Garage Finishes: interior than to sheathe inside 75 photos

Garage is not only a shelter for cars, but also serves a number of useful functions. This room can be used as a workshop for repair, store dimensional things or being comfortable resting place. To make it as organic, the regeneration should take into account some of the subtleties and specifics of construction. Finish the garage should be practical and safe, especially if several vehicles will be in it.


  • Especially finishing and improvement of garage
    • Warming
    • Ventilation
    • electrical wiring and lighting
  • The choice of material for the walls
    • Plaster
    • gypsum plasterboard
    • Ceramic tile
    • A variety of panel
    • modular covering
    • Siding
    • A rock
  • The device and the requirements for the floor
  • Features floor with a viewing hole
  • The choice of floor coverings
    • Wooden floor
    • polymer flooring
    • Concrete floor
    • Porcelain tiles
    • paving slabs
    • Acid-resistant ceramic tiles
    • rubber floor
  • Interior garage
  • Zoning and organization of space
  • The choice of furniture and equipment for garages
  • conclusion

Especially finishing and improvement of garage

Operate the garage will be much easier if you organize the space correctly. Beautiful interior design and high-quality lining prolong lifetime of the car, eliminate pollution and reduce the risk of fire. If you allow the floor space can be divided into zones. Having spent correctly zoning will accommodate additional equipment, some pieces of furniture.

Construction of garages

When equipping the garage with his hands it is necessary to follow certain rules. Especially important is the internal microclimate. Temperature and humidity should be as shown to the middle level. We need to think about the protection of property, to establish a good metal gates.

Wood on the wallsBeams on the ceilingChandeliers on rackMolded in finishingShield Wall


To create favorable conditions in the garage can be inexpensively using simple modern technology. Lining special material is better to do inside. To eliminate the option to get wet walls and the formation of mold, be sure to determine the dew point. Most used materials, as follows:

  • Styrofoam. Hermetically welded beads create dense cellular mass. This layer will be warm and efficient for the walls and floor. Air units do not get wet, do not absorb moisture. The drawback - it is impossible to insulate in an aggressive environment.
  • Mineral wool. Material artificial. It consists of different rocks, slags, glass. The fiber wadding has a high thermal insulation performance, but has a large water absorption.
  • Expanded clay. Suitable as a heater just for sex. Very durable, resistant to aggressive chemicals. Placed it directly on the ground in front of the concrete screed.
  • Penoizol. It has all the characteristics of the foam, but has a liquid consistency. A unique material is capable of absorbing moisture and once it evaporates. Penoizol hygroscopic and vapor permeable.

Carrying out work on warming the garage, we can not forget about the gate. If you finish first source of heat loss have not done enough, the whole thing will be meaningless.

garage Warming


Inadequate, inefficient ventilation of the room contributes to the formation of condensate and damage parts of the machine. Garage atmosphere may become unsafe due to the evaporation of the working fluid and exhaust. Avoid such problems will help the organization of normal circulation of air.

Setting the ventilation does not require large financial investments and certain skills, so do quality work can be independently without assistance. To create the ideal conditions for a car, it is necessary to take into account the type of construction. Garage buildings fit three types of ventilation:

  • Natural. Air masses move independently under pressure inside and outside the premises. To ventilate the easiest process was the most effective, you need to correctly calculate the installation of exhaust place, the inflow pipe.
  • Mechanical. Forced ventilation is installed in a large garage. Sufficient traction on this area can only provide such a device. Almost all models are equipped with filters, fans, electric heaters.
  • Combined. This method of organizing ventilation in garages with a cellar. Air purification in the underground storage occurs naturally, and is output from the main room via forced exhaust at manual operation.
Ventilation in the garage

electrical wiring and lighting

Depending on the purpose of the garage as a backlight using single lamp or lighting capital. Capacity and location of the instrument depends on the type of work done and the frequency of use of the premises. Electrification runs on a definite plan, includes a number of activities. First of all it is necessary to lay a power cable inside the garage. Then set the switchboard. Then choose the most suitable place for switches, sockets, lighting and make the ground.

As lighting lamps fit any type. They can be energy-efficient, fluorescent, halogen, with a simple filament. In a large garage to better organize the zoning by placing devices in a modular fashion. For tables, work surfaces fit a simple table lamp.

The lighting in the garage

The choice of material for the walls

Finishing materials presented on the construction market in a huge range. You can pick up any type of drywall, plaster panels with different characteristics. To determine the type of cladding, it is necessary to deal with the demands placed on them. Equally important will be the final appearance of the structure view.

