The biggest bears in the world

In every forest of a region or region not only in Russia, but also in the world, some kind of bear is found. Meeting him face to face does not promise anything good. Only a few can boast of a successful outcome of the confrontation with the bear. But not all these animals are dangerous to humans. There are quite innocuous specimens. But, in any case, it's better to stay away from them. And from large individuals especially. In this article we will look at what are the biggest bears in the world.


Gubachet Weight 54 - 140 kg

Bear with the most unusual appearance in our top. The shape of his head, eyes and nose is like a sloth. The lips of a bear look like a trunk, hence the specific name of the animal.

Gubach opening the rating of the biggest bears in the world has a body length equal to 180 cm and weight from 54 to 140 kg. It feeds on ants and termites. With the help of his large and powerful claws, he climbs trees.

Distribution area: India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal. Currently, is under threat of extinction, is listed in the Red Book. Lives no more than 40 years.


Himalayan bear Weight 120 - 140 kg

An animal with a black short silky fur weighs 120-140 kg and has a body length of 150-170 cm. A distinctive feature of the bear is a spot in the shape of the letter " V " on the chest. It was it who gave the second name to the mammal - the Lunar Bear.

Himalayan bear can be found in Iran, Afghanistan, the Himalayas, Pakistan. Rarely in Korea. On the territory of Russia, it lives in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories.

The mammal, ranked ninth in the list of the largest bears on the planet, can be called a herbivore, because almost 90% of its food consists of nuts, berries, herbs. Of living beings, he eats only frogs, molluscs and ants. Lives about 25 years. It is listed in the Red Book.


Spectacled Bear Weight 70 - 140 kg

The only bear family in South America. It lives in Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama, Peru. Weights from 70 to 140 kg, and the body length of the mammal reaches 150-180 cm. Only 21 years old live. The spectacle bear, one of the largest bears in the world, does not fall asleep, although it suits itself to the dens. He hunts at night or at twilight. In her herbivores, second only to the Great Panda. It feeds on roots, herbs, fruits. Very rarely attacks deer. A single bear. It is considered a sight on the verge of extinction. It is listed in the Red Book.


Big panda Weight up to 160 kg

The most peace-loving bear on the planet. It has a specific black-and-white coat color. The mass of the largest individuals reaches 160 kg. The length of the mammal is 1.3-1.8 meters.

Only feeds on bamboo. A day can eat more than 30 kg of this plant. With a shortage of food, the panda, which is one of the largest bears, does not disdain small animals, insects, eggs of birds.

Panda habitat area: Tibet and Sichuan are mountainous regions of China. Is under threat of complete extinction. For the murder of panda in China, the death penalty is provided.


Kermod Weight up to 300 kg

This animal, included in the top of the largest bears on the planet, is called the Indians a ghost bear. His name was given in honor of the zoologist Francis Kermod. It was he who first described this species of bear.

The habitat is located on the west coast of Canada. Kermod is a subspecies of a black American bear. Having a white coat color, he, nevertheless, is not an albino or a relative of the Polar Bears.

Eats both animal food and vegetable: fruits, berries, rhizomes.

It has a length of up to 1.8 meters and a body weight of up to 300 kg.


Baribal Weight 330 - 360 kg

The length of the baribal, which occupies the middle of the ranking of the largest bears in the world, reaches two meters. The weight of an adult male is 330-360 kg. The largest individual, who was shot, had a body weight of 363 kg. An animal with a sharp muzzle and shiny black fur inhabits practically the entire territory of the USA and Canada. Also, it is common in northern Mexico. The bear feeds mainly on food of vegetable origin( berries, nuts), insects, fish. Sometimes attacks sheep or pigs. Lives about 10 years in natural conditions and 30 - in captivity. The number of individuals of baribal now reaches 600,000.


Grizzly Weight up to 450 kg

Subspecies of brown bear. It occurs in Alaska, in western Canada, near the Yellowstone Park and in the northwestern areas of Washington. The weight of this large animal reaches 450 kg. It feeds mainly on fish( salmon), but does not disdain and carrion.

The grizzly is very similar to the brown bear. There are almost no differences. The difference is mainly in behavior, not appearance. A mammal is stronger than a brown bear.

Although the word "Grizzly" translates as terrible, the bear attacks people only when hungry or angry. In the rest of the time a person does not represent a special value for a mammal occupying the 4th line of the rating of the largest bears in the world.


Siberian brown bear Weight 750 - 800 kg

Another subspecies of the brown bear. The largest specimens reach a length of 2.5 meters and a body weight of 750-800 kg. An animal with a dark brown coat lives near the basin of the Kolyma and Anadyr rivers. Sometimes it occurs east of the Yenisei River, near the border of East Kazakhstan and in the Chinese province of Xinjiang.

Is a single bear, hibernates for the winter. The animal receiving bronze rating of the largest bears in the world , eats vegetative and animal food approximately in equal proportions, that is, omnivorous. Very fond of fish: C of the Siberian brown bear can often be found in shallow rivers


Kodiak Weight 800 - 1000 kg

And, finally, the largest subspecies of the brown bear and the silver medalist of the big bears ranking on the planet is Kodiak. A mammal, up to 2.8 meters in length and weighing up to 800-1000 kg, is omnivorous. Has a muscular long body with a massive head and a short tail.

At the moment the number of these bears is 3000 individuals. They have long been under disappearance, so they can shoot no more than 160 animals per year. Man frightens the beast. After a meeting with him, a bear can stop gaining weight for hibernation.

The species is distributed on the Kodiak Archipelago, which is located off the coast of Alaska.


White bear Weight up to 1 ton

A predatory animal, up to 3 meters long and weighing up to 1 ton, becomes the leader in the ranking of the largest bears on the planet. The species is widespread in the Arctic. A lot of Polar Bears on the island of Spitsbergen. There are many more there than people. Spitsbergen is also called the "island of polar bears".

The most striking difference of a mammal from its southern brethren is a long neck and a flat head. The beast eats such animals as a sea hare, a walrus, an arctic fox.
The lifespan of these single bears is no more than 30 years.

Now, the number of polar bear species in Russia is 5-6 thousand animals. In the whole world - 28000 individuals. In our country hunting for it is forbidden, but poachers still shoot 150-200 bears a year.