Country house or dacha - is not just a long-term investment in real estate, but also a place to rest from the city. Working person to restore the psychological balance is required to periodically go beyond the usual routine.

Cottage interior decoration is simple and used the decor, which can be easily done by hand.
Country house - it is an ideal solution for the creation of the conditions for moral comfort, which is vital for maintaining the health of the modern man. In modeling his country estate, indispensable helpers are the already existing types of interiors, the most famous of which are shown below.

Today the country house less and less synonymous with garden work, now it is a place to rest from the city noise.
Style of "country"
- Style of "country"
- Provence style
- Fabulous comfort in real life: a house in chalet style
- General guidelines for choosing a design project
- Design holiday home
- Design garden shed
- Fireplace as a mandatory element of the interior of country
- Furnishing of premises
- Furniture for bedroom villa
- Addition Interior handmade furniture
- Beautiful examples of design and interior design of country houses:
Dynamic environment of accelerating world requires the simplicity of the interior and furniture in compliance with all standards of modern comfort.

Country or rustic style is very popular among truckers because of its specificity.
Style of "country" (from the English. - village), best fit these criteria:
- Harmony with nature is achieved by simplicity of form and decoration of buildings, as well as decorative naturalized distribution of flora and fauna.
- Often the interior style of "country" is added to the illusion of a little disorder, which involves simulating objects of agriculture goods and imitations of fruits and vegetables. The full version of this style interior is also modified.
- All the technical progress of innovation disguised as their counterparts of two centuries ago: lamps are designed as kerosene lamps and candles, a bathroom painted in wood color, and sockets with fumigator from mosquitoes closed from the eyes of small decor items.
- Heating the house in the style of "country" is carried out with the help of village stoves and fireplaces simple since the first American settlers.
Provence style
This French style though it is considered one of the derivatives of the classic American "country", in fact, is its complete opposite. Instead simplified usability of the American colonists, Provencal style is characterized by refined taste and copies the interior of a wealthy Frenchman 17-18 century.

Cottage Provence interior fit for a summer option.
- The first hallmark of Provence is considered to be an abundance of colors, both inside and outside the house. Flowers hung facades, porch, attic, the doors of the French provincial cottage.
- The second feature can be designated white priority in all rooms. Bright colors keep their natural illumination of rooms at dusk and enhance the visual effect of the decor placed in the daytime.
Farm also uses the style in its design sculpted statues and busts of classical, clock with Cymbal arrow lamp as a suppository with candelabra, bath forms fine WC and disguised vintage water closet.

It is appropriate special bright furnishings, fireplace, designed décor.
Fabulous comfort in real life: a house in chalet style
In towns and cities standardization and repeatability of numerous forms of depressing for people with creative thinking development. The house is in a chalet-style will be a good place to restore vitality and creativity. A distinctive feature of the chalet gives it a special attraction are the eaves, which can serve more than a meter.

The interior in the style chalet can only be created in a holiday home interior with fireplace and out of logs and stone finishes.
In some types of chalet roof can be both a wall, the other chalet can be made under "house gnome" or small knight's castle with towers. Adjoining portion often decorated with decorative ponds with artificial springs, fountains, statues tale heroes or other external disturbing fantasy décor items.

To finish using protective lacquer, means for vybelki wood or plaster natural colors.
The inner interior in the style of practical comfort, without fanciful shapes and insanely bright colors. The interior does not distract the visual attention, but at the same time inside the chalet person feels safe and comfortable. In this contrast, and founded a beneficial psychological effect chalet: a cozy atmosphere inside the house through a nice window to watch the amazing and unusual world outside.
General guidelines for choosing a design project
Before you proceed to the selection of ready-made design solutions, you need to decide on personal preferences, which project is more appropriate: a garden house or summer residence property. The difference between the "garden" and "dacha" in only one: at the cottage to relax in comfort only in the summer, and in the garden house - all year round.

Cottage - this is the place where you want not only to work but also have a good rest.
Design holiday home
Although the cottage design and is considered to be one of "economy", some types of summer interior is visually superior to their competitors season. The advantage of the design is achieved in that during the installation of the external decoration can neglect the restrictions associated with the spring and autumn or thaw snow.

It is important to create a befitting conditions - namely, to organize such an interior, which will be comfortable.
Also holiday option does not necessarily presuppose the existence of insulated walls and large heating systems to warm up in the winter all the rooms. In turn, this enables design project more space to maneuver. Below is a typical picture of the internal design of a country house.

The holiday home needs in the design of not less than a city apartment.
Design garden shed
The opportunity to come and relax at any time of the year is not only connected with the additional costs of insulation of the garden house, but also the struggle for the preservation of the appearance of a rainy-snowy seasons. Elements of external decoration and the track has to elevate above the general level of land and build a mask and rain water drainage system.

To create the right image of your garden, think about what it is you want to see around.
The interior of the garden house is a bit limited in their ability to fireplaces and stoves in the rooms and the attendant attributes: Boxes coal, firewood shelves etc. But thicker walls allow easy to mount on vertical surfaces more massive elements decor.

If the house is in shade or in an area of poor artificial lighting, it is best to make it as light.
Fireplace as a mandatory element of the interior of country
Competently plan the interior of a country house can not be imagined without a fireplace. Fascinating and at the same time calming fire burning fireplace adds a special touch to the place where people come to cleanse emaciated bustle of consciousness and restart thoughts.

It is important to take care of the practical home according to how long you plan to live in it.
In this case, the condition of Russia, where the night in mid-July, it is possible to be frozen, a fireplace is a prerequisite for physical comfort. Despite the abundance of compact electric heaters, at least in the same room it is recommended to install a real wood-burning fireplace. In the case of intermittent electricity, wood-burning fireplace at night, not only warms the room, but also bring to light it.

It is recommended to put plastic windows and secure doors.
Furnishing of premises
Furniture for bedroom villa
Volume and space of country cottages allows you to put in the rooms have larger beds and other large furniture. Rest lose its therapeutic effect of reducing, if a person from the city "birdhouse" move to another of the same "nesting box", but only against the background of nature.

It is best to view the photos of different finishing options and choose the one you like.
Addition Interior handmade furniture
Frequency of visits to garden houses and summer does not create a large depreciation for furniture, allowing years of use to the demanding loads handmade furniture and restored antiques. The aesthetics of the part of the environment with which a person significant time in contact with her body (sitting, lying, etc.), directly affects his subconscious identity. For relaxation, a full and successful person individually-designed high-end furniture will suit better than consumer goods conveyor.

The most comfortable option is to give a warm and homey interior that is created with the help of wooden beams, fireplaces, decorative elements of wood.
Beautiful examples of design and interior design of country houses:
To complete the picture we present a photo gallery of amazing interior garden and country houses.