🔝 How to clean the soleplate of the iron: methods, secrets

Did you accidentally choose the wrong temperature for delicate fabrics, and soot immediately formed on the soleplate? Do not rush to get upset and run for new unit and certainly do not use metal brushes for cleaning - you will hopelessly ruin an expensive item. There are proven recipes that will return the glossy shine of the surface as quickly as possible. Today in the HouseChief review, we will tell you about the 10 most effective ways to clean the soleplate of the iron with the help of the available tools that are always in every home.

Read in the article

  • 1 Pencil is ideal for removing carbon deposits
  • 2 Effective folk methods for cleaning the sole of the iron from carbon deposits
    • 2.1 Cleaning with laundry soap
    • 2.2 Dish detergent with soda powder
    • 2.3 Cleaning the hot sole with salt
    • 2.4 9% vinegar solution
    • 2.5 Ammonia
    • 2.6 Hydroperite
    • 2.7 Hydrogen peroxide
    • 2.8 Processing with a regular candle
    • 2.9 Cleaning in 5 minutes with toothpaste
  • 3 Conclusion

Pencil is ideal for removing carbon deposits

The easiest way is to use a special pencil, which you can buy from any department in the business. It is inexpensive and copes with its task 100%. It's easy to use.

    1. Heat the iron to medium heat.
    2. Smear the sole with a pencil.
    3. The pencil will eat away the carbon deposits, after which it will remain to iron the lint-free cloth.
An effective way to clean the soleplate of your ironPHOTO: hozinfo.ru
The only drawback of this method is a pungent smell.

Effective folk methods for cleaning the sole of the iron from carbon deposits

Carbon deposits can appear on any iron soleplate, even with a non-stick coating. Not always there is a pencil at hand, and then proven recipes that our grandmothers still used will come to the rescue.

Cleaning with laundry soap

Cleaning with laundry soap is one of the most gentle and simple. It is necessary to heat the iron, wipe the sole with a bar and, after cooling completely, just wash off the gruel with water. Then you can spread the fabric on the ironing board and iron it at an angle.

The gruel will come off along with the sootPHOTO: otzovik.com
The gruel will come off along with the soot

Dish detergent with soda powder

Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda with half a teaspoon of detergent and process the carbon with gruel. After a quarter of an hour, polish the surface with a soft, damp cloth.

You can use a cotton swab to clean the holesPHOTO: sovkusom.ru
You can use a cotton swab to clean the holes

Cleaning the hot sole with salt

Sprinkle salt on the board (it is better to use a fine fraction) and run over it with a heated iron. In the process, the carbon deposits will be cleaned and the salt will darken.

Important! It is absolutely impossible to clean non-stick soles with salt.

The method is also suitable for cleaning without heating the ironPHOTO: chudesa.site
The method is also suitable for cleaning without heating the iron

9% vinegar solution

Moisten a coarse rag in a 9% vinegar solution and carefully wipe the carbon deposits on the sole. After removing the dirt, iron a regular cloth moistened with water with a heated iron and polish the surface with a dry soft cloth.

Cotton pads can be usedPHOTO: masterpaiki.ru
Cotton pads can be used


With a heated iron, iron a napkin soaked in ammonia, then wipe the sole with a regular cloth soaked in water. During work, a pungent smell will appear, so it is better to open the window in advance.

Ammonium is a lifesaver for removing various contaminantsPHOTO: dachnikam.ru
Ammonium is a lifesaver for removing various contaminants


Rub the heated sole with a hydroperite tablet. The mass will begin to swell and corrode the plaque, after which it will remain to remove the gruel with a dry cloth.

You can first crush the tablet and dilute it with water until a mushy state is obtained.PHOTO: vse-pro100.ru
You can first crush the tablet and dilute it with water until a mushy state is obtained.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide will rid the surface of fresh carbon deposits in 5-10 minutes. To do this, it is enough to heat the iron and treat the sole with a well-moistened cotton pad.

If necessary, repeat the treatment 2-3 times.PHOTO: 123ru.net
If necessary, repeat the treatment 2-3 times.

Processing with a regular candle

A regular white paraffin candle is suitable for cleaning carbon deposits. Processing is carried out as follows.

  1. Heat the iron and place it vertically on a tray.
  2. Wrap the candle in a cotton rag and process the sole.
  3. The melted wax will drain onto the pallet. To prevent the paraffin from getting into the holes, the iron can be tilted slightly.
  4. Iron on a clean dry cloth after cleaning.
In work, it is important not to burn yourself with molten paraffin.PHOTO: russian.alibaba.com
In work, it is important not to burn yourself with molten paraffin.

Cleaning in 5 minutes with toothpaste

Apply any toothpaste to the sole, distribute the composition with a brush and heat the iron. The gruel will eat away the carbon deposits; all that remains is to iron a clean cloth.

To prevent the paste from getting into the holes, you can turn on the steaming modePHOTO: luchshierecepty.mirtesen.ru
To prevent the paste from getting into the holes, you can turn on the steaming mode


We hope that our recommendations will help in difficult times, and you can remove it immediately after the formation of carbon deposits using one of the proven methods. Do you have your own homemade recipes for cleaning the soleplate of your iron? Share in the comments, our readers will find it interesting.

And finally, we propose to visually see how one of our recipes works in practice:
