The rarest animals in the world

There are several thousand species of animals on our planet. But some of them are on the verge of extinction and are infrequent. There are many reasons for this, the most important of which are: hunting, clogging up the environment, crossing closely related species, and others. In this article we will consider what are the rarest animals in the world of .Many of them are listed in the Red Book, and their population can still be saved: to establish or reduce the rate of fall. But it is not possible to stop the decline in the number of individuals of certain animal species, in view of the absence of females or males.


Bubal Hunter

Hirola is another name for this mammal. Included in the genus of Chirol. The Red Book is listed as "A species on the verge of extinction".Facing the Bubal Hunter is possible in the north of Kenya and the southwestern part of Somalia. In the distant past, the ancestors of the Hunter ran around the territory, an area of ​​20500 square meters.kilometers. At present, it has decreased to 8,000 square meters.kilometers. Blame for all uncontrolled extermination of the mammal by local poachers. The horns and skin of Chirola are very valuable in the Black market. The trend leads to the fact that the animal can soon disappear, but for now it is one of the rarest animals in the world.


Small-toothed sawmill

The pylon-pylon is included in the family of sawtooth rays. Entered into the Red Book, is on the brink of extinction. Inhabits the waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans. Pilorel, which occupies 9th place in the world's most rare animal range, can often be found in rivers. The population of this species of animal decreases every year, due to mass poaching.


Tonkinsky rinopithec

An animal belonging to the family of marmosets is on the verge of extinction. It is listed in the Red Book. Back in the middle of the last century, the population of this species of animal was very limited. To collide with the Tonkin rhinopithecus was possible only in the forests near the Song-Coy River flowing in Vietnam. Sometimes individuals of rhinopithecus, which is one of the rarest animals in the world, wander in the provinces of Thien Kwang and Wak Tai.


Sumatran rhinoceros

An animal belonging to the genus of Sumatran rhinoceroses. It is listed in the Red Book as "Vanishing sight".It is considered the smallest species of the family of nosogorovyh. From the Sumatran rhino, which ranks 7th in the list of the rarest animals in the world, one can encounter forests, marshes located at an altitude of more than 2 km above sea level, and the tropics.


Spotted Mare Martini

The marsupial marten is in the Red Book under the heading: "Close to vulnerable position".In another way, this animal is called the Tiger Cat. It is considered the second largest, after the Tasmanian devil, a marsupial predator in Australia. The mammal, ranked 6th in the list of the rarest species in the world, lives in the north of Queensland. It can also be encountered on the east coast of Australia( stretching from Queensland to Tasmania).In these territories lives in forests and coastal thickets.


Philippine spotted deer

An animal with a reddish-golden color and small white spots all over the body. The deer live on the Philippine islands. It is very difficult to capture this mammal. It was possible to film it only some time ago. The enemy of the spotty deer occupying the middle of the top of the rarest animals in the world is the wolf. A large number of animals die after the winter: in March-April. At this time, after a long wintering, the deer are very weak.


Visaya warty pig

The animal was brought into the Red Book not so long ago: only 26 years ago. The population of this species of pig has declined rapidly: for more than half a century, 80%.Causes: uncontrolled hunting, poaching, closely related crossing, changing with time the habitat of a mammal. Visayu warty pig, which occupies the fourth place in the list of the rarest animals, can be found only on the Negro and Panay islands.


Florida puma

Is one of the rarest subspecies of a cougar. The animal is included in the Red Book with the formulation: "A species that is on the verge of extinction".In the 1970s, the number of individuals of the Florida puma was twenty! By 2011, this number was raised to 160. Puma lives in southern Florida, mostly in forests and swamps in the Great National Reserve area. The reasons for the extinction of the mammal, who took bronze list of the rarest animals in the world: hunting, draining swamps, deteriorating ecological environment.


White lion

The white lion, ranked second in the top of the world's rarest animals, appeared due to a genetic disease called leukemia, which gives the wool a lighter shade. Leukemism is not a melanism. That is, white lions are not albinos, but animals with a natural skin color and eyes. The existence of white lions became known only at the end of the 20th century. In 1975, in one of the reserves of South Africa, young lion cubs were found.


Snow leopard

The largest predator of Eurasia, apart from the bear, lives in the Central Asian mountains. The animal, which is the leader in the ranking of the rarest animals in the world, has a thin, long, flexible body with short paws, a long tail and a small head. Leopard is listed in the Red Book not only in Russia but also in the world. And also in the protection documents of various Asian countries. But the cruel laws concerning the hunting of this beast do not help much. Every year the number of snow leopards decreases.