There are many ways to protect their possessions. Modern materials offer almost unlimited choice for the construction of protective structures. The most popular is a fence made of profiled sheet. Set it is not of great complexity and the price of the forces and the owner of a country house and the owner of the villa.

Today more and more owners of private houses erected on the sites of the metal fence of corrugated sheet (trapezoidal sheet).
What are the advantages of the corrugated sheet fence
- What are the advantages of the corrugated sheet fence
- Types of corrugated intake
- A fence of corrugated board with brick pillars
- Fence colored sheeting on screw piles
- A fence of corrugated board under a rock
- Design with metal columns
- VIDEO: Set the fence of corrugated board with his own hands.
- 50 modern designs of fences made of profiled sheet:
Fence of the sheeting section is made of galvanized sheet steel with an undulating surface. They are fastened to the joists between the support pillars. Before installing these sheets previously dyed and treated with anticorrosive compositions. The applied polymer paint does not fade with time, which is a huge plus.

This durable and reliable material pretty quickly gained popularity among the people.
Additional advantages of this construction fence material:
- Increased rigidity allows its strength.
- Versatility and practicality - fence for fence of a large house, a small garden, for facades and as a garage door.
- Soundproofing - significantly reduces noise, which is important for houses located next to the road.
- The budget cost.
- Fairly modern appearance.
- Does not burn.
- Wide range of variants due to the size, color and type of profile.
- Several types of coatings.
- The service life of about 30 years.
- Quick and easy to erect and assemble.
- During the lifetime does not require additional maintenance.
Important! High wear resistance is significantly reduced, if the wrong cut sheet. Can not cause even the slightest damage to the material. Using only a hacksaw or tin snips.

Build yourself a simple fence.
Shortcomings a bit, but in the construction of a fence of corrugated they definitely need to be taken into account:
- High "windage" sheets - the most significant drawback. At high wind gusts, the material behaves like a sail, t. E. inflates and may carry the entire barrier construction. If the poles are fixed not by the technology or construction collapses at the first heavy wind or construction will start gradually become loose with initial warp gate.
- Low protection against rust. Fully protect the sheets of water is not possible, but the humidity is increased by an additional priming and painting all open multiple locations, places slices and fasteners.

A fence of corrugated board can be placed on the site on your drawing without recourse to professional builders and rent special equipment.
Disadvantages of any material, but if you know about them in advance, the effects can be minimized.
Types of corrugated intake
Assembling profiled sheets can be performed both vertically and horizontally. Neither strength nor rigidity, or other parameters of this does not change. The main indicator that you need to consider when choosing a metal fence made of profiled sheet - wave height. Low rates provide a greater load on the sheet, allow to withstand high as the gusty and squally wind. But only if properly installed.

Fence of profiled steel sheet will last for many years, since the material does not change with time of its characteristics.
Types of profiled sheet varies depending on the marking:
- The lowest figure in profile with 8, but he is also the cheapest, in the construction of large-scale, large areas structures allows to save much. But this paper is not suitable for the construction of long span breakout or high fences. Most often used as a decorative facing.
- With a little bit stronger than the profile 10, but also for fences it is not well suited.
- The most popular marking 14. The rigidity enough for the barrier, the price is acceptable. It must be combined with major brick foundation.
- 15 has a profile with a significant difference in a wide rib. The price of such a profiled above, but the technology is similar to the previous installation.
- The best in terms of wave marking stiffness C 18, C 20, C 21. When selecting such a sheet holder can not restrict the design of any length of transit compartment or in height.
Important! Structures of the C profile 20, 21 have a rather unattractive appearance. Correct it can be a combination of iron with a high profiled sheet or forged foundation brick elements.

He is protected by a special coating corrosion resistant and strong gusts of wind.
A fence of corrugated board with brick pillars
By choosing for the site of the trapezoidal sheet fence with brick foundations and pillars, you must first create a project based on design features. It states:
- site plan perimeter with exact measurements;
- drops and bumps territory;
- pillar sites;
- width spans of not less than 3 meters.

