🍴 Top 5 cool products from AliExpress for kitchen

There is no such food that would fully suit the owner. That here and there we put out various deficiencies or disadvantages. Today, we have prepared a small selection of goods by AliExpress, which will help to change your kitchen, giving it greater functionality.

The kitchen is not always routine work and a mountain of dishes, it can be a place of fun and interesting culinary otkrytiyFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
The kitchen is not always routine work and a mountain of dishes, it can be a place of joy and exciting culinary discoveries
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com

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  • 1 kitchen organizer
  • 2 Multifunctional slicer for vegetables
  • 3 Suspension trashcan in the kitchen
  • 4 Suspended design for mugs
  • 5 Towel holder and small utensils

kitchen organizer

This compact organizer suitable for installation in both the sink and in the immediate vicinity of it. gadget sizes allow to place the necessary care items dishes, including sponges and brushes, without the risk of damaging the work surface.

Box to protect from moisture that collects on the sponge, and the objects that we use to take care of the table and working zonoyFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
Box to protect from moisture that collects on the sponge, and the objects that we use to take care of the table and work area
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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Multifunctional slicer for vegetables

Unlike most of the blades and nozzles, this option combines a lot of features. An important point - one type of knife perfectly complements the other, at the same time, none of the processes do not interfere with the other. All the elements quite organically fit into the design and the user does not push the use of complexity.

With the slicer can be experienced not only secure grater, but also to try different options for cutting vegetables and beautiful fruktovFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
With the slicer can be experienced not only secure grater, but also to try different versions of the beautiful cutting vegetables and fruits
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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Suspension trashcan in the kitchen

You know the feeling of discomfort when you need to wade into the depths of the kitchen units to get to the trash can. There is a solution - a portable hanging basket, which is pleased to accommodate cleaning and peel, which appeared during the preparation of soup or second.

As the filling, suspension structure can simply opustoshitFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
As the filling, suspension structure can be simply emptied
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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Suspended design for mugs

Simple and functional hooks for pots and cups will be the perfect complement storage systems any food, no matter what style it was not implemented. This idea allows to save space and create additional functional device, which will place the cooking utensils.

The simple design makes it stylish and universalnoyFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
The simple design makes it a stylish and versatile
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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Towel holder and small utensils

A handy gadget that will add up in the kitchen a few bitty accessories. In our case, this paper towels and containers for bottles. On the other hand - it can be cleaners or garbage bags.

The most important thing - to calculate the load on the suspension polkuFOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
The most important thing - to calculate the load on the suspension rack
PHOTO: ru.aliexpress.com
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