Curtains in the nursery: short, colorful, and other options in the design

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Curtains in the nursery must meet a few basic requirements. Preference is given to products of high quality, environmentally friendly materials that are safe for the child. In addition, it is necessary to define the design and variety of curtains. This article will look at how perfectly fit them into the interior, and to choose, depending on the floor baby.

curtains in the nursery

Textiles and curtains in the children's room needed for the final phase of interior decoration.

Pros and cons of the curtains in the interior of a child's room


  • Pros and cons of the curtains in the interior of a child's room
  • Choosing curtains depending on the sex of the child
    • Curtains for girls
    • For boys
  • varieties curtains
    • short curtains
    • Roman curtains
    • Austrian blinds
    • And others
  • Choosing the color of curtains
    • bright curtains
    • dark curtains
    • multicolored
    • And others
  • Options for decorating curtains in the nursery
  • Photos curtains design examples in the interior of a child's room
  • VIDEO: Modern curtains for the nursery.
  • 50 curtains designs for a child's room:

Not all parents decide to hang long curtains in the nursery or other kinds of curtains. Rejection of them explain that they clutter up the room, and collect a lot of dust.

the curtains in the children's room photo

With their help, you can easily change the look of the room, not perekleivaya wallpaper or replacing furniture.

However, the curtains more advantages than disadvantages. Here are the reasons why you should use this element of the decor:

  1. The window is a visual accent any room. It always attracts the eye. If there are no curtains, creates a general feeling of discomfort and neuyutnosti. The room looks like "naked."
  2. Curtains are necessary in order to protect the room from the penetration of sunlight. Nursery usually try to make the light, but it prevents the child sleep. This is especially true in the summer. If you want to reduce the risk of early upgrades, select black-out curtains.
  3. Modern design decorative elements allows you to choose any style. You can buy the curtains with favorite cartoon characters. You can also select the neutral option, if the room is decorated in a classic style. Curtains give any room a finished appearance.

Choosing curtains depending on the sex of the child

To pick up the curtains, must take into account the child's sex. The boys and girls are usually different preferences.

Curtains for girls

In most cases, a room for the girls make out in pastel colors. Optionally, it is a classic pink. design idea can be different. In the style of the room can be present floral motifs, animals, dolls. Shutters can pick up the same shade as the wallpaper.

For boys

The boys often brightly decorated rooms in the abstract, geometric style. Curtains can choose a shade darker than the girls, but it all depends on the overall style of the room.

Note! Appropriate for boys to buy the curtains with the image of cars, airplanes, ships, or superheroes.

varieties curtains

Consider a variety of decorative elements based on their appearance.

short curtains

Short curtains in the nursery - it is a great option. They are easier to remove, wash and iron. They do not accumulate as much dust as elongated model. In addition, they are safer. During the game, the child often forgets about what is happening around and can hurt long drapes. Short curtains usually opt for small children. They completely cover the opening, and ends in the sill area.

Curtains in the nursery short

Curtains have to be simple style, of durable material and be easy to wash.

Roman curtains

Roman variant is a truncated model. Made of solid fabric, different materials are used for the manufacture of that. Mounted on a special mechanism at the top of the window opening.

Curtains in the nursery Roman

The main color of the curtains in the nursery depends on the location of the window relative to the cardinal.

This species of short curtains in the nursery has the following advantages:

  • a large selection of materials, colors and textures;
  • the room gets a modern look, personality;
  • if you choose a tight version of the room it will be protected from sunlight;
  • you can pick up the curtain for a particular window size, including asymmetric.
Curtains in the nursery Roman photo

Pattern or design should be simple, selected based on the age and sex of the child.

The disadvantages include the fact that the elements of decor fade with time, they can not be washed in a washing machine, and the retention mechanism often does not fully open the window.

Austrian blinds

Design The idea belongs to the Austrians. The curtain is a piece of fabric, which is stitched cords in several places. As a result, when they pull together, make beautiful folds. Once assembled, this model looks bulk. Most often it is chosen to decorate the nursery for a girl or for the balcony.

Curtains in the nursery Austrian

Curtains should not be easily flammable.

And others

Can be provided and other design options. For example, the classical long curtains. They can be attached to the sides of the window with the help of special clamps. However, the extended model is not recommended if the child is moving, and is still small.

Curtains in the nursery and long Roman

Fastening and cornice should be strong, with no sharp edges and fine decor.

Another option - the curtains London. In part, they are similar to Roman and Austrian. The difference lies in the configuration of the folds, which are formed by tightening the cords. They are obtained by small and neat.

You can also set the regular blinds, which can provide the desired degree of dimming. They help to regulate the supply of lighting.

Curtains in the nursery blinds

Modern children's curtains should match the style of interior.

Choosing the color of curtains

To choose the right shade decor element, it is necessary to take into account the child's sex, his own preferences, the overall style of the room, as well as the specific features of the color gamut. Psychologists say that all the colors have different effects on the psychological state of a person.

bright curtains

The bright color design is suitable for mobile and active children, who are constantly in motion. For instance, red tone gives energy and strength, charges cheerfulness. Typically, this color chosen for curtains in the rooms, which are formed in the bright embodiment. For example, beige or white and gray. Then the red will not be too much strain your eyes.

Curtains in the nursery long

Thick curtains with a contrasting color roller blinds protect from light and divides the space into the work area and recreation area.

Note! This color should not be selected for the design of children's over-excitable child. In this case, red will cause stress and excitement, can cause sleep problems and lack of concentration.

Less invasive characteristics in an orange shade. In addition, you can use the yellow. It improves mental work, memory and concentration.

Curtains in the nursery yellow

Thick curtains ensure a strong baby naps and light tulle - scattered sunlight entry.

dark curtains

Too dark colors are not recommended for use in the design of a child's room. For example, do not buy black or brown curtains. If only we are not talking about a teenager who prefers these colors in the interior.

Curtains in the nursery dark

With long curtains can show imagination in the children's room.

You can choose purple. This tone, which helps to develop creativity. But do not use too dark shades of purple, as they may be associated with depression and loneliness.

Curtains in the nursery purple

Classic curtains easy to clean and washing them to easily adjust the level of brightness of the room.

Green - also a good option. It will help to cope with increased excitability, restlessness. It is the color that is associated with nature and peace.


If you choose a multi-colored models, they are ideal for decorating rooms for children. Bright prints make style more relaxed and cheerful.

Curtains in the nursery multicolored

Short curtains in the nursery will open the radiator for better heat recovery, or will open a wall, for example, a desk.

And others

Popular design curtain with characters from famous cartoons or comics. However, you have to order sewing of curtains, since virtually impossible to pick them up to the needs and desires of the individual child.

Curtains in the nursery graffiti

Roman blinds provide easy care, safe for a child who does not hook the curtains.

Another option color choices - or gradient Ombre. This is a smooth transition from one color to another.

Options for decorating curtains in the nursery

For added decoration curtain can be used elements, which are mounted on a pin. They can be made in the form of butterflies, flowers and cartoon characters. When it comes to long-blinds, they can be mounted on the sides with the help of decorative clips.

the curtains in the children's room decor

Due to reliable fastening of the child does not hook ledge.

Photos curtains design examples in the interior of a child's room

We offer see, might look like the curtains in the nursery in the photo, and choose the right design.

Curtains in the nursery roll

Roller blinds in the nursery are the same mechanism as the Roman, but rolled up.

When choosing décor items, consider the sex of the child, his preferences and color features design rooms. We must not forget that the curtains should be made only from high quality materials, and should not pose a potential risk to the baby.

VIDEO: Modern curtains for the nursery.

50 curtains designs for a child's room: