Each happy owner of his own, country house or summer cottage is therefore happy that he has a unique opportunity in the warm season to spend most of the time on his site. At the same time, the size of the site itself does not really matter, because even if it is tiny, there will always be a place for equipping a recreation area and taking a meal.

Modern garden furniture is one of the most important elements to decorate your garden, pool or terrace.
Depending on the functional focus, there are several types of country furniture:
- furnishings for arranging the interior of a country house;
- furnishings for the arrangement of the street, local area;
- universal furnishings that can be used simultaneously both inside the house and outside.

Sets or single copies are produced in various forms and materials of manufacture.
Garden furniture from modern manufacturers is made from a variety of materials, for every taste and budget. Loved by all hammocks, sun loungers, rocking chairs and sets of tables with chairs - this is a "visiting card "of your site, which must be skillfully combined with the facade of the house and the theme of decoration the whole garden.

Furniture for the garden will diversify your personal plot, make it more comfortable and beautiful.
Walls with masonry will be complemented by furniture made of natural or artificial stone, a wooden frame will be go well with furniture made of round timber, and the geometric siding facade will emphasize the plastic garden furniture.

Today there are numerous types of garden furniture.
Each material for making outdoor garden furniture has both its pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at the most popular of them.
Popular materials for garden furniture
- Popular materials for garden furniture
- Plastic
- Aluminum
- Plywood
- Array
- Log
- Choosing a place in the garden for furniture
- VIDEO: Do-it-yourself garden furniture made of wood.
- Examples of garden furniture in the photos:
Polymer plastic in the manufacture of outdoor furniture has established itself as the most optimal material. Unlike natural, plastic furniture items are distinguished by a simple, technological production process, which determines their low cost. The second distinguishing feature is the widest range of designs and colors, suitable for absolutely any design.

Plastic garden or country furniture is lightweight, easy to care for, easy to transport.
Further, we note the compactness and low weight of the structures, it is this feature that predetermined the increased demand from buyers when using polymer alloys for the production of a nursery garden furniture. It is very easy to operate and maintenance is not difficult. It is enough to clean the furniture with a warm soapy solution, then sprinkle it with clean water from a hose, and the sun and wind will dry it, returning it to its original appearance.

Furniture made from plastic is much cheaper than items made from wood or metal.
The low weight of the products allows you to easily and quickly cover them for the winter period, it is also worth considering that the design features of furniture, as a rule, allow stacking plastic chairs, armchairs and tables. This becomes especially relevant, since plastic furniture requires mandatory storage in a cold the time of year in the house or inside the country house, in the cold it can easily crack and come to unsuitability. With proper care, the service life of modern polymer structures practically knows no time limits.

For the winter, it is recommended to remove plastic furniture in a warm place. the temperature drop will adversely affect the structure of the material.
Another plus is that furniture can be either solid-cast, stationary or folding, which significantly saves storage space. Tables and chairs-transformers made of plastic will allow you to receive many guests in the garden or summer cottage, because they are easy to fold, carry and clean. Plastic garden furniture is not afraid of any atmospheric precipitation and ultraviolet rays.

The only significant drawbacks are low scratch resistance and weak strength.
Note! Plastic garden furnishings produced today can mimic wood, metal and stone surfaces, although they will be considered artificial turf. From the point of view of aesthetics and visual perception, they are in no way inferior to the original.
Garden furniture made of metal remains the undisputed favorite among the owners of large household plots and true connoisseurs of solid, fundamental products. This is understandable, because she has practically no flaws.

Aluminum furniture is highly resistant to corrosion.
A one-piece frame made of metal (most often cast iron, stainless steel and aluminum) has both a high specific weight and a high cost. But decorated with ornate elements of Italian-style forging, metal benches, chairs and tables covered with designer cushions will tell a lot about the taste and prosperity of the owners.

You can easily buy aluminum garden furniture of different styles, shapes and colors.
Perhaps the only drawback of these furniture items is their low corrosion resistance, because it rains and high humidity can lead to rust of metal furniture, if you do not carefully monitor her. It must be installed not on bare ground, but equipped with a special coating under the legs and treated with anti-corrosion paint or varnish twice a year.

Aluminum is an amazing material that combines strength and lightness.
If, nevertheless, you really want metal interior items, and constant care is not included in your plans, the purchase of aluminum garden furniture will be an excellent solution to the issue. After all, this stainless steel is light in comparison with other brethren and is absolutely resistant to corrosion, the only exception is the connecting elements of furniture made of cast iron.

Aluminum alloy for furniture is not afraid of moisture and frost, great for universal furniture.
Modern outdoor furniture manufacturers produce aluminum furnishings in two variations: folding, reclining chairs and armchairs with soft seats and cast copies of cast iron and forged furniture with a lower specific weight and a high percentage of resistance corrosion. Cast aluminum furniture ensembles are solid, durable, not afraid of moisture, external atmospheric influences and temperature extremes.

