How to arrange the furniture in the room, the designers tips 50 photo ideas

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Tired of puzzle over how to arrange the furniture in the room? We recommend using the tricks designers. We offer you options for placement of furniture items in different ways, depending on the size, shape and space destination.


  • General rules and recommendations placement of furniture
    • In a large room
    • In a small room
    • In a studio
    • In the narrow and elongated room
  • The main methods of placement
    • Symmetric
    • Asymmetric
    • Circular
  • Placement of furniture in the room, depending on the
    • Living room
    • Bedroom
    • nursery
    • Kitchen
    • hallway
  • Zoning Room Furniture
  • common errors
  • Applications for mobile phones
  • designers Tips
  • conclusion

General rules and recommendations placement of furniture

Each room in the house is endowed with special functionality is customized size, shape, specific location of door and window elements.

There are several general rules that will help to correct the shortcomings and emphasize the dignity of any room.

Placement of furniture in the room

First of all, you need to define the parameters of each room and the furniture unit. Using measurement results, draw a plan on graph paper. Separately, prepare a paper cut out of the image of furniture to scale. Models can draw or make bulky, giving the layout even more realism.

Highlight the main element of the room. The center of the living room can become a sofa, TV and fireplace. In the bedroom, the bed will be lead. The kitchen - dining table. Select a location for the main element of the room and proceed to the alignment of the rest of the interior.

Place the remaining furniture so that the intervals between each element ranged from 1.8 -. 2.4 m free space necessary for comfortable movement between objects.

The clock on the stairs

Consider filling angles. In small rooms it makes sense to use them to the maximum. Fill them with corner cupboard, or create a separate area for reading with armchair and coffee table. You can decorate the corner, putting it in a decorative vase or floor lamp.

When marking sofas, armchairs, tables and chairs, make sure that the distance does not exceed 0.8 m between them. These items must be within arm's length.

To correct a small space, place a picture as possible. Place the mirror on the wall. They will make the room twice, fill the rooms with light.

Chair by the window

In a large room

Living room - the largest room in the house. This is where the imagination has to unfold. Unfortunately, often seen as a large room space is converted into an uncomfortable furniture installed along the walls. Meanwhile, good zoning can turn such space into a stylish, and most importantly, comfortable interior. It is necessary to carefully consider the placement of fill. Each piece should organically fit into the interior, located logically - be in place.

Placement of furniture in the living room

Before proceeding to the arrangement of furniture, you need to understand - what areas you want to highlight in this room. The individual parts of the living room can serve as:

  • recreational area with a sofa and a TV;
  • dining room - with a large dining table and chairs;
  • study, where required work desk and a separate lighting;
  • bedroom with a full bed, bedside tables and a wardrobe.

Having defined the required zones, you can proceed to the arrangement of furniture. Due to the layout of the risk to make a mistake at the time of purchase will be reduced to zero. You know in advance the size of necessary furniture, so you do not have to subsequently "reinvent the wheel". Furnished with the necessary parameters perfect snaps in the allotted space for her.

Bio-fireplace in the living room

Large rooms usually have a simple geometric shape. But there are non-standard living - with five corners or semicircular walls. Must-have for the correction of such premises - built-in furniture manufactured to order.

In the central part of the room, set the larger items - a sofa group, a chest of drawers. It is not advisable to put a sofa or chairs back to the door.

Western Wall - the best place to install the TV and other video equipment.

Built-in lights on the ceiling

In a small room

Placement of furniture in a small room - a headache landlord. How to cram everything you need to get a beautiful and comfortable interior.

We recommend the following tips:

  • discard bulky cabinets housing in favor of a compact rack or a small stone;
  • replace the bed on a sofa bed or accordion-type book. This will ensure maximum free space in the daytime;
  • if necessary zoned room by transparent walls open racks or shelves. They do not clutter the space so much as compared with blind walls or cabinets;
  • to save space for children's games, designed for two people, it is better to put a bunk bed;
  • use multifunctional furniture - sofa with storage space, a coffee table with shelves, bed, able to transform into a desktop or rack;
  • engage the window sill space - it can be converted into a desk, a place for relaxing, reading or playing games;
  • engage the area around the window, embedding shelving from floor to ceiling with boxes for storage and a small house for a pet;
  • Furniture should be simple, without an abundance of decoration or carving;
  • Choose products with rounded corners - in a confined space is always a high risk of getting injured.