Decorating the walls in the garageChess tiles on the floorBlinds on the windowTiles under brick wallsThe clock above the tableHeating pipes along the walls


This is a traditional method of finishing. Material well-kept on the walls of any type, be it concrete, bricks or aerated concrete. Plastering - the most affordable and budget option inner lining. It can be used for painting. The advantages of this method is the durability, strength, fire resistance, ease of maintenance, possibility of frequent staining.

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Of the disadvantages can be noted complexity of mixing the solution and applying it on the surface of the walls. Insufficient alignment and other inaccuracies are immediately noticeable. At the slightest variations in temperature may cause cracks, graining, flaking.

If the lining decided to plaster, it is necessary to think about the decorative coatings. Beautiful layer prolong the lifespan of the main decoration, giving it an aesthetic appearance.

Plastered walls in the garage

gypsum plasterboard

When the wet method is not suitable because of the large amount of debris and the need for capital-cleaning, use a "dry plastering." For mounting sheets of drywall to the wall or OSB using a metal frame or a special adhesive solution. Additional creation of metal grids will be required if the surfaces are large skew. For this method of equalization will have to donate free space.

Finishing is carried garage sheets with improved characteristics of fire resistance and moisture resistance. The advantages of the method include low weight, easy installation. consolidation process takes place without unnecessary waste. At a certain preparation of plasterboard can sheathe undulating arched surface. Of durable sheets, you can make partitions, if the room is large and there is a need zoning. The disadvantages of low-cost plasterboard cladding include low impact resistance. But this applies only to structures that are attached to the frame.

The walls are made of drywall in the garage

Ceramic tile

Ideal for garage decoration, fully compliant with all the requirements of the premises. Gently laid tile makes the surface completely water-resistant, easy to dry and wet cleaning. Because of the ability to withstand heavy loads, the material can be laid on the floor.

Used for cladding granite. It has a matte rough surface that will slow glide. If there is a desire to save money, the walls are cased with simple ceramic elements. Among the shortcomings is possible to allocate a large weight of the material, the high cost of the items themselves and the work of laying. Mounting is possible on the very smooth, pre-prepared surface.

The walls of the tiles in the garage

A variety of panel

When choosing a suitable option it is necessary to take into account the structural features. Special materials suitable for facades or unheated garage. Often use plastic parts. They are easily cleaned of dirt, have low hygroscopicity. Low weight allows them to be mounted directly on the wall or crate.

The panels on the walls in the garage

Aesthetic panel linings presents a huge range. One can find elements of different lengths, widths, colors. In case of accidental damage to one or more of the slats, they are easy to replace to such. Easy installation and low cost of the material allow the trim on their own without specific skills.

The disadvantages of the design applies an unexpected reaction to extremely low temperatures. The material can become brittle and cracked to go. Also PVC panels are easily ignite during combustion emit toxic substances. Available finish inside the garage with wood paneling. But this method is rarely chosen because of high levels of moisture absorption material.

Wall paneling on the ceiling

modular covering

The new modern way of decoration for walls and floors. The modules can simultaneously perform its intended purpose and decorate the room. The details may be made of PVC or rubber. Each element type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

PVC modules are designed for high load, resistant to any mechanical stress. They can be installed both indoors and outdoors at the entry site. plastic elements can withstand any temperature. They are inert to all petroleum products and industrial liquids. Modules can easily be stacked even without special tools. Use the garage as soon as possible after installation. Details can be of conventional roughened surface or a pronounced relief. Rubber modules are placed on the type of puzzles. Elements can be of different thickness and color. Before installing the modules of any type is not necessary to align the surface.

Modular coating on the walls in the garage


Mainly used for exterior finishes on top of the brick walls. With siding can be beautiful and attractive, even long-established premise. The rapidly growing popularity of this method of cladding due to the available material cost, durability, a huge choice of textures and colors, reasonable cost.

Garage of siding

With the necessary tools, you can easily refine their own garage. It is necessary to carry out preliminary calculations, carefully prepare the surface. Decorate the street side of the wall of the garage premises better siding of the following type:

  • Vinyl. A popular option attracts customers excellent performance and reasonable price. based on polyvinyl chloride characterized by elements easy installation, resistance to moisture and high temperatures.
  • Metal. Extremely durable, completely non-flammable components reliably protect the walls of the garage from external influences and keep warm. To prevent corrosion on twisting the siding, it is recommended to use screws with rubber heads.
Entrance of the tilesLantern over the gateDrainpipe on the wallThe window in the atticShrubs on the site

A rock

It is also used for the exterior finish. It looks beautiful, natural and artificial stone. This variant is the most time consuming and expensive, so give him the preference should, if required by the exterior courtyard or the main residential building. Finishing stone facades look presentable and respectable.

