For the majority of country houses, cottages and houses in the private sector, one of the most convenient and efficient way of heating is a floor heating. The technology was so comfortable and practical, that every day a growing number of supporters of the heating system. The main reason for such popularity - simplicity of design, high efficiency and not so complex installation, as it seems at first glance. Done right, the calculation will allow to achieve not only efficient operation of such heating systems living quarters, but also allow you to forget about the troubles associated with the operation itself design.

With surface engineering knowledge and skills can be used for calculations of the calculator, which is for you to do everything himself, issuing a final process parameters. We will try to find an answer to the question of how to calculate their own warm water floor for your apartment, house or toilet, without the services of professionals. What methods are used for this?
Features heating floor heating. value calculations
How to calculate the water floor, unless you have a private house, a city apartment in the apartment building? How to make a similar heating system if you are only interested in seasonal heating and in a limited space? These and many other questions have to solve the townsfolk, when it comes to the implementation of a desire to do at home efficient and quality heating.
Let's start with the fact that underfloor heating is fundamentally different from the traditional radiator heating method. Heat in this case evenly distributed throughout the internal space of the room, warm air streams rising from floor to ceiling. The air in the room is warmed substantially uniformly. This heating circuit may be used as the main heating variant or be an accessory, a secondary source of heat in the building.
For example: it is very important for heating "warm floor" scheme for bathrooms, living rooms and in which there are small children.

On a note: temperature difference near the floor and the ceiling is not more than 2-40FROM. In the room, heated floors and warm, no cold corners.
At the design stage of an important place occupied by the calculations of your heating system. Any error made in the calculation is fraught with inconveniences and additional costs that would arise in the removal of technical defects.
What is special about the method of calculation. Which is better, consider manually or use the calculator
Technological calculations at the design stage can not only get an idea of how it will behave in action heating system, but also will give you a real idea of what you have face. It is possible to calculate in advance the amount of consumable material ready to receive the heating circuit. Calculations are made by hand or on a calculator that you can use right now.
If you have decided, in principle, the water warm floor will be your main source of heat in the house, the accuracy of the calculations in this situation must be perfect. Why?
The thing is that this choice puts in front of you a lot of nuances, including the preparation of regulatory documents, as well as the selection of the required mounting materials. Here the stakes are very high. The correctness of the calculations depends on your comfort and well-being in the house, so the project and all the hydraulic and thermal calculations are best left to a specialized company.

The second option, when the floor heating for you is a complementary option looks much easier and more attractive. Calculate such a structure can be independently, using their own knowledge, professional advice or adopting the online calculator. When entering data for automatic calculation takes into account many nuances. It is necessary to enter data on the number of storeys of the building, the type and area of the premises. Often require other technical information, and other process parameters.
What method is based calculations manually
The first and main aspect on which we must focus on: a diagram of your heating system. Typically, aqueous floor - a pipeline laid in a special way to the floor and topped with a coupler or the stacked structure, however, in most cases your circuit will have the following form:
- insulating layer;
- heating water circuit;
- collector;
- a set of valves comprising the inlet and outlet valves, tap water supply valve and the drain valve;
- fittings, fasteners used in mounting structure.

Once you have an idea of what circuit must be warm water floor in your home, are taken into account the technological parameters. This should include:
- heated space area;
- optimum temperature in the room;
- the magnitude of heat loss in a residential area;
- type of flooring.
On a note: for those who want to equip in his apartment floor heating, must take into account secondary factors. These include the degree of glazing apartments, thermal insulation space, the thickness of the screed and the ceiling height. Excluding these data, your heating system will not fully calculated. Later on, already in the process of heating the room, you can face a number of issues that will require you to extra effort and costs associated with the elimination of the problem.
It is appropriate to note the following aspects. Particular attention should be paid to wood floors or floor coverings, parquet. The wood has a low thermal conductivity, in contrast to the concrete screed and tile, so it is necessary to calculate the heating system with twice the power.
As the individual elements of the heating system are calculated independently
To begin, we are presenting a simple and clear scheme - drawing, which depicts the location of the water circuits in a residential area.
Expect power should start with basic, simple steps. water heating circuit layout plan will be the basis for further calculations. In the diagram, usually indicated as the location of windows and doorways.
Such schemes are performed on the graph paper, 10 mm in the scale corresponds to 0.5 m.
Important! Your water circuit layout is useful to you or any other inhabitant of the housing during the renovation. The lack of information on how to set the pipeline heating system, can lead to inadvertent breakage water pipe.

Before be pipeline layout in all areas note pitch which will be assembling the water circuit and the diameter of the pipe. data will be crucial to achieve the highest possible efficiency of your heating system.
Important to remember! The effective heating area using the floor heating should not exceed 20 m2. Large rooms in need of stacking two or more water circuits, each of which will have its own separate entrance and exit. For greater efficiency of the heating system water circuit allowable length shall not exceed 100 meters.
To determine the utility of the heated area should start from the step. The following ratios generally apply:
- at step 15 cm - the effective area should not exceed 12 square meters. meters;
- at step 20 cm - less than 16 m2;
- at step 25 cm - less than 20 m2;
- see step 30 can effectively heat the room in an area of 25 m2.
If the area is smaller than the recommended parameters, contours are better left intact.

According to expertsSpecified area better known to reduce 1.5-2 sq. meters, if the tube length from the connection point exceeds 15 m. Dividing the water circuit at otelnye portions, try to make them approximately equal. In an extreme case, be exceeded one above the other loop length 20-30%, not more.
How to calculate pitch water pipe and its length
One important element of the installation is the step floors water pipe. The water heating circuit is placed only on the basis of design data and based on the calculations. Here triggered clear rules and standards:
- marginal zone - a step equal to 10 cm;
- remaining zones varies with the pipe step difference is 5 cm, i.e. in other words 15, 20 and 25 cm. But not more than 30 cm.
The greatest heat loss occurs at the location of windows and doors. Tube that is placed on the floor, must be located at a distance of 20-25 cm from the wall. The step that is used for laying pipes, is varied between 15-30 cm. Decide in advance what will be the best move in each particular case, it is possible only with hand tube. Its diameter and type of material is in this case the key.

For reference: restrictions connected with the peculiarities of perception of the human foot Heat emanating from the floor. The larger pitch pipe, the greater the perceived temperature difference in the areas of sex.
The length of the heating water circuit is calculated from the simple formula: L = S / N x 1.1
S - is the area of the room in which the bed assumes conduit;
N - a step during installation of the pipe;
1.1 - a supply pipe and the turns.
Receiving result by adding thereto 2 meter pipe required in the water circuit liner to the manifold to connect the supply and return flow.
For example: We are counting the length of pipe for the room in 12 m2. Distance from the collector to the floor heating we have is 7 meters. Step. Pipes used in this case is 15 cm. As a result, we obtain: 12 / 1.1 + 0.15 x (7 x 2) = 102 m.
In conclusion we can say that every technical nuance, is an important parameter for the accuracy of the calculations. Before embarking on the procurement of equipment and supplies, do some simple calculations. This can be done manually, by yourself or by resorting to the help of an electronic calculator.
It is important for yourself to learn a simple truth, a warm floor you need, as the basic heating system or as an auxiliary means of heating. Take into account the capacity of the heat source, the floor space required temperature parameters. All the above data and other process parameters can help you accurately get ready to estimated data, on which you can rely when installing floor heating at home.