See also:How to make a chair with his hands

Arrange the furnishings in a small room you need along the walls and in the corners. So you get more freedom. The main condition - before you go to the store, do not be lazy to develop the plan, and even better - Make a model of the future room.

Placement of furniture in a small room

In a studio

Proper zoning and well-designed lighting scenario - a basic requirement for registration of the studio. The task of the designer - to place in a limited area all you need for a comfortable living. And here to help again should encourage the built-in furniture. This would dramatically increase the cost of the project, but will make it possible to accommodate all comers, and it does not deprive the residents of free space.

Placement of furniture in the studio

In the studio, the need for zoning becomes a prerequisite. Open kitchen area should at least be visually separated from the living room. You can do this by using the sofa set back to the kitchen. Often to help him is a chest of drawers or shelves with a height about as the sofa back. On the surface, you can position the vases, flowers and other functional or decorative elements. They will make the boundary between the zones even more pronounced.

Posters on the wall

The bed in the studio apartment should have compartments for storing bed linen, blankets and pillows. Here, as in a separate small room, transforming relevant tables, chairs. Furniture is better to choose light, preferably with a glossy or mirrored facades that are visually make the room twice. As the walls can be a head of the bed, a bookcase. Storage should provide a mezzanine suspended. Entrance area needed to supply benches with shelves for storing shoes. If there is a bay window in the studio - it's a great opportunity to place it an additional area - the workplace, nursery, library, winter garden. Furniture is better to choose a built-in, which will repeat the semicircular shape of the architectural element and will not allow "the abyss" none cm.

The partition between the bedroom and living room

In the narrow and elongated room

Too long room can visually shortened via cabinet, rack or group fireplace installed at the short walls. If the room is extended due to the bay window, place it in the dining area and enjoy while eating city views.

Narrow room will add the volume of light furniture simple shapes. It will push the space visually. The window is better to issue black-out curtains that will stand out and zoom in the short wall, making the room a square. Minimize the number of shelves on the long walls, or at least not to clutter their abundance of decorative elements.

Placement of furniture narrow room

The main methods of placement

There are proven ways of placing the furniture in the room. Use them if you do not want to wrestle and then repeatedly to move sofas and cabinets, leveling Wrong placement.

The method of arrangement of furniture in the room


This method involves the placement of furniture pair relative to the central element. Such a place does not have to be the center of the room. Objects can be placed in pairs with respect to the TV, windows, painting, or the angle of the fireplace. In such an arrangement of furniture used small or medium size. This method is ideal for a square room. It may look as follows: in the center of the fireplace, and on each side of it - two armchairs, a coffee table with the same sofas on both sides, the bed with bedside tables on either side. Furniture should be made in the same style. Continue symmetry is possible by means of lighting and decor - the same lamps beside the bed, photos in identical frames around the TV, two candlesticks on the edges of the fireplace or dresser.

The symmetrical arrangement of furniture in the room


Asymmetrical method is most commonly used in the walk-through rooms or rooms of irregular shape. In some locations - the kitchen, child, like furniture placement is dictated by the necessity of function space zoning. Despite the asymmetry in the room items must not violate the visual balance. Harmony can be achieved by balancing the furniture items in the following way - small group the items or place smaller items in the center of the window area, or on the background of contrasting walls. In order to make easier to visually bulky furniture should put it on a neutral background wall, closer to the center of the room, or diagonally.

The asymmetric arrangement of furniture in the room


The method assumes the presence of the central element. This may be a desk or a chandelier. Furniture is spread along the contour about the center. The contour may be circular, square, rectangular or even polygonal shape. Here appropriate products of different styles, with different character decor. The main condition - between the objects should be left gaps that leave freedom of movement. This is perfect arrangement of furniture in a room with a semi-circular walls. Circular process can also be symmetrical or asymmetrical. Often one of the elements of the composition can be a fireplace or TV.

