The small bathroom in the Khrushchev - the realities of our lives. You need to consider the best option arrangement of a large number of furniture and electronics on a tiny square. In this article we will discuss the nuances of the correct use of the small space.

The only opportunity to really expand the area of the bathroom in a Soviet apartment - to remove the partition and combine it with a toilet.
It is possible to make repairs in the bathroom in the Khrushchev, based on a photo you liked the interior. Still, make sure everything is as convenient as it seems at first glance. Do all the nuances and rules are observed. In this article, we will tell you what to look for when planning a renovation in the bathroom.

For owners of "Khrushchev", which are extremely small spaces have to think about all the details and possible to plan each square.
What you can do, and what not
- What you can do, and what not
- How to make efficient use of available space
- The choice of bathroom interior in the style of the Khrushchev
- The color scheme of the room
- Tips for choosing finishing materials and sanitary equipment
- choice plumbers
- How to Put a bath and a toilet in the bathroom combined in a five-storey apartment
- Shower instead of a bath
- Placing furniture, appliances and accessories
- mounted furniture
- Methods of increasing the space Khrushchev bathroom
- What you can and can not be installed in a small bathroom
- Lighting in the bathroom
- Output
- VIDEO: Repair of bathroom in the Khrushchev - before and after.
- 50 designs in bathroom Khrushchev:
Bathrooms can be classified by size. Putting more than 7 sq.m. It is considered to be large. The average size of 4 to 6 sq.m. And the smallest restrooms considered the size of 2-3 sq.m.
It would seem that in a small bathroom in the Khrushchev impossible to fit anything, except a shower, toilet and a small sink. But this is not the case. Following a few tricks, you can create a cozy and at the same time the room is all you need.

Even in a small room can make a beautiful and original atmosphere, filling it with an atmosphere of comfort and home heat.
Do not forget to use the upper tier. At eye level, you can place cabinets or shelves for household chemicals. It is also convenient for safety reasons, as in a house where there are small children, household chemicals give a bad very dangerous.

You need to pre-select the style of the interior, as well as purchase items of sanitary ware, which would occupy little space and perform many functions.
How to make efficient use of available space
- The bathroom must be installed close to the wall, leaving no space between them. And place the joints area.
- Space for washing machine, highlight under the sink. Please note, there is a wide range of compact washing machine that perfectly fit under the sink.
- Also, under the sink, you can place a small locker.
- It really helps to save space to use the shower instead of a bath.
- If you can - make a niche in the wall and put the washing machine, equipment for water heating, or just install a shelf for cosmetics.
- Select the plumbing, which occupies less space, as an example, corner bath and toilet.
- Use angular stainless steel shelves. These are great space-saving and held in a large number of accessories for the bathroom.
- The front door should open outwards.

If you allow the layout of the apartment, you can also grab a part of the corridor.
In order to efficiently increase the functionality of the room, it must be properly zoned.
Classical division into zones provides the following items.
- Economic zone - an area that will host the cabinets, shelves, washing machine.
- Zone air adoption procedures (sink, shower or bathtub).
- the natural needs of the zone (bidet, toilet or urinal).
Select a specific area is possible using stylistic devices. For example, select a certain lighting zone, to make the floor with multiple levels or create stress due to contrasting colors finishing materials.

You can try to hide communication within the walls, while maintaining space.
The choice of bathroom interior in the style of the Khrushchev
We've learned that Khrushchev in the bathroom looks all the same. Sometimes it seems that it is already impossible to come up with anything new: a standard bathroom, sink, toilet and washing machine ever interfering. But there is a wide variety of possible layouts.
But do not be discouraged if you connect the imagination, all this can be placed as comfortable as possible. A bright colors dilute bored boring interior.
When choosing the design and style for the bathroom in the Khrushchev is necessary to take into account the design of the apartment. If the classical style apartment, and the bathroom Scandinavian, even if the bathroom is at the same time very beautiful and stylish, it will appear in conjunction with the style apartments, as a minimum, strange.
Prefer the classics, then there is a real option to hide the sewer riser, disguising it under the column revival style.

