Flower beds are a decoration of every park and personal plot. This is a decorative element of the landscape of the country house, city squares. There are different types of flower beds, each of which has its own characteristics of planting vegetation, composition. Decide what kind of flower bed you want - the choice of filling depends on it.

If there is at least one flower garden in the garden, admiring glances are guaranteed to the suburban area.
The use of flower beds in landscape design
- The use of flower beds in landscape design
- Choosing plants for a flower bed
- Annuals
- Perennial
- Shrubs
- Types of flower beds in landscape design
- Regular flower bed
- Irregular flower bed
- Vertical flower beds
- Mixborders
- Rabatki
- Continuous flowering flower bed
- Rocky gardens: landscape and regular slides, rock gardens
- Borders and ribbon flower beds
- Concrete flower beds
- The most beautiful examples and options with photos
- Video: Examples of plant combinations in garden beds
- Flower beds in landscape design - 50 photos
Green space plays a big role in landscape design. A small patch of soil is needed to create floral beauty.

The variety of flower beds is amazing - they differ in shape, size, selection of plants and location in relation to the horizon line
Flowerbeds are used for decorating, decorating the area: squares and city parks, ennobling kindergartens, offices, private and apartment buildings. For example, a round flower bed is the most popular option on city squares, at the entrance to administrative buildings.
Choosing plants for a flower bed
The types of flower beds are different, choosing plants for them is not an easy task. You cannot plant everything in a row - then your work will grow into chaos. Determine how much you want to admire the blooming of the buds: only in summer or until late autumn? The choice of seeds depends on this.

When creating a flower bed, you want it to please the eye throughout the entire summer season.
The flowering period is an important indicator, you need to plant flowers in such an order so that bald spots do not form after the wilting of certain species. If you want a variegated flower bed, plant suitable varieties alone or in small groups between the varieties that bloom next.
It is recommended to regularly monitor all plantings - after wilted buds, new ones must be planted. Be careful when choosing a composition: many annuals can reproduce on their own, with the help of the wind (self-seeding)
All types of flower beds and decorative flower beds must be decorated according to the rules. You can pick up annual plant varieties grown from seeds.

Among annual flowers, petunias are especially popular, which are equally well suited for planting in flower beds and for growing in hanging pots.

One-year purslane will decorate the flowerbed from mid-spring to autumn frosts.
There are two types of annuals - heat-loving and cold-resistant. The first category can be grown as seedlings - this prolongs the duration of their flowering. The growing period varies from 1 to 2 months. It is optimal if the seedlings are ripe by the beginning of June. Previously, planting is not recommended - it may freeze. The second type, cold-hardy varieties, are grown in spring or autumn. They tolerate sudden changes in temperature well, you can plant them in greenhouses.
Perennials require special care, but they delight the eye with their variegated colors for much longer. They bloom even in the cold season (late autumn), their root system is able to function for 6-7 years, and the upper part dies off at the end of each season.

A small flower bed with roses will delight the eye and cheer up

Astilba and the hosts will decorate a flowerbed located in a shady area
Perennials reproduce by rhizomes, seeds or shoots - they can be quickly transplanted to other lawns.
Almost all natural "medicines" fall into this category. If you plant them on your site, you get a real "green" pharmacy.
A special decoration of each flower bed is shrubs. They look very impressive, some varieties can be cut or planted near the hedge, from others you can create extraordinary compositions and figures.

Flower beds with shrubs diluted with perennial flowers look gorgeous

A flower bed with coniferous shrubs will not lose its decorative effect in the cold season
Determining the right type of shrub is easy: match it to your climate. Fragrant rhododendron, jasmine, hydrangea will perfectly fit into your landscape design, complement the flower bed, keep perennials and annuals company.
Types of flower beds in landscape design
Before starting work, it is worth clarifying what free flower beds and flower beds are. The choice of flower varieties depends entirely on your taste preferences. Not the last place is occupied by the type of planting - each of them has its own rules. The filling is selected strictly individually. Recently, concrete flower beds for deciduous plants and flowers have become popular.

The first step towards creating a flower bed is a competent choice of a place for a flower garden
Regular flower bed
In city parks and near offices, you can often see unusual wrought-iron flower beds, in which strict symmetry is observed. There should be a clear line between the shades of flowers: those plants that bloom at the same time are planted here.

Regular flower beds are characterized by strict geometric patterns made up of different plants.
When placing, it is worth considering the shadow - it should not be on the flowerbed, otherwise a uniform, beautiful composition will not work.
Irregular flower bed
The most common option is a round or oval flower garden, planted in such a way that the flowers intersect or overlap. It is necessary to choose the varieties correctly: some should fade, while others should bloom immediately.