The circular arrangement of furniture in the room

Placement of furniture in the room, depending on the

Each of the rooms in the house has a special functionality. The filling is chosen with this in mind. Furniture arrangement is performed taking into account the size and shape of the room.

See also:Chests of drawers in modern interior 75 photo examples

Placement of furniture in the interior

Living room

Living room - living room, where the whole family. Here there are guests, spend family holidays.

Selecting a massive center, you can arrange the room symmetrical manner. Soft zone located around the main element. For example, if the center is selected fireplace laterally give seats that can be directed toward the heating device, and the center of the room. Placed opposite the sofa, which easily accommodate the whole family.

If desired, select a circular alignment, set the center of the coffee table and upholstered furniture marked up around him. Sofa, turn the TV on both sides of which put a shelf or vase-twins. You can also install the stand with plants, a small coffee table. In this area, outline the soft padded stools. Children love to be in an informal atmosphere. This place is a favorite for the whole family, because it has to spend an evening sharing the games and view broadcasts.

Placement of furniture in the living room

The living room is a dining area, which becomes the center of the table. It is surrounded by the same chairs.

In the small living room rules. Dinner table is not the place - it should be stored in a folded waiting for his moment of glory - receiving guests or family celebrations. Furniture is better to place the walls, so that a passage remains free. Maximum - in the center, you can prevent a miniature coffee table. Perfect style for minikomnat - minimalism. The less furniture and decor, the more modern and harmonious look to your room. To divert attention from the walls cluttered furniture, is located in a spectacular carpet with a long nap.

With the help of the furniture can be zoned space. In the spacious room there is a place for multiple centers, which will be grouped around certain furniture.

Chocolate curtains in a bright interiorWindow seatShelves on the sides of the fireplaceLiving room with a bay windowThe lantern on the floor


For registration of the bedroom is best suited symmetrical arrangement option. In the center of the bed wall, framed along the edges of the two tables. In the room where it is planned to organize a mini-office, the symmetry is difficult to achieve. The working area will disrupt the balance and to stabilize the situation, it is advisable to have on opposite side elements similar in size and arrangement, for example, chest from the same collection, that table.

Placement of furniture in the bedroom

The workplace can be identified as a separate zone. As a separator, use a screen, blinds, sliding partitions. Individual zones can be identified only in color and texture finishes. Competent organization of space and work with color and lighting will transform the bedroom into two stylish rooms, one of which will be the Cabinet. If desired, this manner can be isolated dressing area.

In a small bedroom is better to place the bed against the wall so that it does not block the passage.

Shelf-tree on the wallSliding doors in the interiorDecorative fireplace in the bedroomThe skin on the floorOrchid on the table


To properly arrange the furniture in the baby's room, you need to remember the main points:

  • Children need space to move;
  • room should solve several problems - it is a bedroom and playroom, and a relaxation room, and study space. In the children should be the maximum amount of space for storing clothes, toys, books, and other necessities.
Placement of furniture in the nursery

Based on this we can conclude - in a small room is better to give up a large amount of furniture in favor of free space. In the conditions of limited space at the forefront of security concerns - furniture should be with rounded corners, or equipped with special areas. In a large room can distinguish separate zones with local sources of light.

Desk for cooking lessons, set so that the light fell on the left side. Bed place in the center of the room, or slide to the wall. If the room is elongated, cut it with a partition behind which will be located closet.

Shopping cart with toys on the floorBunk bed in the interiorShelves between the working and sleeping areasLadder on the wallShelf above the desk


Placement of furniture in the kitchen depends on its area. First, specify the location for the kitchen units. He is tied to communications and is located in the zone of the wall, where there conclusions water and sanitation. Set may have a linear arrangement, angular, U-shaped. The spacious kitchen makes sense to install a kitchen island or breakfast bar. Miniature limit room space of imagination and offer a linear or angular alignment. In the narrow kitchen is recommended to put the furniture along two walls to accommodate everything you need and make the cooking process more comfortable. You can use under the working surface of the sill area.

Placement of furniture in the kitchen

If the area allows, it is possible to apply the principle of circular arrangement - the center of a dining table set, an island with a dedicated area for meals or the bar. Placed chairs around - conventional or bar. It can be used instead of chairs corner sofa. If insufficient dimensions cuisines, organize dining area via a hinged collapsible display table or surface which will only be used during a meal.