On a parity "price - quality" can be called the best profiled for making fences.
Important! Fence of brick and corrugated board is mounted on the tape base. Formwork is collected only for the basement part. It is made from cheap Half-board.

With the features of the device such a fence as quickly as possible to cope with almost any cottager.
Step by step plan of construction:
- make accurate measurements;
- pour the foundation;
- build brick columns;
- fasten sheets.

Simply wash the fence sometimes with plain water and replace individual sheets if necessary.
The final stage is for fastening the pillars of the profiled sheet. To material damage was minimal, experts advise to adhere to the following guidelines:
- for the preservation of the lower sheet edges during installation foundation brick thick cardboard cover layer;
- space for screws mark out in advance, their number should not exceed 6 pc. per linear meter;
- with fastening drill sheets are used at low speeds, the sheets joined overlapping screwing to the joists with rubber gaskets.

Profiled capable of reflecting sound waves.
Such a fence installed independently for 2 weeks, but further assistance is required to secure the frame.
Fence colored sheeting on screw piles
Construction on screw piles is considered the pre-fabricated, and the only one fence on unstable ground soils.

For fences most commonly used wall corrugated board.
Screw supports are distinguished by the tip: spikes or pipes. But in any case are present cutting screw blades, it is due to them piles screwed into the ground. The number of blades depends on the complexity of establishing and supporting a sustainable future fencing. If it is assumed construction of the fence at the cottage easy use single blade support. When erecting a capital structure in complex soils used many Coiled.

It is important to find an optimal balance between price and security of the sheet from external influences.
Experts point to some nuances of the installation:
- if the original support has been screwed properly, unscrew and repeat this procedure can only be 2 times;
- you can not try to get round the obstacle, if it occurred at a depth of 1 m, the support is left as it is, otherwise it may break the blade;
- strictly forbidden to prior drilling;
- trapezoidal sheet cladding start from the corner;
- if the rotational angle of the structure of less than 25 °, the sheet is not cut, but slightly bent.

We must not forget that the cheapest option in any case loses in durability.
Important! Screwing is stopped when the solid ground rocks. Later screw piles are aligned around the perimeter of the cropping.

The material has a plurality of layers, each of which serves a separate purposes.
A fence of corrugated board under a rock
If the installation of fencing ordinary color profile plate seem banal owner acquire print material under the stone. Moreover, under a wild stone, tile or brick can be selected for submission of samples in advance.

It should be remembered that the wind and dust gradually erase the protective layer of corrugated board and it will need to touch up in order to avoid rust.
The cost of such fence will consist of the price of steel sheet, the dimensions of the fence, the material for the pillars, the depth of the foundation, applying prints (unilateral or bilateral).

Decking - fairly durable material, and from it we can build fences up to eight meters high.
Design with metal columns
The easiest and most budget option for the fence installation - fasten corrugated board on metal poles. They are pipes with a round, sometimes with a square section. Diameter of 50 mm, metal thickness of 2.5 mm.

The metal is attached to the joists, which are often two or three. To mount also need screws for metal.
Important! Choosing metal poles, it is important to take into account the climatic conditions of the terrain, the possibility of strong storm winds.
The length of the support pillar is composed of the height of the fence and the underground part, in a ratio of 2x1. That is the ground of the 2 and 1 underground. In the northern regions of the underground part of the pole is deepened to a depth of soil freezing.

The modular (sectional) fence - each steel sheet is framed along the perimeter of the frame, and then welded to the supports.
Important! On the installation site the target set more powerful poles - metal thickness of 3 mm and a diameter of 60 mm.
When erecting a fence of a profile plate need to make the most accurate measurements, conduct analysis of soil (density, freezing, the availability of ground water, and so on. d.) and to abide scrupulously technology.

A fence of corrugated board can build itself in the shortest possible time and be sure that he will stand for many years.