you include the supply of the coolant after the repair work, should wait two or three days, which would ensure the connection is secure. Only then restore the integrity of the screed and floor inlaid design.
Variant using PVC pipes seems preferable. These consumables have the necessary strength. However, if not handled with construction tools during the construction and repair work can easily cause damage to the water circuit. The liquidation of the accident is carried out in a similar scenario. First dismantling of the old ties. Further replacement of the affected portion is carried out on a fragment of the tube. Work is carried out by means of a soldering iron and repair joint.

The new pouring concrete screed is performed only after checking for leaks.
Malfunction of the electrical
The last important point that should be considered when the problems with underfloor heating, a failure of the electrical equipment. These include all devices and assemblies that have electrical power. The main element in this group is a circulating pump, a thermostat standing at node mixing equipment. The devices can be damaged due to the absence of voltage in the mains.
Determine the defective pump or not, can be characteristic sound work, which generates the operating unit. Identify problems with the thermostat as follows:
- with proper operation of the device is clearly visible stem turning moment. When breakage does not occur the process;
- repair the thermostat is not necessary. It is better to buy a new device, which will provide a further reliable operation of the entire heating system.
Examining the main problem points, due to which the floor heating may not work, it is noted several common factors that influence the efficiency of the heating circuit.
The probable cause of poor heating water circuit may become insufficient heating capacity apparatus or a large number of radiators which remove large quantities of heat transfer medium system.
The system can normally be involved, but after a certain time to stop warming. This often happens because of the presence of air in the conduit tube. If venting situation has not improved, the problem with the installation of waterproofing. Almost in every case you are able to identify the cause of the lack of effective operation of floor heating. Competent calculations and technology compliance during installation, you can avoid such situations in the future.
Clutter living space, the presence on the floor carpets and much furniture considerably reduces heat underfloor heating. Connecting the water circuit in the central heating system through a battery, can be said to the deterioration of the quality of space heating, both through the radiators, and by means of a warm floor.