How to choose a humidifier for the apartment: features and actual models

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Seeing with friends is an engineering marvel, do not worry - they only care about their well-being


  • 1 For what the apartment needed a humidifier? Purpose and functions
  • 2 Classification by structure Humidification
  • 3 How does a humidifier? The principle of operation of different types of devices
  • 4 Important parameters, or How to choose a humidifier for an apartment on the characteristics
  • 5 How to use a humidifier? A few tips
  • 6 We choose a humidifier for a child's room
  • 7 The secrets of creating a humidifier with your hands
  • 8 What is better to choose a humidifier for apartment: Ranking 2017-2018 gg. and reviews
  • 9 Conclusion: who should take the humidifier, and how much money you can invest

For what the apartment needed a humidifier? Purpose and functions

First, let's just remember an important rule - very dry air has a detrimental effect on human health and pets, impairs vital functions of houseplants, and gradually destroys the furniture of different kinds tree. In this regard, it is desirable to always maintain a certain level of humidity. Currently, experts consider optimal the following values.

ViewThe indicator Percentage
AppliancesFrom 45 to 60
Wooden furnitureFrom 40 to 60
Person (adult or child)From 40 to 60
HouseplantsFrom 55 to 75

Withering leaves home favorite flower - a clear sign of over-dried air in the room

In spring and autumn with this factor there are no problems due to regular rains and fogs. But in the winter (or dry summers) is simply impossible to avoid lowering the humidity in the apartment. It is in these situations and come to the aid of a humidifier.

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Before purchasing a pre-use hygrometer - it will help to measure the moisture level and suggest how relevant will this acquisition.

Home hygrometer allows you to combine several functions

This apparatus allows to reach a certain percentage of humidity in the room by the air filling tiny droplets The vaporized water. There are also models with additional features - previously referred to the ionization, aromatization, ozonation, etc.

Classification by structure Humidification

Now you understand what it is, the humidifier? Let's move on smoothly to the next important question: what types of products present on the market today, and what are their distinguishing features.

Manufacturers offer a considerable range of modifications, but each customer will only fit a certain kind

Traditional humidifier - reliable and practical option

The classic model, the first items of such equipment have just such a design. Inside the housing is hiding the water reservoir, powerful fan and filters for air purification from impurities. In some samples there disinfecting element (typically a silver rod).

Benefits include affordable prices, as well as the absence of risk "overbuilt" microclimate moisture. Among the disadvantages highlighted slow processing speed, the need for regular replacement cartridges for filtration and higher requirements for the water used (it should be distilled).

Manufacturers recommend replacing the filter is not less than once in 2-3 months

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Subspecies conventional humidifiers are so-called "air wash". In addition to a standard set of parts, which has an additional fan, whose blades are screened out tiny particles of dust and other contaminants. An ideal choice for people with allergies!

This technique will please lovers of healthy lifestyles, and hypochondriacs

Steam humidifier - the best choice for performance for the home or apartment

If the first case applies natural air humidity saturation process in the room, the inventors vapor modifications were founded more "aggressive" type processing. As a part of the device there are no filters, but at the base is one or more heaters. The rest of the construction is similar to the previous version.

The steam humidifier is considered one of the most powerful - is its main advantage. Also, it lacks the elements that need to constantly purchase separately. However, it was not without annoying shortcomings - you have to self-regulate the level of humidity, periodically shutting device, the device also emits unpleasant noise during operation and requires considerable costs in electricity.

You want fast results? Give preference to products with the generation of steam

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Many gardeners like to use steam model in greenhouses and greenhouses, because at a certain skill level, you can create conditions similar to tropical.

The acquisition of this equipment will be cheaper than installation of misting systems

Ultrasonic humidifier - "silent killer" dry microclimate

All of us mentioned proposals have one notable feature - they make loud sounds during operation. So if you are critical of the noise level, it is rational to pay attention to the ultrasonic version - it is the quietest humidifier among all available options. In addition to all major components of the characteristic of the conventional modifications in design special member is present that generates ultrasonic waves. Despite the fact that are among the most in the rankings like moisturizers and balanced comfortable, they have two major drawbacks - the high price and the need to purchase replacement filters.

The high efficiency and versatility are also achieved at the expense of complicated internal devices

Climate Complex - multitasking for your apartment

If you have the desire, that the air in the room literally cured all diseases, it is worth considering the acquisition of the complex climate. Unlike their competitors, such a proposal has multilevel purity air mass (coal present and HEPA-filter elements as well as for antibacterial processing). After analyzing what humidifier / air purifier for home is best, can be called the proposal practically perfect in every way. The only negative - the extremely high price tags, but, as you know, health just can not buy.

Surprisingly, this is exactly the case when the quantity and the quality is on par

How does a humidifier? The principle of operation of different types of devices

As you can see, each of us described humidifiers has its own principle. It is in this lies more low or high performance. How does this unique process in such a compact package?

  1. AT traditional devices, water poured into a special container is put into a pan. Then it passes through the humidifying filter and the fan are emitted outwardly through the opening in the upper portion of the article. This method has a more natural environment, but have to wait long.
  2. AT steam humidifier is still the same liquid, being at the bottom of the unit is exposed to heating by means of heating element. After reaching the boiling point, it begins to actively evaporate. At this point, you can watch a stream of steam, actively raised up.

