Top 10 fastest birds in the world

To the fastest living creatures on the planet are the birds. Moving in the air, the flyers can develop tremendous speed. Some species of birds can compete in air flying with the first created aircraft.

The rating includes the fastest birds in the world .Some of them develop maximum speed with horizontal flight, and others - when diving.


Dive speed 116 km / h

- a large waterfowl opens the rating of the fastest birds on the planet. With a body length of 48 to 56 cm and a weight of up to 1.5 kg, the dive is capable of speeding up to 116 km / h in the air. His flight is easy and longer duration among the other duck family. In addition, the duck runs pretty fast and swims well. This species is widespread in Central, Middle Asia and Western Siberia. These feathers prefer to settle near freshwater reservoirs overgrown with reeds. The main food for the dives is seeds, aquatic plants, mollusks, and fish.


White-breasted American swift speed 124 km / h

The white-breasted American swift with the speed of horizontal flight 124 km / h is located on the ninth line of the rating of the fastest birds in the world. These small feathered birds, which look like swallows, are widespread in Europe, North Africa and Asia. Rock habitats are chosen for habitat, but they can also exist in urban conditions. The main food of the white-breasted American swift is insects, which he catches in flight. They spend most of their life in the air and prefer not to twist their nests, but to settle in other people's dwellings - swifts and swallows.


Medium Shrews Speed ​​129 km / h

Medium Shrews belongs to the duck family and is considered one of the fastest birds in the world. In flight, the duck can pick up speed up to 129 km / h. The average cochlea is quite large - its body length can reach half a meter, and the weight is -1.3 kg. Like other duck family, this species can swim and dive well. You can meet a middle-sized crochet in North America and Eurasia. For habitat, he chooses flowing lakes and rivers, where he eats fish, frogs, insects and worms.


Shorthy goose speed 142 km / h

Shorthy goose is one of the fastest birds in the world, which can reach speeds of up to 142 km / h. This species belongs to the family of ducklings and has rather large dimensions: in length it can reach 1 meter, and in the mass of the body it accumulates up to 6 kg. Males are larger than females. Shpetsovaya goose quite well and quickly runs on the ground, and in a manner of movement resembles a heron. It is distributed in South America, particularly in Namibia, Zimbabwe and South Africa and prefers to settle near freshwater reservoirs. As a food, these geese prefer water and coastal plants, as well as insects and small fishes.


The gray-headed albatross speed 147 km / h

The gray-headed albatross with dimensions 81 cm in length and the wingspan of 2 meters can gain speed in the airspace to 147 km / h. For a very long time, able to stay in flight and for life covers huge distances, skirting several times the globe. Its habitat is the islands of the Southern Ocean. They feed on gray-headed albatrosses mainly with squid, fish and shellfish. They can dive to a depth of 7 m to get food.


Frigate speed 150 km / h

The frigate is one of the fastest flyers in the world, which speeds up to 150 km / h. Most of the time, frigates prefer to float in the air, while not moving their wings. They have fairly long and narrow wings, the range of which can reach 2.5 m. With an increase of 1.1 m in length in the mass of the body, they can reach 1.5 kg. Skilful flyers are rather awkwardly moving and do not know how to swim. A distinctive feature of the male is the inflatable throat sac of red color, which he entices the female. These birds have chosen a habitat for the island of the tropical and subtropical belt. They can be found in Australia and Polynesia. Since the frigates themselves do not know how to swim, they hunt the flying fish, or they take the prey from the water birds.


Cheglock speed 160 km / h

Cheglok - a small bird of prey of the falcon family is one of the fastest birds in the world in terms of the speed of flight. With a wingspan of 80 cm, the haglock can reach speeds of up to 160 km / h. Outwardly, it looks like a peregrine falcon, but differs in size, which is 28-36 cm. The wings of its wings are fast and maneuverable, alternating with slipping, acquiring the shape of a sickle. Letun is distributed throughout the continent of Eurasia and prefers to settle in forests and forest-steppe zones. Since it is a predator, it eats small birds, as well as large insects - beetles, butterflies and dragonflies. Less often, mice and other small animals become its delicacy.


Asymmetrical swift speed 170 km / h

The bold swift reveals the top three fastest birds in the world. The flies of the family of swifts with the wingspan of 55 cm are able to gain speed in a horizontal flight of 170 km / h. The length of his body reaches 22 cm, and the weight is about 150 g. Swarthy swifts can be found in South Asia, the Far East and Siberia. For settlement, they choose groves and forests near the ponds. A feature of these flyers is that they never land.


Berkut speed 320 km / h

Berkut - one of the fastest flyers, capable of picking up to 320 km / h in flight. It is a bird of prey that belongs to the family of hawks. The length of the body of the eagle can reach 1 meter, and its weight is from 3 to 7 kg. The range of its wings varies in the range of 2-2.4 m. In search of prey, hunters are able to soar high in the sky, while their activity remains minimal. Their movements in the air are easy and maneuverable. Noticing the prey, the golden eagle is rapidly gaining speed and rushes to the prey. To himself as a victim, the predator chooses birds, rodents, hares. Can also profit by a large, sick prey in the form of roe deer, sheep, sheep and calves. The habitat of the golden eagle is wide enough and includes most of the Holarctic, Alaska, Canada, Scotland, the Caucasus, etc. Also it can be found in the entire forest zone of Russia.


Peregrine Falcon speed 350 km / h

Peregrine Falcon is the fastest flyer on the planet Earth. The bird of prey belongs to the falcon family and has the widest range of habitats - all continents, excluding Antarctica. The sweep of its wings is 1,1 m when flying. When diving, the predator develops a speed of up to 350 km / h, in a minute this distance is about 1 km. The body of an adult peregrine falcon can reach half a meter in length, and the bird can gain weight in weight up to 1 kg. He loves hunting medium sized birds - pigeons, thrushes, starlings and ducks. Sometimes small mammals can become its victims. To inhabit the hunter chooses inaccessible places to man - it is often rocky shores of reservoirs.