Fashionable and practical aluminum terrace furniture is gaining popularity every year and becomes part of the interior of country residences.
Note! Perhaps the second disadvantage of aluminum structures can be considered their monochromaticity, which implies their binding to a certain style of design, but now there are cast copies of cast iron products made of aluminum in black and white flowers.
Another environmentally friendly material with durability and increased wear resistance, deservedly used by furniture manufacturers and revered by consumers. If wood products are quite expensive, then their counterpart from universal plywood is much less expensive, but also environmentally friendly and pleasant to touch with human skin.

The usual available material, which was previously treated with condescension, suddenly found itself at the peak of popularity.
Plywood is very thin layers of wood glued together using a special technology, called veneer. For the manufacture of outdoor furniture, plywood of increased moisture resistance (FSF sheets) is most often used, because on summer days there are frequent rains and increased humidity at night and in the morning, frequent temperature changes, and the canvas saturated with special solutions and impregnations will allow it not to swell and deform.

Plywood is a material undeservedly offended by furniture manufacturers. It is environmentally friendly, has high wear resistance and durability.
In addition, plywood sheets are quite flexible and do not break at folds, and this gives furniture factories unlimited freedom in the manufacture of various designs of chairs, armchairs and sun loungers. Add to that less weight compared to solid wood furniture. Quite often, plywood sheet garden furniture is made in a folding form.

Garden and country furniture made of moisture-resistant plywood is represented by various armchairs, tables, sun loungers and other similar structures that ensure the comfort of rest.
Important! For the winter, plywood pieces of furniture must be brought into the house or utility room so that low temperature, wind and snow do not disturb its appearance and performance.
Undoubtedly, the most demanded material in the manufacture of furniture, in particular, and garden furniture is natural wood. Environmentally friendly and having an impeccable appearance, wooden furniture is very often a companion of country houses made in a rustic or country style.

The construction market can offer home craftsmen about 40 varieties of solid wood, each of which has its own properties.
You should not try to save money and purchase kits from a cheap price segment, since they have low resistance to ultraviolet light and atmospheric precipitation. Wooden furniture requires careful treatment, periodic treatment with special protective compounds that prevent mold and fade formation.

Garden furniture made of wood will be an excellent decoration for your personal plot.
Solid wood furniture should not be left outside in the pouring rain or scorching sun rays, it is desirable that it be under a canopy. And in the winter months, it must be brought into a warm and dry room.

Solid wood is the best natural material for making furniture.
The most popular and durable species in the manufacture of outdoor garden furniture are acacia, pine, beech, larch, willow vine and rattan. The latter has become widespread due to the fact that these wicker products are distinguished by high strength, quality and stylish design.

When choosing furniture made of solid wood, it is necessary to take into account the special operating conditions.
An original and non-standard design solution for the local area is the use of logs in the manufacture of garden furniture. At the peak of popularity, exotic tables, benches and chairs made of round logs of various diameters in whole or with a combination of wooden boards for tabletops and seats.

Garden furniture made of logs is an inexpensive option for arranging a site.
These products are stationary, have a large mass and are installed in a specially designated area of the garden. But on the other hand, they do not need to be covered and dismantled for the winter, they are resistant to the harmful effects of sunlight, wind and snow, low and high temperatures, to clean them, you just need to wipe them with a damp cloth using the simplest detergents funds.

Since the furniture turns out to be quite rough, you don't even need to draw up drawings to make it.
Only the table top, as well as the surface of the seat and back of chairs and benches, require grinding and processing with special insect impregnations.
Choosing a place in the garden for furniture
To arrange garden furniture on a personal plot, there are strictly "zoned" areas where it is used:
- seating areas are equipped with armchairs, sofas, hammocks and tables in courtyards, on open or covered paved areas next to fountains and landscape compositions;
- sun loungers, sun loungers and rocking chairs are placed on the shore of a pond or reservoir, as well as a platform by the pool;
- the barbecue area has a table with chairs or armchairs;
- open terraces are an afternoon or evening relaxation with a book or a cup of tea. Therefore, furniture sets with soft pillows and coffee tables are appropriate here;
- gazebos, garden pavilions and pergolas are equipped with ordinary garden benches.
VIDEO: Do-it-yourself garden furniture made of wood.
Examples of garden furniture in the photos:
In order to turn the garden into a favorite and stylish vacation spot for the whole family, remember the harmony between the exterior of the house, the landscape design of the local area and your taste preferences. And then the garden furniture bought or made by your own hands will give you comfort and warmth for many years.