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The advantages of the stone exterior walls may include a long service life, resistance to any kind of stress. Disadvantages - the need to lay a solid foundation. Do furnish their own without specific skills will be very difficult. That it has an attractive appearance, lay out all the details required perfectly flat. Periodically stone elements have to be cleaned of stains and efflorescence remaining after the rain.

Garage of stone

The device and the requirements for the floor

Garage floor coating should have a far greater strength than the floor of the residential building. Stability sheathing frequently repeated mechanical impact and strong pressure and provide reliable covering his special way of mounting.

The floor of the garage

The floor in the garage should always be resistant to fuel, chemical materials. The surface should not absorb any dirt and be easily cleaned. Allowed only fireproof, water-resistant flooring. Increased hydration is capable of supporting a concrete floor.

Lamps in the wallsCheckerboard tile floorThe partition of the stairsBicycles on the wallBalls on the shelf

Features floor with a viewing hole

Construction of the floor in the garage with an inspection pit has some peculiarities. Be sure to have a good insulation, otherwise it simply will not be used. If the machine will stand long on damp, it's parts deteriorate and rot much faster. Before digging a recess for review, it is necessary to measure the level of groundwater.

Garage with an inspection pit with

At the edge of the pit must be made of iron power frame. It will contain the pressure of the machine in statics and dynamics. Otherwise the wheel selling tie, it will crumble crumbs straight into the hole. As additional stops lay special channels in the vicinity of the wheels. To conduct illumination into the pit can be powered by 36 volts. At a higher index of an accident can occur when ignited fuel vapor.

Grille at the pitLadder on the wallFixtures in the pitStair tilesThe cover on the pit

The choice of floor coverings

For the flooring in garages more demanding. Its quality depends on the convenience of the car productions, co-operation. The most relevant are the following options from the collection.

Flooring in the garageThe lamp above the doorVentilation under the ceilingLamps on the beamsOrange coating on the wallsShelf under the roof

Wooden floor

The advantages of the seemingly odd choices for a garage, you can include the ability to retain heat well. Wood breathes perfectly, eliminating the formation of mold. Installation work of laying can be carried out quickly without special training. If part of the boards sprung a leak, they can be easily replaced.

Disadvantages - high absorbency. If a tree is spilled gasoline or any other liquid, remove the stain will be impossible. Low biological stability, different microorganisms creates conditions to decay. With daily use, areas in contact with the car tires, quickly erased.

The wooden floor in the garage

polymer flooring

In many respects superior to the standard for concrete garage. Attractive appearance, easy maintenance make the polymer flooring one of the most frequently used in the decoration of the room. It has a perfectly smooth, homogeneous structure. The polymerization process is very fast. Already after 12 hours it is possible to walk, and the next day put the car.

The polymer coating in the garage can last up to 50 years. It absolutely does not let moisture, retains heat well, in spite of the small thickness. He was not afraid of vibration, bending, compression. Such a floor is easy to clean, it does not accumulate dust, no traces of chemical agents.

Polymer flooring is of several types, different in composition. To fill in garages often use: epoxy, polyurethane, cement, acrylic, methyl methacrylate. The disadvantages of all options include the high cost of the material and the work, the complexity of repair.

Polymer floor in the garage

Concrete floor

The easiest and cheapest option floor arrangement. Solid and durable casting can be done independently by choosing the most appropriate proportions of the constituent components. The concrete floor is safe for man and machine. He does not emit harmful substances, not dusty, dries quickly when wet. Modern mixture may have very different color and texture.

Operate the concrete base can be used independently or as a tile substrate, liquid mixtures boards. The main disadvantage of concrete - constantly cold surface. Help in the problem can only arrangement of the heating system.

Concrete floor in garage

If the floor casting will be purchased, ready-made mix, the choice should pay attention to the markings. Able to withstand the loads determines its mark.

Shelf above the windowA bedside table near the doorShrubs along the roadGarage with basementThe walls are made of wood

Porcelain tiles

Due to the high cost of such material is rarely used in the garage. Stopping the choice on this option is rational if there is a need and desire to make a stylish, interesting premise. In addition to aesthetic appeal, abrasion-resistant coating is capable of withstanding a load of 200 kg per 1 cm2.

Among the shortcomings noted high brittleness porcelain stoneware elements. Large parts must be delivered carefully and neatly stacked. Due to the low thermal insulation performance is not suitable for garages without heating.

Floor of granite in the garage

paving slabs

Smooth slip surface paving slabs allows to use it in the garage. It is resistant to any mechanical and chemical influences. Greater thickness elements (8 cm) provides good durability. Laying can be carried out independently, without having special skills.