You need to consider the location of the plumbing and pick up the most miniature models.
You supporter of brevity, whereas conventional sink bowl can be replaced with a modern spacious table top, which can be placed under the washing machine.
If you want a country style, the problems of creating the interior should arise. This style is the easiest to recreate. It is simple, reflects the closeness to nature. Add as a decoration small stones, driftwood, articles from sacking.
Under the desired style, and you can decorate the bathtub. Paint the front panel in the color you need. And over the bathroom, hang a curtain on relevant topics.
For Khrushchev, one of the best stylish solutions - minimalism. Clarity, brevity and nothing more. Functionality when minimalism maximum. In this room visually increases.

In critical cases, the sink can be omitted, and do a tap over the bath.
The color scheme of the room
Fairly common option - bright bathrooms in pastel colors. These colors visually enhance the space, add comfort and a certain lightness.
Freshness can add color to a pistachio-green palette. Peach, brown and cream colors create a cozy and blue colors will add a cool tone.
White interior - a win-win, not lose its relevance. White color has always been associated with purity. The space seem larger than it actually is. And also in the white interior can be easily harmoniously pick up any plumbing. Do not choose a snow-white color, otherwise the room will look very cold. Pay attention to the milk-colored, pearl and other warm shades of white.

Smart redevelopment and design techniques will help to expand the room to a large size visually.
Black color. Add indoor clarity and rigor. Such a color scheme often used in luxury interior level. If the black interior to add attributes of gold or silver, it will add even more chic. But in small bathrooms better to avoid black. The room will seem even smaller than it actually is. The room will look bleak. Black color scheme applies only for the spacious rooms.
Red color. An overabundance of saturated red color can be annoying. If the red color is inscribed in the interior harmony, he is able to raise the tone and infect energy. But again, such an aggressive color scheme is more suitable for spacious rooms. The Khrushchev-like design choice does not look attractive.

Soft shades of green are calming influence. Combine with cream shades.
Important! The smaller the room, the lighter shades have to be matched.
Tips for choosing finishing materials and sanitary equipment
Fortunately, finishing materials options for the bathroom a lot. Everyone will be able to pick up a pocket.
Plasterboard. Budget and affordable choice for everyone. Before painting, make sure that the walls are smooth bath, or after painting you unpleasantly surprised untidiness species. Waterproof paint will look concisely and accurately. The paint color can be varied dosage caramel.
Plastic PVC panels. If the walls are uneven, you can use the patch with plastic panels. Installation of panels does not take much time, everything quickly and easily. Their disadvantage is only that they are short-lived and often require replacement.

Relevant is the use of the angular models plumbing.
Ceramic tile. Without such an option does not do more than one building. This is due to the durability of materials, as well as good waterproofing. There is also a non-slip tiles - a great choice for a bathroom.
The ceiling is usually stained with white paint, set it light plastic panels, fiberglass or do rack ceiling.

Excellent solution - glossy stretch ceiling. It reflects light and thus appears to be even higher.
choice plumbers
How to Put a bath and a toilet in the bathroom combined in a five-storey apartment
The advantages of this location is that the space is larger, there is no need to go out of the closet and go to the bathroom. At a separate location the toilet and bath is possible convenience. Therefore, many are willing to combine the toilet and bathroom.
Inconveniences may occur in a large family. When the bathroom is occupied it is not possible to use the toilet.

The best option would be a minimalist. In this case, there is no problem with unnecessary details, all strictly and carefully.
As a rule, in the dressing room it occupies most of the space bathroom. An excellent embodiment can serve as corner bath. She economize on storage space.
Corner washbasins and toilets are also available for sale. Shell pendant can choose to place it under the cabinet, washing machine or laundry basket. Also is the location of the corner sink evenly over the bath. So it is absolutely not take the room perimeter and at all will not interfere while swimming.

