There are not so many species among fish that are dangerous for humans, but they do exist. The most dangerous fish in the world are able to tear their prey into small pieces in a matter of minutes, other species can be lethal when eaten, and still others are able to settle in the human body, parasitizing from the inside.
Vandellia or the
candy Vandellia or the candy opens the list of the most dangerous fish on the planet. The body of the individual is almost colorless and very difficult to see in the water. Despite its small size: 2.5 centimeters in length and several millimeters in thickness, vandelia poses an extreme danger not only for large fish, but for humans. Individuals lead a parasitic lifestyle, feeding on the blood of other living beings. Vandellia is able to penetrate freely into the vagina, penis or even the anus of a person, starting there to feed organ tissues and blood. In this case, a person experiences painful pains. Untimely treatment of a doctor can lead to disastrous consequences.
Piranha ranks ninth among the most dangerous fish in the world. Small fish from Brazil and South America are able to cope with even the largest prey in a short time, leaving only a skeleton from it. They are very voracious, so choose ponds that abound in fish and other living things. Otherwise, the predator is called "the toothy devil".The individual reaches no more than 30 centimeters in length and 1 kilogram in weight. Has very sharp teeth and well-developed jaws, which allow to deal with any flesh. The danger for a person is that they are able to attack huge flocks, and it becomes impossible to cope with them alone.
Fish-saw takes the eighth line in the list of the most dangerous fish in the world. The inhabitant of the water expanses, reaching a length of 7 meters and armed with a 3-meter nose, does not harm the person deliberately. But due to poor vision and protection of their territory, cases of attack are known. The fish-saw very quickly uses its tool, turning the flesh of any creature into a bloody mash. The animal is very well camouflaged in the water and at times it is difficult to notice immediately. The species is on the verge of extinction, so they are under protection.
The scull-taillot ranks seventh among the most dangerous fishes in the world. Adult individuals can reach a length of 180 centimeters, and the weight can be 30 kilograms. They have a rhomboid shape. This species lives at a sufficiently deep depth, so that scuba divers and explorers of the underwater world can meet them. Stingrays are the peace-loving creatures. However, if by caution to stumble upon this fish, it can be stabbed by a poisonous sting that is on the tail. In this case, a person experiences a very strong pain shock.
Brown rockfish
The most dangerous in the world is the brown scraper or fugu fish used in the national Japanese cuisine. Belongs to the family of pufferfish. The potential danger to humans is to eat this fish. Fugu has a tender and delicious fillet. But organs such as skin, liver or caviar are unsuitable for food, since they contain the lion's share of toxins, which, if ingested, lead to paralysis and death. An improperly cooked dish from a fugue can become fatal for a person's life.
Large barracuda
The large barracuda is one of the five most dangerous fish in the world. The body of a predator can reach 2 meters in length, and in weight the barracuda can gain up to 50 kilograms. The fish has a torpedo-shaped body with a greenish tinge. Jaws are equipped with powerful teeth that grow to 7 centimeters. With their help, a large barracuda easily tears off pieces of flesh from prey. Young growth prefers to hunt in flocks, but adult individuals attack mainly singly. Predators are very attracted to metal shiny objects. Therefore, there is a potential risk of attacking a person, if the fish notices the sparkling decoration on the body. You can meet the barracuda at the Caribbean islands, in the Atlantic, the Mediterranean Sea. Rarely found in the Indian Ocean, Malaysia and Indonesia.
Fish stone
Fish stone is one of the ten most dangerous species. It is also considered the most poisonous in the world. Its name was due to the similarity with the stone. It is very difficult to see among other reefs and coral reefs, as it merges with them. She has 12 very sharp spines on her back, able to pierce even the shoes of a scuba diver. If you step on the fish, it instantly injects its poison into the wound formed from the thorns. Painful shock is so strong that a person can die immediately, choking in the water. If during the first two hours the victim does not provide medical assistance, he will die.
Electric eel
Electric acne opens the three most dangerous fish in the world. Is a relative of the catfish. Its danger to man and any other living being is that the body of the eel has a discharge of 550 volts, which is deadly. Death from contact with the body of the fish comes instantly. The shock of an animal's current can stun even an adult horse. You can not take such fish with your bare hands. These predators do not have to use jaws to catch prey. It is enough to inflict a blow to the body so that the victim is dead. The length of electric acne can reach 3 meters, and weigh up to 40 kilograms. Inhabits a dangerous creature in the Amazon and South America.
Great white shark
The big white shark takes the second place in the rating of the most dangerous fish in the world. The predator can live both in great depth and in shallow water. The shark has a torpedo-shaped body, painted in gray or blue. She has very developed jaws. In the oral cavity, the living hulk can hold up to 3,000 teeth. Olfactory receptors are so well developed in a predator that it is able to smell a drop of blood diluted in a hundred liters of water. It is not uncommon for this shark to attack a person. Currently, the species is on the verge of extinction, therefore it is protected by ecosystem defenders.
Shark bull
Tops the rating of the most dangerous fish in the world shark bull .It belongs to the most aggressive species of sharks. The animal attacks many marine life, including dolphins. The predator has very powerful and developed jaws, which by the force of the bite surpass any predator. The shark grows in giant sizes: the body length ranges from 2-4 meters, and the weight is up to 250 kg. It can live in fresh and salty waters. Therefore, these fish often enter the rivers and reach the lakes. The cases of detection of the bull's ox in the rivers Missouri, Kentucky and Illioniys have been recorded.