At best, we perceive as plastic material for recycling or just like garbage. Meanwhile, from unnecessary at first glance, the plastic products can build original and practical items for the home or garden.
Pay attention to unusual ideas proposed below. Perhaps some of them you'll be pleased!

Plastic bottles can be the basis for a stylish padded stools. Suffice it to collect more bottles of the same size, wrap them with tape, wrap with a special material, make the cover of a beautiful fabric. Voila!
Such a padded stools will be several advantages: it is economical and very easy.

From a plastic bottle can be built piggy bank. Follow the instructions photo. A fun hack sure to please children.

Another nice decoration toy plastic - fish. However, this option will need to procure or make your own fins and heads of fish.

Want to hear the movement of the wind? There is nothing easier! Enough to cut off the top part of the bottle, and attach it to strings with glued bits of glass with no sharp edges with small pebbles.

How do you mean Jewelry store? Use the same bottoms of plastic containers and the rod.

Of plastic packaging can be made original dishes. These crafts are suitable for children's celebrations, or games.

Table lamp from the bottoms of the same bottles, combined into a ball, it will be an original decoration of the house!

Plastic bottle colored yarn + = original lamp. Stylish home decor - a penny!

2 "correct" the cut in a plastic bottle - and ready to functional carrier for your phone.

Two halves of plastic bottles, sealed with adhesive tape - get the original packaging for cookies!

A few holes in a plastic container - that's ready for the garden sprinkler!

The easiest option bird feeders that exists! Its advantage - saving food consumption.

And how do you horizontal hanging gardens? This option will hide the unattractive decor wall and surprise any visitor!

One more variant vertical hanging garden. In this case, plastic containers decorated with colorful pattern.

And how you this option shelter from sun? Functional, practical, original!

bottle curtain - creative and budget way to make the wall terrace.

Of plastic bottles without the upper part to get comfortable organizer for shoes!

plastic bed? Somebody thought of that! It is unlikely that such furniture will want to use in the apartment, but to give - and perfectly acceptable budget option!

To create such a work of art as the peacock of the usual plastic, will have to try.
For some options need a lot of bottles. This, of course, will take some time, but the result is worth it!