AliExpress platform is often transformed into a place where many people simply killing time, considering the products, the necessity of which there are often disputes even with himself. Some of them we will present in our review. So, 5 silliest Found on AliExpressOf which it is worth considering usefulness.

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- 1 Cap ears
- 2 Slippers in the form of dead fish
- 3 Mane dog
- 4 Cushion for aircraft
- 5 Tips on the fingers
Cap ears
By analogy with the waterproof protective cap for the head, the Chinese invented cap ear. Perhaps because residents in high places to protect themselves from brain drain. On the other hand, maybe they wanted to do nepromokayku toy for Barbie? In any case, in need of such accessory Swimming many buyers are skeptical of this area.

Slippers in the form of dead fish
This gift from AliExpress cause mixed reactions from all who see it. At least enough to rejoice that you wear "corpse" albeit crappy in his legs. Such a present is hardly possible to give inveterate fisherman.

Mane dog
If you really really do not like you pet and you want to develop in him an inferiority complex, then this finding for you. This gadget can hardly make out of your pet lion.

Cushion for aircraft
This exhibit of Aliekspress nothing but a smile can cause. Him and pillow It can be called a stretch - some hugging a snake. Most likely, in the author's ideas just left a piece of some kind of fabric, and he decided to make a pillow-hugs.

Tips on the fingers
Rather popular among Russians for the purchase of the subject. Many wonder - why I bought it? Burns do not save, only potato chips to eat and not get dirty. Such pads, ostensibly to protect against debris. Excuse me, but what trash can disassemble only with your fingertips, and the gloves are not pleased?

What kind of devices with Aliekspress you think is the most useless? Be sure to tell us about your experience!
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