    Seeing the operation of the unit, you can easily confuse it with boiling kettle

  3. AT ultrasound Moisture increases due to active vibration special membrane. It makes the overall weight of the water in individual small droplets that under the action of the fan start to climb up, spreading out across the area of ​​the room.
  4. climate systems use the principle of the traditional humidifiers, but for best results, as part of equipment has a motor that causes the air like a more active come inside, acting on the principle vacuum cleaner.

The passage of air through the cleaning system allows to separate all the "wheat from the chaff"

Important parameters, or How to choose a humidifier for an apartment on the characteristics

Like any household equipment, humidifiers have a certain set of critical parameters which depend on productivity and durability. Making a competent selection of features, you can get the perfect option without extra costs both time and money.

Performance and maximum processing area

Naturally, it is first necessary to assess what will be the area of ​​the room in which the device is located. Otherwise, buy a high risk or a low-power or overly productive product sample. Among the experts are still fierce debate, a humidifier is better in terms of performance - steam or ultrasonic. But so far in this "battle" convincing wins the first option.

"Great room - the appropriate moisturizer" - is not just a slogan, but an important rule

Water Tank

From a peak of filling the water tank of the apparatus depends on the duration. There is also a direct correlation between the area of ​​the room and maximum capacity of the tank.

Service area, m2Volume of the tank, L
10 to 154 to 5
From 30 to 406 to 7
From 50 to 607 to 9

Noise level

According to the requirements of building codes, the optimum noise figure of 20 dB. For comparison, talking in hushed tones is equal to 50 dB. Fortunately, the maximum noise value in the current model does not exceed 55 dB. The best choice for comfortable use is an ultrasonic humidifier.

Too loud running machine may awaken some members of the family at night

control method

In this respect, everything is completely identical to other techniques - there are mechanical buttons or electronic panel. On the side of the first reliability and intuitive operation. In favor of the second option says a larger feature set and programmability.

Some manufacturers equip their "child" remote control

Regulation percent humidity

With this feature, anyone will be able to adjust the desired humidity level. Unfortunately, high-power and high-performance steam humidifiers deprived of the presence of such functionality, which complicates work with them.

Humidifier with hygrometer - two products in a single housing

If you are not sure that the air is too dry in the apartment, or you want to control the process, the presence of the hygrometer is necessary to point among the features. The price of such devices are a little higher, but it pays off in the future.

The percentage of moisture content in the display allows you to make a decision on the continuation of work on or off

Additional options for humidifier - aromatic oils, ionization, ultraviolet, etc.

Each person has their own needs and requirements. If you want to buy not just a moisturizer, but also an air purifier with a maximum range of available functions, You can look at the proposals with the processing air masses of silver ions by irradiation with ultraviolet rays. For relaxation fans an interesting addition to a built-in unit with aromatic oils.

Ultraviolet light is necessary not to fight against the vampires, and for maximum air disinfection

How to use a humidifier? A few tips

  1. Before using the device, try to close all doors, windows and vents. So the effect will come much faster.
  2. If you work uses ordinary running water, several times a month, clean the tank and an outlet means for dealing with scum.
  3. Do not leave the equipment is turned on, if there is no liquid in the tank, because it will lead to premature failure.
  4. If you are in the apartment kept antique or unique things, give preference to models with ultrasonic humidification system.
  5. If you choose the steam humidifier, be very careful in the process of his work - the outgoing steam leaves burns on unprotected skin.

We choose a humidifier for a child's room

Picking up the device for a child's room, refer to the following knowledge accumulated by previous buyers:

  1. The safest and most convenient option - a traditional moisturizer. He will not allow "too far" with the level of humidity and lack of steam will prevent the child from injuries.
  2. Young children are very sensitive to extraneous noise, so try to buy a machine with low noise.
  3. Products in the form of toys is very attractive, but keep in mind that kids can easily break the device.
  4. If your child often suffers from allergies, it is better "fork" in the climatic complex.

Quiet operation techniques will keep a deep sleep toddler

The secrets of creating a humidifier with your hands

Everyone wants to buy a good and inexpensive humidifier. Alas, the prices in the stores is not always possible to buy a decent specimens. However, engineers are in all strata of society - people learned to do a similar electronics personally. We offer you to familiarize himself with one of the brightest and most extensive examples:

What is better to choose a humidifier for apartment: Ranking 2017-2018 gg. and reviews

edition gathered for you the most interesting and best offers among all model series 2017-2018 gg. We hope that our selection will help you to decide on a future purchase.

NameCategoryThe average price of the Russian Federation rubles.AppearanceEvaluation edition, the score
Boneco Air-O-Swiss W2055DRTraditional25 0009,1/10
Maxcan MH-602WRCNursery2 9009,2/10
Philips HU4707 / 13Steam5 2009,2/10
Ballu UHB-400Ultrasonic2 8009,3/10
Panasonic F-VXK90climate complex51 5009,8/10
"The main thing in all weather in the house" - learn how to choose a humidifier for apartmentsRanking of the best humidifier models.In a special publication of our portal, we describe in detail about the humidifiers. You will learn the basic functions of humidifiers traditional type of air, become familiar with the best-rated humidifiers 2017-2018 gg. for newborns and other ratings.

Review of models Boneco Air-O-Swiss W2055DR

More on Otzovik:

Review Ballu UHB-400 model

More on Otzovik:

Conclusion: who should take the humidifier, and how much money you can invest

Summing up what what we talked today, we can safely say that buying a humidifier is relevant:

  1. During the winter (when actively working heating).
  2. If there are small children.
  3. In allergic diseases and rehabilitation.

level of costs for the products as always must be commensurate with their capabilities. The acquisition is fraught with too cheap models are easily damaged or defective work.