Great idea - hanging toilet tank which is installed in a wall or in a niche.
Shower instead of a bath
If you do not fundamentally existence of a bathroom, the best option - installation of the shower stall. It takes up much less space than a bathroom. Due to the glass panels the water is not able to scatter around the room. While taking a shower is not possible to freeze up, as there is no entrance of cold air. Also, when bathing in the shower spend a lot less water than when using the bath.
Especially if the house there are elderly people, it will be more convenient to go to the shower stall with low step, you try hard to get into the bathroom.

A particular problem this creates for bathrooms, where the wall is necessary to coat the tile and put to him the sink with a shower.
Among the shortcomings can only transfer that fully immerse into the water when bathing is not possible, as well as the shower requires daily care, since it may be a raid. Also inconvenience the elderly can deliver showers with high sides.
Also, in many countries use the following version of the type resembling a shower. Shower built into the wall, and the water drain is installed directly on the floor. So that the water does not scatter around the room, mounted sliding glass partition. Budget option showers and very comfortable. And most importantly, it does not take up much space, about 1 * 1 meter. Depending on your preferences.

When making a bathroom in limited circumstances it is necessary to strive for the interior solidity.
Placing furniture, appliances and accessories
If you prefer to install a washing machine in the bathroom, then, for your convenience, you can put it under the sink or in a niche in the wall.

In a small room, sanitary ware and household furniture must be positioned so that it is convenient to use and space saving.
Bidet find a place in a small bathroom is not so easy, so you can install a small built-in shower near the toilet, designed for hygiene procedures.

In order not to overload the sink, a glass with toothpaste and a brush attached to the wall.
mounted furniture
Lockers better use of compact, you can purchase a safe-case. It can be installed either on the floor or may be suspended.
May be suspended:
- cabinets;
- shelves;
- toilet bowl;
- washbasin;
- bidet.

That often do not do repairs in the bathroom need to immediately abandon the materials that are poorly maintained humidity.
Methods of increasing the space Khrushchev bathroom
A large number of mirrors to visually enlarge the space. As well as glass doors, fitted over the bathroom.
If the coating bath - tiles, choose a medium-sized tiles and muted tones.
The presence of glass objects will not clutter the space and create a perception of lightness.
Angle and overhead plumbing can save space.

In modern design in the bathroom floor toilets are not used. Wall options with installations are preferred in all cases.
What you can and can not be installed in a small bathroom
You can not!
- To put in a small bathroom cabinets for towels and bathrobes. These items only occupy space. All this can be stored outside the bathroom. Or put towels on shelves built into the wall.
- Install a massive furniture. It is better to buy furniture narrow with glass doors. If there is something you want to hide, put these things in a cute decorative boxes.

The best combination of colors for the bathroom modest-sized rooms are bright colors with elements of tropical mixes, as well as the nautical theme.
- Embed the door towel racks.
- Make a shelf above the door.
- Use the special organizers for the soul.
- If you buy cabinets, choose a drawer to use all the available space.
- Divide boxes into zones via spacers.
- Make a bright light.
- Install a lot of glass and mirrors.

Dark colors are known to constrict the space, so you need to focus on light and bright shades.
Lighting in the bathroom
Lighting have to be very bright in a small bathroom. This has a positive effect on the visual perception of space.
Great solution is a layered combination lighting system.
Sometimes in the bathroom and needs some dim light, so you should take care of choosing the brightness of the light.

Around the mirror can also be installed fixtures. This is a plus for the design as well as for your convenience.
The main lighting is installed in the center of the bathroom, but if you close the curtain, the lighting for her not to be missed. In this case, you can also set the spotlights that light falls evenly on all the bathroom area.

When it is impossible to further increase the room physically, to the aid of the methods of visual expansion space.
Khrushchev in the bath design requires consideration of a large number of nuances. You can plan all by yourself. Many photo examples of design bathrooms and furniture layout options for the little Khrushchev baths can be found in the Internet space. But for best results, already knowing exactly what you want, it is better to seek help from professionals. Since there are details which perhaps you will not be able to cope without the advice of an experienced person.

Applying simple design tricks bathroom will become a comfortable and modern space, in which you can not only easy to take a shower, but also to store all the necessary toiletries accessories.