Getting to the idea of creating an efficient heating system in a building, it is important to define the goals and objectives that will decide how much heating equipment and are suitable for this situation or that supplies materials.
Recently, a tendency of transition from traditional radiator heating to the floor heating equipment. This method of heating, as the statistics show, and the practical application, is much more effective from all existing heating options. The heating water circuit, into the laid concrete screed or wooden structure, is carried out by circulation of coolant. Warm water supply can be performed by operating the auxiliary boiler or using centralized supply of coolant. The basis construction are water pipes that are used for basic operation of the warm water floor. From that of any pipe made of the heating circuit depends not only on the efficiency of domestic heating systems, but also the comfort and safety of inhabitants of the house. What materials are needed for the installation of floor heating? What material can be heating system piping system and how to calculate the required amount of pipes for the project.

These questions will try to find answers that will help you successfully cope with the task.
How principled right choice pipes for underfloor heating
Water heating system when the channels through which circulates a coolant, are stacked on the floor and it circulates warm water, at first glance, simple and clear. Another thing, how to implement the pipeline assembly to the prepared surface, correctly put loop water circuit, provide a strong connection pipes and respectively carry connection lines ready to dispense equipment. This raises a lot of questions to which the answers must be sought and, accordingly, to make competent engineering solutions.
On the floor heating in the home can be assigned different tasks. Some prefer to use such an option heating in restricted areas of premises. Others have set ambitious goals underfloor heating - heating throughout the living area of the object. Pipe for floor heating in this case plays hardly probable not the decisive role. The quality of the pipe, its strength and reliability are essential conditions effective operation of the heating system, especially when it comes to long length water circuits.

At present the market of supplies for heating systems is quite diverse. In the trading network can see the supplies specifically designed for installation into the floor, characterized by the manufacturing method and composition. At first glance, only the cost of materials can be decisive in terms of choice, but in fact, to the question of the choice of water line should be treated carefully. There are a number of criteria by which to choose consumables for the heating circuits of the heating floors. "
Among the most important criteria, we should note the following aspects:
- water channel section should not exceed 16 mm, given the thickness of the screed;
- All supplies should be labeled appropriately designed for use in low-temperature heating systems;
- ability to withstand considerable variations pipe coolant operating pressure in the system;
- Process material resistance to high temperatures;
- pipeline resistance to mechanical stress and reaction of material on heating;
- ease of use, including the implementation of current and emergency repairs.
Important! When buying a pipe, pay attention to the name of the company, the company - the manufacturer. Well-known brand will be your guarantee of quality consumables, the reliability of the heating system.
In most cases today prefers to work with plastic and plastic pipes, which are based on crosslinked polyethylene. Such materials have been tested in practice and serve as the basic elements of pipelines of heating systems for several years and in a variety of settings.

If desired, and financial capabilities can make a bet on the copper pipe, but in this case the heated floor for you to become the gold, literally. Heated floor, wherein the pipe is a main operating member may have different lengths. Making floor heating throughout the house using expensive consumables, thankless task. Copper pipes are suitable for installation of the water circuit in the bathroom or in the kitchen. Use copper lines for other purposes - a waste of money.
Each kind of main water circuits used in the heating systems of heating floors, has its processability. Accordingly, the conduits in such a situation have different technical parameters and different installation conditions.
For reference: in practical terms most commonly used plastic products. Up to 90% of all water plants floors made from polymeric materials. The reason for such popularity and prevalence is that the consumable is affordable and easy to use from a practical point of view.
What are the options when choosing the optimal consumables for underfloor heating? We will understand more
The first option - use copper pipes
In this case, dwell on this option is not necessary. We have already written about the fact that copper for underfloor heating - an expensive pleasure. There is taken into account not only the cost of consumables, but also the complexity of the whole heating installation. Laying of pipes made of copper is carried out using special equipment and in compliance with certain technology, so do yourself a heating option will fail. Despite the high cost of copper pipes, and costs associated with installation, such products have a high technological characteristics. Copper conducts heat well, and are highly resistant to corrosion.

