Country houses, dachas are being built on land plots. After the construction of the buildings, a comprehensive improvement is carried out, including landscaping of the site. Landscaping implies relief adjustment, zoning, arrangement of pedestrian walkways and motorways. Green spaces are chosen for the general concept of the project. Designers will tell you how to plant greenery correctly, taking into account the intricacies of plant selection.

In the summer, a lot of time is spent outside the walls of the house, and it is important to experience the same homeliness in the garden or yard as in the interior rooms.
The role of landscaping in landscaping
- The role of landscaping in landscaping
- Basic elements of landscaping
- Lawns
- Hedges
- Flower beds and flower beds
- Vertical gardening
- Artificial landscaping
- VIDEO: Original ideas for landscaping the site.
- Examples of beautiful gardening design for a summer cottage
Bright flower beds, picturesque rockeries (flower beds with stones, gravel), alpine hills complement the composition of the territory design. Trees, shrubs, hedges mask outbuildings and increase the aesthetic appeal of the property. Lawn carpets create a well-groomed effect and complete landscaping.

Improving the territory near a private house is no less important than arranging the interior of a house.
Plants perform the function of strengthening the soil in difficult terrain, regulate soil moisture in flooded areas. Trees create a pleasant shade in recreation areas and playgrounds. They help to zone the territory, make the landscape harmonious.

The green mass favors the creation of a pleasant microclimate and a comfortable environment.
Note! Rich greenery with bright blotches of floral and plant compositions will emphasize the beauty of the site.
Basic elements of landscaping
Designers identify three main areas of design, create a landscape based on:
- natural relief, choose plants, taking into account the level of illumination, moisture, soil structure;
- planar planning, geometric division of the site in the style of English parks;
- multilevel artificial sites.
When choosing green spaces, biological species are assessed:
- for wet areas with a high level of groundwater occurrence, moisture-loving crops are chosen;
- drought-resistant grasses, flowers and shrubs grow well on the hills;
- for shady areas, crops are chosen that are undemanding to illumination.

You need to act in accordance with a pre-drawn up plan, which takes into account the features of the site: natural illumination, relief, soil moisture and other nuances.
The frost resistance of plants, the tendency to fungal diseases, insect damage are taken into account. The choice of unpretentious species is a guarantee of the neatness of the site.

During planning, you should take into account how the shadow of the buildings will fall.
Important! Perennials and shrubs for a temperate climate are best purchased in local nurseries, where zoned varieties and hybrids are grown.
Decorative grassy coating is a binding element in the composition. Seed material is classified according to the purpose of the lawns, possible load:
- The parterre is not designed for walking, the height of the cover is up to 12 cm. The lawn serves as a backdrop for flower groups, sculptures, and highlights the beauty of buildings.
- Ordinary or landscape gardening is sown with perennial creeping or cereal grasses forming a dense root net. The lawn is resistant to trampling, the cover requires regular "mowing".
- The meadow lawn is not mowed. The grass grows naturally. Combine ground cover and flowering herbs.
- The Moorish lawn is also wild, characterized by variegated mosaic colors. Low-growing flowering herbaceous shrubs are used for decoration.
- The sports turf is sown with branchy plants, which form a green cover that is resistant to stress. The name is not accidental, you can play football on such lawns.
In specialized stores, they purchase a rolled one-year or two-year lawn, which is laid in layers on a leveled layer of soil. The survival rate of rolled lawns depends on the quality of grass care during growth, the method of transportation and pre-sale storage.

The lawn today is an integral part of any suburban housing.
For reference: there are two types of rolls. In the soil, the earth is held by the formed roots, the mesh is additionally reinforced with a polymer chain-link.
Landscaping of the suburban area provides for the creation of hedges of various heights. Thorn bushes are planted along the picket fence, nets. An unsightly fence can become a support for ampelous plants. Wild grapes, hops and other climbing plants will beautifully wind along the wall.

A hedge as a tool to recreate different landscape design ideas.
Hedges are made single-row and two-, three-row. By their shape, hedges are divided into two categories:
- Freely growing forms a hedge when the crowns naturally close. They choose breeds that give a small annual growth, forming an even crown in the form of cones, trapezoids, hemispheres. Planting of low-growing trees of the standard type is permissible.
- Molded ones are created from fast-growing shrubs, which, after being cut, begin to actively branch out, creating dense shapes of a given shape.

The area along the hedge is filled with fruit trees or climbing bushes such as hops.
Plants for hedges are divided into species groups:
- evergreens (conifers, cypress trees and shrubs, junipers);
- deciduous, shedding foliage in autumn;
- prickly;
- soft, with long shoots.
Practical hedges will protect neighbors from excessive curiosity and protect from animals.
Flower beds and flower beds
Floral cultures are appropriate in any landscape composition. When planning landscaping, you need to take into account the planting for quick landscaping of the site. They are annual and perennial flowering plants.

Flower beds and flower beds are a kind of framing, artistic framing of the site.
Flower beds differ in shape, style and compositional design. A regular flower bed provides for clear boundaries between perennial plants, simultaneous flowering of crops planted according to a specific plan. Irregulars differ from regulars in naturalness, in a large number of species. Usually, perennials with different flowering periods are selected so that the flower beds look decorative throughout the season.

They are arranged in the most visited and viewed areas of the site: front garden, courtyard, porch, resting places.
For reference: flower beds with a vertical arrangement of flowerpots are called three-dimensional flower beds.
Vertical gardening
Leveling slopes, uneven terrain will help multilevel or longline planting. The choice of plants for vertical gardening is limited by the possibility of joint growth. They combine vines, ground cover creeping grasses and climbing perennials.

Long lashes are flexible and can be guided along the supports in the desired direction, creating picturesque green walls.
Ampel flowers for vertical gardening are appropriate on slopes, cascading areas, along wide steps, decorate arches, gazebos.
Important! Vertical gardening is an ideal design option for retaining walls and other earthen structures.

The advantage of vertical gardening is that it does not occupy the area at all on the site, since all the green mass of plants is in the vertical plane.
Artificial landscaping
On mountainous areas on the northern side of the slopes, where ornamental plants grow poorly, they resort to artificial landscaping. The decor does not need sunlight, does not interfere with the wind. For the phyto-scene, lawn flooring is used; all kinds of pot decor are used as plants.

In the same way, you can decorate the fence, walls of outbuildings.
VIDEO: Original ideas for landscaping the site.
Examples of beautiful gardening design for a summer cottage
Successful garden landscaping projects are presented in a selection of photographs. Plants are selected separately for each of the zones. Unpretentious crops are planted in remote corners.