Washing windowLiving in the interior wallThe chandelier over the tableFloor lamp beside the sofaThe combination of white furniture and gray apron


The method of arrangement of furniture in the hall depends on the shape of the space. As a rule, these are the following options:

  • long, narrow corridor - furniture set along one wall. The entrance area is equipped with a conventional rack and benches with shelves for shoes. The lobby zone located cupboard compartment or swing type, permitting corridor width;
  • square room - furniture placement can be made on both sides of the door. As a rule, on the one hand is placed open hanger with kaloshnitsami and tables for shoes, dressing table with drawers. On the opposite side is inserted roomy cabinet with door coupe type or conventional - hinged;
  • miniature square hallways, more reminiscent of the vestibule. There is a place just a small rack with hooks and shelves for hats and shoes, and a mirror. Garments to be stored in the wardrobes located in other parts of the apartment.

See also:Shelf for shoes with his hands

Placement of furniture in the hallwayWhite door in the interiorOttoman in the cornerFixtures above the mirrorHanger on the wallChest at the door

Zoning Room Furniture

Zoning allows you to give the rooms a single room several functions. This technique is relevant for both large and for small rooms. In a large room zoning contributes to greater comfort, harmony, proper organization of space. Owners of small rooms zoned their square footage by necessity - it is necessary to organize workplace at home, equipped with full beds or provide separate areas for different sexes children. In each of these cases can be used as partitions furniture. For example, block the children's room bilateral rack with open shelves. In the end, each child receives not only a relatively isolated space, but also a plurality of shelves for storage, books, office.

The separator is fine dresser, expanded rear wall to the back of the sofa or headboard, although in principle it is possible to do without it.

Divide the room, you can use the bar. In the living room it is usually placed on the former site of the sill. In this case, you can position the bar or the dining table in the balcony area. Bar table - a great tool for separating the kitchen and dining on the working parts. Zoning in the kitchen and carry out with the help of the island.

Zoning room furnishings

common errors

One of the common mistakes that frightens all interior designers - furniture, arranged along the walls. If the room space allows, it is better to use a symmetrical or circular arrangement.

Another error - improper zoning. In small rooms it is not necessary for each zone to saturate the bulky furniture and partitions. For example, in a studio apartment can safely allocate space:

  • for sleeping - sofa;
  • for tea - pridvinuv coffee table to the sofa all the same;
  • to work - setting a folding or folding table in the corner of the room;
  • storage - embedding a full walk-in closet in the corner of the room.

To this end, it is not necessary to set the partition space and reduce the already small room.

Another error - discrepancy between the size of the room furnishing items. In the great hall of a small furniture will look ridiculous and kutse, and miserable studio strange looks huge U-shaped sofa and dining table for 16 people.

Common errors in the placement of furniture

Applications for mobile phones

If you do not want to glue paper layouts, try to create a drawing with the help of a special program scheduler. Applications are installed directly on the phone, they are intuitive and makes it easy to re-create the future together with the room decoration and furniture. Plus these tools is that you get the opportunity to create a smartphone online not only paintings, depicting a top view, but also a full 3D-models of the interior with any content. You just set the parameters of your room and make him furniture. And you can immediately choose the color and texture of surfaces. Programs avoid planning mistakes and immediately make it possible to assess the correctness of your ideas.

Interior layout application for phones

designers Tips

It is believed that the most successful form of dwelling - the square. In this room, easier to build and maintain a balance symmetry. Since the layout of the standard domestic flats often recalls cars, it is necessary to adjust this feature using Khrushchev furniture.

To visually make a form as close to the square, designers recommend to install in the end the room cabinet. Another option - to build on the far side of the room podium. Visual space becomes shorter.

The distance from the cabinet or rack up other pieces of furniture should not be less than 80 cm, and the better meter. It provides free access to all offices.

A well-organized living room furniture should be filled only by 50%. In the case of space shortage this rule can be ignored.

Designer Furnishings


For a layman, choice of optimal placement of furniture - a very difficult task. But nothing is impossible and if you are overwhelmed with the desire to independently plan interior - start with the preparation of the scheme, and these tips will help you with this.