Combine the bathroom and toilet are solved people whose apartments these rooms have a small footprint that delivers some inconvenience. Connect the bathroom and the bathroom is quite reasonable and rational, if you have a small family, or you live alone.

Combined offers plenty of space planning and design solutions
Why is it better to combine the bathroom and toilet
- Why is it better to combine the bathroom and toilet
- Pros and cons of shared bathrooms
- Disposition combined bathroom
- Optimal placement of plumbing
- Modern design combined bathroom
- The choice of materials and finishes
- compact furniture
- lighting bathrooms
- Video: interior design solutions for a small bathroom combined
- Photo: options combined bathroom design
By combining the advantages of the premises more than disadvantages. You can organize and arrange the room so that it can fit a washing machine, which is nowhere to put or shower, of which you have been dreaming.

The main advantage of combining the bathroom and toilet - is to increase the useful area, achieved through the demolition of the walls and the elimination of the doorway
Remember that the repair work when combined bathroom and toilet in a panel building more labor-intensive than in the brick, and require serious negotiations.
The main thing you need to remember that any alterations in an apartment requires formalizing and documenting the relevant authorities.
Do not think about connecting bath and toilet in the case when the wall between the carrier - it threatens you a large fine and the restoration of the wall. And if the repairs that you have planned, will be in vain.

Will the idea of combining a rational and practical bathrooms - you decide
Pros and cons of shared bathrooms
Before the beginning of combined bathroom, consider all the flaws and positive aspects of the project and consult with her household, because a lot easier to break than to restore.

In the spacious room there is a place for a convenient laundry room with the necessary equipment and laundry basket
Pros combining bathroom and allows you to:
- put an extra plumbing: bidet, shower or washing machine;
- replace the bath at a large and modern;
- equipped with a large square room, extra furniture;
- enlarge the space, which allows you to choose a more beautiful visual style;
- minimize building material costs.

2.5 square meters - perhaps, it is the minimum area, which can be planned arrangement combined bathroom
Cons association bathrooms:
- preparation of necessary documents to redevelop takes a lot of time and money;
- if big family with children, and there is an extra toilet in the apartment, such alterations create great inconvenience;
- if you have a common wall of the bathroom and kitchen, connection unwise - bathrooms smells inevitably fall into the kitchen area.

WC - this is not the best option for large families
Disposition combined bathroom
Before starting any repair work necessary to thoroughly think over and to measure what area you get to the end, and that should be placed on this area.

It is necessary to consider various options for layout and choose the most suitable
Draw a layout of plumbing and furniture, taking into account their size, location and basic rules for comfortable use:
- the distance between the bidet and toilet bowl at least 25 cm;
- safe and easy access to the bathroom should be about one meter;
- in washbasins must be at least 70 cm of free space.

In the drawing, you must clearly mark the location of plumbing and furniture
When connecting bath and toilets must be installed in the room in addition forced ventilation, the standard hood can not cope with high humidity.

For small bathrooms to be a reasonable solution corner bath, which occupies much less space
Optimal placement of plumbing
When combined bathroom and toilet in the panel house get a small room from 3 to 5 m, and install the necessary plumbing necessary to make rational use of the room to be comfortable in it:
- combined bath and shower does not work, you need to choose one thing or take the soul of the procedure, standing in the bathroom;
- consider options for setting the angular plumbing, she looks great in a small room, and will optimize the space as much as possible;
- if you do not like to lie in the bath, it is better to replace it with a shower;
- model pendant shell will place under it a small locker or washing machine.

The successful design solution for the bathroom square shape
This spacious room features an en suite room is much larger. You can combine the shower and large bath, in addition to the toilet to put a bidet and install a double sink for washing, depending on the preferences and wishes of your family.
Modern design combined bathroom
In a small room, do not use a lot of bright contrasts and dark colors - it will crush and relaxation in the bathroom, you can forget.

Elegant bathroom interior in Scandinavian style with dark blue accents
Finishing in the bathroom is best done in light pastel colors with a few bright accents.
Optimal styles combined bathroom:
- Provence - bright colors with floral ornaments framed by gold finishes will make your room elegant.
Cozy bathroom in the style of the French Provence
- Classic - always up to date elegance with small bright accents of brown, gray and blue colors never go out of fashion.
The classic interior of the bathroom with a toilet behind a partition
- Minimalism - suitable for people who do not spend much time in the bathroom and prefer clean white surface.
Compact bathroom with walls finished in a minimalist
- East - pastel colors combined with natural ornaments will add the room lightness and romance.
East fairy tale realized in Moroccan style with a national ornament on tile
In small rooms is better to use high-gloss surfaces and smooth texture of finishing materials. In combination with large mirrors you visually expand the room. If your interior is meant glass partition, it is best to choose a transparent - it will add light and lightness to the interior.

It looks great in a modern style bathroom with its clean lines and perfectly proportioned
The choice of materials and finishes
When selecting materials for finishing the interior is better to stick to the classic material for baths, which are time-tested.

Simple flat ceiling with spotlights in the bathroom modern style
Ceiling - decorative stucco or vinyl washable wallpaper. The walls in the bathroom area - tiles, and in other areas of the plaster and wallpaper.

Use the tiles on the wall of the room can be divided into functional areas
Floor - tiles and artificial stone. You can lay a water-resistant linoleum, it does not slide - this is especially important if the house is small children and the elderly. When decorating tiles, choose a large tile with a glossy surface.

The color and texture of the floor covering must fit into the overall atmosphere of the bathroom
compact furniture
Manufacturers offer a lot of options of furniture that will fit any style and color scheme design bathrooms. When choosing furniture lies in its ergonomics. Better to choose the multi-level narrow cabinets with glass and mirror facade. Open shelves above the sink is better to buy a glass version.

For small bathrooms furniture manufacturers offer ready-made solutions - compact and convenient

Furniture with rounded contours help to create an illusion of space
Consider options for corner furniture - it optimally ergonomic and take those corners of the room, which you do not normally use.
Pay special attention to the humidity of materials from which the furniture is made - certainly better to choose plastic and glass.

Wooden countertop along the wall to visually pull the small room, and help her in this large mirror
lighting bathrooms
Lighting should be bright bathrooms. On the ceiling is best to choose a small bowl and add to it by small lights in the mirror over the sink.

In combination bathroom of any size should be exercised several light scenarios in different functional areas
You can use small spotlights to illuminate the bathroom or shower area. To create a cozy and romantic environment, use LED strips that can be put on the perimeter of furniture, bath or shower.

Places where lamps are selected depending on the footage bathroom ceiling height and the presence of protrusions or baffles
Consider furniture models with built-in spotlights - a lot of options and you can easily select your own.
The main thing that lights were designed for rooms with high humidity and comply with safety standards.

Cool white light successfully paired with blue glossy tiles, from which space began to seem visually larger
If the technical characteristics of the room allow to combine a bath and toilet, and you want to create in the room a cozy and comfortable environment, a wide range of design ideas will help you to do this.