A person gets the highest quality and most complete rest lying down. When you can relax all your muscles and not feel your own weight. But this only happens when the person is lying comfortably. And for this you need to sit on the right mattress.
And here questions and discussions begin - which mattress is better: orthopedic or anatomical?
Read in the article
- 1 What mattresses are
- 2 Mattress selection
- 3 Conclusion
What mattresses are
The history of the mattress is not much shorter than the history of mankind. Man, naturally, avoided the need to lie on bare, cold and damp earth, he was looking for some layer between his body and the planet. Time passed, and ancient man learned to make this layer with his own hands. At first, apparently, it was an armful of dry grass, then - the skin of a saber-toothed tiger, then a bag appeared in which something dry and soft could be stored. This "something" could be an armful of dry grass, animal skins. This is how the mattress was gradually created. Today's mattress is a complex technical structure focused on performing a set of specific functions. The ultimate goal of creating this structure is to make human sleep comfortable. But people are all different - big and small, fat and skinny, healthy and with sores. And making one mattress, convenient for everyone, is almost impossible. Therefore, there were types of mattresses, and a whole science of their development, as well as the industry of their production.

Mattresses can be classified according to various criteria. By the nature of interaction with the human body, mattresses are divided into anatomical and orthopedic. The former immediately have or quickly take the form of a human figure. The man lay down on such a mattress - and all the bulges of the figure fell into the recesses in the mattress. The anatomical mattress follows all the curves of the body. The contact surface of the body and the mattress is maximal, the pressure on each square centimeter of contact is minimal. They are comfortable to sleep on for elderly people without any identified diseases.

Another type of mattress is orthopedic. They evenly support the human body and reduce stress on the spine. At the same time, they improve the functioning of the circulatory system. Mattresses of this type are intended for the treatment of injuries of the musculoskeletal system caused by various diseases and injuries. It is also recommended for the prevention of scoliosis in childhood. This type of mattress is also divided into two groups - spring and springless. And the springs are dependent and independent (separate). Each type of mattress has a filling - latex, polyurethane foam, coconut coir, felt, memory foam, anatomical foam and others. Each type of filler gives the mattress certain properties.
Single-layer and multi-layer springless mattresses contain gel foam with memory effect, or polyester with the addition of wool, linen, horsehair, or synthetic winterizer, consisting of polyester fibers, or holofiber, also made of polyester fibers, but spiral.
Mattresses with separate spring blocks are better than others in tracking the individual characteristics of the figure, promote muscle relaxation, springs do not rub against each other, mattresses can withstand loads up to 150 kg.
Mattress selection
When buying a mattress for yourself, you need to take into account individual characteristics - both your figure and your habits. First of all, the buyer looks at the price and sets for himself the boundaries in which he is ready to make a purchase. Then he checks the rigidity, here to each his own. Someone is guided by their preferences, and someone is based on medical recommendations. A hard mattress is useful for some diseases of the spine and harmful for others. Only a doctor knows this. In the absence of a number of doctors, you can focus on your age. Children under 13 should start sleeping on a hard mattress, then gradually the hardness can be lowered. And from about 25 years old, you need to focus on your weight. For those who are lighter than 55 kg, you can take soft mattresses. With a weight of 55-90 kg, a mattress of medium hardness is suitable. And if the weight is more than 90 kg, then the mattress, of course, needs a hard one. But after 50 years it is better to buy a soft or medium firm mattress.

And you need to know about your allergies in order to choose the right type of filler. And, of course, do not miss out on such an indicator as size. The mattress should match the size of the bed - no more, no less. And there are both single and double beds.
It is advisable to choose the type of filler with understanding. Here are the properties of some of the popular fillers.
Latex is made from recycled sap of rubber trees, its properties:
- even distribution of the load on the body;
- antibacterial properties will prevent dust mites and fungi from multiplying;
- low risk of allergies;
- hygiene (does not absorb odors and moisture);
- does not creak;
- durable, can last up to 30 years.
Coconut coir:
- natural product;
- does not rot;
- does not cause allergies;
- flexible;
- antibacterial.
Natural material - wool:
- absorbs moisture well;
- breathes;
- regulates heat exchange (it is cool on the mattress in summer, and warm in winter);
- healing properties (relieves pain in some back diseases);
- eliminates odors.
When buying a mattress, it is not enough to touch it in the store with your hands. We must ask the sellers for permission to lie on it, spin around. And preferably more than once. And lie on mattresses of different hardness, for a better comparison.
The answer to the question posed in the title can only be like this - it is better that according to most indicators is suitable for a given person. This is a whole set of parameters - size, stiffness, flexibility. The anatomical mattress follows the real figure of a person more and adjusts to it. The orthopedic mattress takes over and does what the doctor ordered. Whoever sleeps on it is the one to choose.
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