💳 Top 5 products from AliExpress for the house at a budget price

Traditionally, on the eve of New Year holidays trading platform AliExpress hold an auction for the best deals for suppliers of various goods. We picked for you the Top 5 best proposals for the house at a lower cost, which you should purchase.

Main trade in time - time to bring down tsenuFOTO: turproezdka.ru
Main trade in time - time to bring down the price
PHOTO: turproezdka.ru

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  • 1 Portable knife wire stripper
  • 2 metal cutter
  • 3 The laser engraver
  • 4 cotton blanket
  • 5 Magnetic hourglass

Portable knife wire stripper

In the opinion of many buyers, it kopek, but very handy tool allows you to make emergency repairs and crimped wires of different thickness. In his hand is convenient to work with him a pleasure.

Set of easy to use, is mere kopeykiFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
Kit is easy to use, it is worth mere pennies
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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metal cutter

Carving Knife with aluminum handle for working with wood and small repairs. Good sharp tool, the handle is made of aluminum, complete replacement of the blades 5. Quality matches the price. Knife safe enough, the risk of slipping hands during operation is minimal.

Such a tool is useful also to those involved in transplanting plants to cut leaves to vegetatsiiFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
Such a tool is useful also to those involved in transplanting plants to cut leaves for vegetation
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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The laser engraver

Mini engraver for decorating on batteries. To engrave on different kinds of material. Powered by limited power, perhaps this is the only drawback. However, for home decor is quite suitable tool.

Engraver is designed in the form of a convenient stylus, while the wires are not meshayutFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
Engraver is designed in the form of a convenient stylus, while the leads do not interfere
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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cotton blanket

Very nice, soft blanket have by the way in the cold winter season. Original colors, a wide choice of models and sizes make it easy to decide on the option you want.

Plaid made in a simple style, which succinctly fit into any intererFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
Plaid made in a simple style, which succinctly fit into any decor
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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Magnetic hourglass

An interesting accessory that allow escape from everyday worries and make your home decor is something special. This is not just an hourglass, but a living organism, which operates under its own laws. Magnetized elements make the process of working hours is literally breathtaking.

Product size 13.5 × 5 cm, the base 8 × 8 × 2 smFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
Product size 13.5 × 5 cm, the base 8 × 8 × 2 cm
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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