Option Two - metal pipe
In contrast to the copper pipes, a good and convenient option for underfloor heating will be the use of metal-plastic water circuits. This material is quite common today, and have a significant presence.
For reference: Metal pipes have high efficiency and long lasting. Having the inside layer of aluminum foil, plastic tubes have a relatively high thermal conductivity. Due to the inner and outer layers of polymers, the products have the necessary strength and good resistance to corrosive processes.
The cost of such consumables is considered acceptable, so many consumers stake on metal and plastic. The choice of a material made of metal, made of copper, or of plastics made pipe used for your floor heating, which is better and which is worse for you. All options have the right to sell and nothing drastic, except the price, do not differ. A very important point to which you should pay attention to are the following:
- Metal pipes can withstand hydrodynamic, thermodynamic and mechanical stress;
- consumable convenient in mounting and in the further service;
- products have significant lifespan.
To date, the company - manufacturers mainly produce five-layer composition pipe, in which the three layers are the main, and two adhesive, ie, binders.

The inner layer is the main responsible for the technological parameters of the tube: the operating pressure and temperature of the coolant. The peculiarity of this layer in that it is made of crosslinked polyethylene extrusion. The thickness of the aluminum foil may vary within 0,2-2,5mm, depending on the diameter of the main pipe.
Thanks to the multi-layer composite tubes withstand the mechanical and dynamic loads, which is important for the successful installation of underfloor heating pipe. Water-side hinges are stacked in the form of a snake or a spiral, so during installation water loop has a lot of twists and turns.

Third Embodiment - pipes polymeric XLPE
Copper or plastic, which tube is best for underfloor equipment, can not be answered unequivocally. The answer to this question is the popularity of the third embodiment, the use of plastic pipes. Products made of crosslinked polyethylene. The amorphousness and chemical neutrality polymers provides a water loops produced from it excellent resistance to high temperatures. Calculated temperature parameters at which the polymer pipes can be used, allows to work with the coolant temperature of 950FROM. All plastic consumables are specially labeled PN.
On a note: PN 10 special marking is used for underfloor heating. The conduit from this marking fluid working pressure must not exceed 10 atmospheres. For products brand PN10 recommended maximum temperature of the coolant is 550FROM.

The strength of the material is achieved due to manufacturing technology. Crosslinked polyethylene pipes for underfloor crosslinking density should be within 65-80% .In depending on the surface treatment depends on the crosslink density. Strength and tightness of all connections in a single heating loop complex by special fittings. With the help of the welding device can successfully make the water heating circuit the required length. water loop length of pipe for floor heating is one of their main technological aspects of the project "warm floor". Unlike copper and metal pipes, consumables polymeric construct allow maximum heating loop lengths (up to 120m).
One disadvantage of this embodiment Consumables heating systems for heating floors, is sufficiently large radius bend pipe (8 diameters and more). In other words, a channel with a diameter of 20 mm, the distance between the two lines of the loop will be at least 320 mm, which greatly affects the degree of heating and concrete screed flooring.

The fourth embodiment, as an alternative - PEX pipe
The cheapest way to solve problems with the installation of the water circuit, use PEX- pipe. The cost of this consumable is low. Such a material excellent in heat energy floor and is designed for continuous operation. The only argument put forward by the specialists warm water floors, working with this material, the need for rigid fixation of the pipeline at the time of installation. If we ignore this remark, your pipe can easily straighten up and then break all the layout and piping scheme.
To avoid such troubles should be done laying the heating circuit of these materials on a special substrate which provides for cell lines.
How to calculate the optimum flow pipes for floor heating
If the materials of construction for pipes for floor heating situation is quite clear, then amount of expendable material required for the heating equipment "Warm water floor", there are many issues. How to choose the pipe for installation of underfloor heating, and in what quantities, will help special calculations.
Material consumption is determined at the stage of designing the heating system itself. Start the calculations necessary from the fact that the maximum length of the water circuit should not exceed 120 m. One loop water circuit should be made of one single piece of tubing.
Important! Underfloor heating system does not allow for stacking and installation of pipelines with multiple connections. The only exception may be the fragments inserted into the circuit body in an emergency leak during repair.
In commercially available pipe, twisted into coils. As a rule, one bay missing that would cover the floor in a heated indoor area of 20 m2. If you have a total area of heated space is known, it is possible to calculate the approximate yardage water line. In the calculations, consider the pipeline step, i.e. the distance between adjacent turns of the loop. The maximum allowable size of 35 cm pitch. More can not be less, please, if you want to create in the room at a higher temperature.
If you want to do everything correctly and at the highest level, invite for installation of the heating circuit specialists. Independently can perform work on the installation of underfloor heating in a small area. The correct calculation of consumption of water mains will give you significant savings.
Do not neglect the value of the design work for the heating equipment. The draft will provide a normal installation, without excesses and failures. The result of a competent work will be complete heating system in your home, designed for continuous operation.