🐟 10 useful accessories for the garden pond of Aliekspress

If you love to treat your suburban areaThen you will certainly be well-groomed garden, Causeway and flower beds. There is another object of the garden, which will bring you a lot of practical and aesthetic pleasure. This garden pond, where you can land a plant or get fish. Editorial Housechief found for you a few useful products to the organization of the pond on one of the largest marketplaces in the world.

Pond not only delight you with its views, but also to change the climate in your area. In the hottest day it moisturizes dry air
Pond not only delight you with its views, but also to change the climate in your area. In the hottest day it moisturizes dry air

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  • 1 Floating fountain for the pond
  • 2 circulation pump
  • 3 underwater light
  • 4 Filler for filter
  • 5 floating balls
  • 6 Flowers with candles
  • 7 ultraviolet sterilizer
  • 8 The film for the pond
  • 9 floating figures
  • 10 Stone-aerator

Floating fountain for the pond

In principle, the fountain in the pond not required, but it is much more interesting: you can pick up different tips for creating high jets of water or a dome. Sales have fountains with backlit and even musical accompaniment. Splashing makes the air humidity around the artificial basin wet conditions on. And if you live in the pond fish, the fountain will additionally aerate the water.

The simplest model with a fountain nozzles costs only 750 rubles. This mechanism can be used for any depth of the water
The simplest model with a fountain nozzles costs only 750 rubles. This mechanism can be used for any depth of the water

This model is powered by solar. You do not have to look for a place to connect or charge it in some positive way. Spray Height, depending on the adjustment and sunlight intensity from 30 to 60 cm. On average, the fountain flows through about 200 liters per hour.

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circulation pump

If the water in your small pond will not circulate, the result is disappointing: you will get stagnant stinking puddle. To pond pleased the pure mirror, and there safely fish and plants have taken root, it is necessary to organize the cleaning and water movement. For this purpose, necessarily require deep pump. He will lift from the bottom sediment, and direct it into the filter. And the filter can be made in the form of a waterfall. Pumps vary in power. For different volumes of the reservoir unit must be selected individually.

This pump is capable of transmitting 3.5 thousand liters of water per hour will cost you about 2800 rubles
This pump is capable of transmitting 3.5 thousand liters of water per hour will cost you about 2800 rubles
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For connecting the pump required power supply to standard 220 V.

underwater light

This device is placed on the bottom of the pond. Do not worry about security: in an underwater model still well protected from moisture. The light source is bright LEDs. This lamp will be operated only from the network, it is late at night lights up your pond with bright colors.

Such a lamp will cost you about 3200 rubles
Such a lamp will cost you about 3200 rubles
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These lighting devices can also be used for the pool.

Filler for filter

Purification of water in a pond sediment and algae can be carried out in various ways. One of them - use mechanical filter. The filler may be used such bioshariki. Within these absorbent sponge.

Packing balls 200 g Aliekspress stands at around 450 rubles
Packing balls 200 g Aliekspress stands at around 450 rubles
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Fillers for filters can be not only in the form of pellets: you can use a sponge, mesh and other materials well delaying fines.

floating balls

continuing the theme of Night registration site, We can not pay attention to these glowing balls. They are sealed and so confidently kept on the surface. However, you can use them not only in the body of water, but also in any other place, for example, along the garden paths. These objects are 4 modes of lighting and 16 bright colors.

ball cost - from 1165 rubles, depending on the size
ball cost - from 1165 rubles, depending on the size
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Balls require a daily recharge from the mains.

Flowers with candles

Another accessory for the night of the reservoir, by which it is difficult to pass. These flowers of the floating PVC hold on to the water and have a bright LED in the center, which is charged by sunlight. When twilight, flowers are included in themselves and brighten your pond with bright lights. The spectacle simply extraordinary.

The cost of such decoration diameter of 17 cm - only 77 rubles
The cost of such decoration diameter of 17 cm - only 77 rubles
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On sale you can find artificial lotuses and water lilies without LEDs.

ultraviolet sterilizer

Practice shows that there is nothing so good does not prevent the development of bacteria and algae in a small pond as sterilization ultraviolet. This method is perfectly safe for fish and plants if you use a special lamp.

Sterilizer for a small pond up to 2 cubic meters will cost you about 2800 rubles
Sterilizer for a small pond up to 2 cubic meters will cost you about 2800 rubles
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To operate such a device will require the power supply to 220 V. It recommended every 6 hours to give the device rest. Therefore, it is included for the night, or, on the contrary, only during the day.

The film for the pond

pond waterproofing - an important point. There are different versions of everything from concrete structures - to the finished plastic mold. The simplest of them - the use of waterproofing membranes. Simply prepare the pit and put it film. The membrane is able to serve at least 10 years.

film a segment for small garden pond measuring 3 × 3 m ² can be bought for 450 rubles
film a segment for small garden pond measuring 3 × 3 m ² can be bought for 450 rubles
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Such a waterproof membrane may be used for various purposes: waterproofing of the foundation arrangement to drainage at the site.

floating figures

What a garden without a garden sculpture? Naturalistic or playful, she, in any case, uplifting. There are options for the pond. These are funny creatures can live in your pond. Agree, looking at these colorful characters, and I want to stretch out in the sun!

Floating characters do not get wet, they are covered with waterproof paints. The price of each - from 680 rubles
Floating characters do not get wet, they are covered with waterproof paints. The price of each - from 680 rubles
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Plants in the pond themselves able to support themselves with oxygen and nutrients, but if you want to run in pond goldfish or koi, then you must be sure to take care of aeration that they grew well and developed. To do this, you need to buy a compressor and drop to the bottom of the hose with a large stone, which will be split into tiny air bubbles. Considered the highest quality silica stones.

A pond for mere pennies: 10 available attributes with AliExpress
The cost of large stones - from 500 rubles
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Stones dome forms are particularly useful: they are placed on the bottom of the pond and well aerated.

Yes, the arrangement of the garden pond requires certain costs, but believe me, you will not regret spending. You will want to put in a pond or a chaise longue Garden swing and observe the life of the water world.

And you've seen useful products for a garden fountain and the pond? Share your findings in the comments!