The disadvantage is the cold surface, a high probability of the size mismatch in the preparation of the figures. Check the quality of the copies can be by rubbing two pieces against each other. Not suitable for laying paving slabs, which were formed scratches or cement dust.

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Floor of paving slabs in the garage

Acid-resistant ceramic tiles

A great option for the garage because of the ability to withstand the harsh conditions of any industrial premises. The main raw material for the production of a lining is a refractory clay. To increase strength, resistance to aggressive media, to which was added various components. Because of the complete absence of dye in the composition can come into contact without any impacts with an alkali or acid.

Floor tiles in the garage

rubber floor

The main raw material - rubber crumb. In order to give a certain shape it is mixed with dyes, various adhesive modifiers. By following a special manufacturing process in the production, it is possible to obtain a very strong material with excellent characteristics.

The main advantages - flexibility, resilience, the ability to withstand heavy loads. The rubber coating is breathing without promoting accumulation of condensate. It mutes the loud sounds, retains heat. The disadvantages are the complexity of installation. Laying rubber floor of any type requires certain skills and dexterity. Release coating in the following variations:

  • Rolls. Recruitment reinforcement have a thickness of 2-12 mm. Sold various colors and widths. Curved edges and folds cause rapid wear, therefore, require careful gluing
  • Mats. The main purpose of the elements - removal of dirt and fluids. The details may be different sizes, whole or cellular.
  • Modular tiles. With these details, you can create on the floor any patterns. Purchase and put on their own can be ready to set the size of a garage or build a unique picture of the photo or video.
Rubber floor in the garage

Interior garage

Optimal design of the garage must be not only visually appealing, but also convenient for the owner. Various decorations and all kinds of little things here would be inappropriate. To emphasize individuality and to create a pleasant setting for your stay, you can decorate the walls with posters, banners, stands with the tool. Minor details should not occupy a lot of space.

Interior garage

After the completion of the garage improvement is important to keep it in order. This will depend on the convenience of its use. In the cluttered room is difficult to find things. To hide from the eyes of open shelves and racks, use the screen of the water-repellent canvas or curtains. To quickly sweep debris must be on the shelves to provide for special openings.

Lockers above the tableThe tires on a shelfFurniture in the cornerThe bright tiles on the floorTool on the wall in the occupied zone

Zoning and organization of space

distribution zones in the garage is not less important than any other multi-functional room. First we need to think through the checkpoint area. It should always be free. Here you can place the items that will be required when entering the street, for example, a hanger with hooks for clothes, obuvnitsu.

The easy access zone may be frequently used items. It can a life high rack with sports equipment, animal feed, preservation for the winter and others. In a separate place is the store all the long objects. In a special container for convenience should be a broom, shovel, the other implements for cleaning the local area and of the garage.

Organization of space in the garage

Overall things should be in the most remote area. They can be placed on the mezzanine or suspended from the ceiling. For employment favorite business must be equipped with a separate corner. Then place the desktop, cabinets for storing small things.

Frequently used items, such as car care products, buckets and mops for cleaning, equipment for working in the garden should be easily accessible. Travel accessories, fishing gear and seasonal costumes should be sent to the farthest corner.

Ceiling fanChair at the tableThe letters on the wallBlinds on the windowTV on the wall

The choice of furniture and equipment for garages

The final step in creating the perfect atmosphere in the garage - filling it with furniture. Many motorists believe that there should be nothing superfluous, and the basic principles should be practical and minimalist. But if space permits, any items for convenience and increased comfort can be arranged compactly. Most often placed in the garage the following furniture and equipment:

  • Shelves. An indispensable element in the interior of the garage. They take up little space, so I think the most practical.
  • Shelves. Suitable for a spacious room. They can accommodate a lot of items that will help to maintain order. These may be metal or plastic construction. Better if it will be a model with adjustable height.
  • Workbench. Have it in the work area. The size and features of the equipment chosen depending on the needs of the owner.
  • Vodomaslootdelitel. Useful device intended for cleaning air from the heavy pollutants, gasoline vapor, oily components.
The furniture in the garageRed furniture to the wallShelf under the ceilingBuilt along the wallShelving in the cornerBicycles on the wall


Every car owner wants his car was in a clean protected location. To do this, carry out upgrading the garage all the rules. The choice of cladding depends on many factors, the main of which - the appointment of the garage premises. If space permits, construction of utility can make a real office for employment favorite business or recreation room. Catching the repairs yourself, you can create a new interior garage quickly and cheaply.