There is no clear pattern on an irregular flower bed. Here it is important to create the impression that this flower garden is a manifestation of nature, and not a man-made element of landscape design.
Provide plants with plenty of light - this is necessary for their normal growth and development. Especially if low and tall flowers are planted in the flowerbed.
Inspect your "battlefield" from all sides - how best to arrange the vegetation, where the flower heads look, how the flowerbed is clearly visible from different positions. If view is possible from anywhere, place tall flowers in the center, and low flowers at the edges. Consider the flowering time: plant many different varieties so that there are no “bald spots” at the end of the season.
Vertical flower beds
If you have a small area, a vertical flower bed is the ideal solution. So, you can beautifully hide an unsightly fence - a hedge looks much more spectacular. It is convenient to let the plant curl around the gazebo - this will give additional protection from the sun. But the process of creating such a masterpiece is very difficult: the design of the flower garden must be selected correctly, taking into account the fastening for the flower bed, watering, the base (soil). For the growth of weaving plants, it is necessary to arrange a screen or frame, pull the wire.

Fences, walls of houses, gazebos and other structures are often decorated with vertical flower beds.
To equip decorative flower beds, show your imagination: use boxes on many levels, plastic or metal grates. Ampelous or curly flowers are used, they grow beautifully and hang down, resembling vines.
This is a ribbon-type flower garden, the outlines of which can be anything. Plants are planted different - from deciduous to flowering. Most often, perennial flowers are planted in such flower beds, annuals are extremely rare. A mixborder is an extended type of curb, so it is extremely difficult to clean the vegetation for the season.

In summer cottages, mixborders are often arranged along fences, combining flowers with shrubs
In fact, rabatki are narrow flower beds, rectangular strips that are planted along the fence or paths, recreation areas, decorative lawns. Plants of the same type can be planted. Planting is performed symmetrically (double-sided ridges): the tallest flowers are in the central part, the low ones are planted at the edges.

Rabatki look good along the edges of the path leading to the main entrance to the country house
Continuous flowering flower bed
Such a flower bed is distinguished by a strict selection of colors: height, color, shape of leaves, duration of flowering and growth. The correct layout is the main task of the gardener. It is important that the buds constantly bloom on the site, some bloom and crumble, others please the eye before their due date. Everything is selected depending on the season: the whole composition should look harmonious until it completely fades.

For continuous flowering beds, both annuals and perennials are suitable.
Rocky gardens: landscape and regular slides, rock gardens
Rock gardens have been relevant for many years. These are plantations of perennials, which are herbaceous ground cover plants. The bulk is undersized, with an unusual original shape of leaves. They release a lot of flowers - this makes the flower bed bright. Shrubs are also added here, mainly coniferous or decorative deciduous types.

The easiest way to create a rock garden on an area with relief
Landscape slides - stones laid out asymmetrically, one by one or in whole groups. They look natural and natural. The hills should be of different levels, and if the view is possible from all sides, you can make the central one above all. The slide looks creative against the background of a lawn, a small pond, a fountain. Do not get carried away with too bright and lush garden forms - this will destroy the harmony of the general appearance of the rock garden.

The choice of plants for a landscape slide depends on its location.
In contrast to the landscape, the regular style implies the observance of strict forms and proportions, perfect symmetry. This is a geometrically correct and accurate direction, which includes such types of flower beds: arabesques, rabatki, borders.
Borders and ribbon flower beds
Flower beds can be designed as a "frame" made of concrete: framing paths, lawns, squares. It looks very original and aesthetically pleasing, such a living "border" is often planted in parks or alleys.

A place for outdoor recreation framed by ribbon flower beds with beautiful tulips
Concrete flower beds
Concrete beds help to create any shape, with their help, you can successfully play in contrast with the landscape.

A concrete flower bed can be placed anywhere, but most often this monolithic structure can be found in the courtyard
- It is placed in the center of the composition or next to the fountain.
- You can choose the type that you need: square, rectangular, round flower bed.
- Some varieties are planted or along the edges - low, in the center - higher plants.
The most beautiful examples and options with photos
Different types of flower beds can be skillfully and harmoniously added to any landscape design. For example, concrete flower beds, decoration with wild or decorative stone, limestone of different colors remain popular. Moss grows on such a surface - it will become a kind of natural "decor". Granite is less commonly used - it has properties to oxidize the earth, so it can be successfully replaced with basalt. Such flower beds will look neat and tidy.

In the photo there is a shady flower bed with moss on an oriental-style plot

Laconic flower bed with spherical thuja and gravel backfill

Raised flower bed with natural stone fence

In large areas, carpet beds of stunted plants look luxurious

A mono-flower bed, which is a flower garden in which one type of plants grows, can become a spectacular decoration of a garden plot.
Surely, in every home there are items that are no longer needed and just lie idle. A bird cage, old shoes, plastic drawers - all this can be safely used for your creativity. Slate differs in different colors - this will add originality to the appearance.