Often it happens that choose the appropriate Present quite difficult for her best friend, because the choice must be made based on personal preferences and hobbies of the birthday girl. But as has recently become very fashionable among young people to give birthday gifts with your own hands, then as a present, you can use the original self-made thing.

- The best options
- homemade soap
- cool photo collage
- Necklace of beads
- Amulet for luck
- Bouquet of gofrobumagi and sweets
- helpful hints
The best options
To make a gift a friend with his own hands for his birthday is a snap. And if in the process of manufacturing to invest in his soul and love, a present can turn not only unusual and creative, but also touching. The best options of homemade of gifts:
- soap;
- collage;
- beaded necklace;
- doll talisman for good luck;
- bouquet of tulips with candy.
Made with his own hands a little gift - an interesting alternative option souvenir shop. From simple materials, you can create beautiful decorative objects, which in its beauty in no way inferior purchased products.
homemade soap
Because soap is an integral part of self-care, then this option is present can be considered a good idea for his birthday with his hands. To make his own gift, you need to prepare:
- form of silicone;
- baby soap;
- olive oil;
- liquid dyes;
- water-based flavors.

Baby Soap (100g) should be cut into small cubes and then melt it in a water bath. After it is completely dissolved, you need to add in the 1/3 hour. l. oil. Exceed this dosage fat is not recommended, otherwise the finished product does not foam. Further it is necessary to add the future soap from 2 to 10 drops of a dye and flavoring 4 drops.
To make the spa effect can be put into the coffee bean, coconut or chocolate. If desired pour glitter or glitter that make soap more festive and elegant. Then you need to pour the composition into a silicone form, a little cool and place in refrigerator to complete solidification.
Before giving her friend a present, it is recommended to pack it in a nice gift box. If desired, it can also be made independently.
cool photo collage
Memorable gift that always leaves good memories, so if you can not buy anything on the memory of her friend, then you can make a present of the photo. It is no secret that girls are sensitive about the photos, which show any meaningful moments of life, so to please and surprise a friend can be a funny photo collage. For its production need:

- drawing paper or cardboard for the base;
- Photo;
- line;
- pencil;
- PVA glue;
- scissors;
- brushes;
- paints;
- beads, satin ribbons for decoration;
- Frame for photo collage design.
Make a surprise a friend for his birthday with his own hands is not difficult, because it does not need the talent and experience of similar work. Initially, you want to draw on the basis of the sketch, which will be marked with the location of the photo etched funny moments. After that you should prepare background of congratulations addressed to the birthday girl and funky slogans to photo. Do they need with the help of paints and brushes. Next you need to glue the pictures on the background made using PVA glue. At the end can only decorate the collage of beads and ribbons, decorate a gift in the box.
Necklace of beads
Decoration, made with their own hands - a wonderful gift for any girl. After all, jewelry is never enough. A good option for a present would be a necklace of beads in the style of Celtic weave that can be worn for a party or other celebration. You will need to buy such instruments and accessories from specialist retailers:

- turquoise and gray beads;
- waxed thread;
- 2-cone ring and the cap for jewelry;
- 1 carbine fastener;
- glue;
- Two pins with heads;
- scissors;
- pliers;
- Scotch;
- needle for beads.

The first step is to prepare a waxed thread segments 12 a length of 80 cm and beads strung on them by the needle. For the first six strands required to wear turquoise beads, and the second six - gray. After that, we must expand the thread strung with beads on the table so that they alternated as follows: Three turquoise thread, three gray, three teal, three gray threads. The ends of the thread should be attached to the table with adhesive tape for easy performance.
Next, it is necessary to weave the strands of a braid. Begin braiding you need the right moving to the left side. Originally it needs to take the 1st group of 3 strands of turquoise color at an angle to put it on top of the 2nd group gray shades and stretch under the 3rd group turquoise color, and then spread on the 4th group gray colors.

Then, do the same actions from left to right, starting with the work of a group of threads with gray beads. When the desired length of the necklace is reached, all the threads with beads necessary to bind tightly in one bundle, wrapping around 3 thread turns. The extra thread edge which are assembled, must be carefully cut and tie a knot.
After that, both ends of the necklace you want to insert into the cone caps. First, one must be attached to the cone ring and another ring with the carabiner. It is necessary to perform using jewelery pins. In conclusion, you need bundles of thread on the edges of a necklace richly lubricated with glue and insert into the cones, densely pressing them to the walls and the base. When the glue is completely dry, the product can give. This decoration will be the perfect accompaniment to any outfit.
Amulet for luck
Talisman - a subject endowed with magical powers and protects its wearer from negative energy, which can be set up from the materials at hand and use it as a souvenir for a friend. Perfect solution will motanka doll made of cloth, which brings the owner luck and happiness. But it is worth considering that during the creation of the doll can not use cutting or piercing items, as well as in motanki should not be a person. In the manufacture of a talisman to invest in it only positive emotions. List of required materials:

- 2 square piece of white fabric, size 10 × 10 cm;
- linen;
- 2 range from bright matter, diameter 3 cm;
- rectangular color material on the segment dress motanki, 15 cm long and 5 cm;
- durable wool threads red hue;
- wooden comb.
Initially, you want to make the hair. To do this, carefully comb the flax and tie one of the strands of the segment center. Hards do not need to throw away, because it will come in handy later on to create the dolls hair.

Further, from one square of tissue need to make twist, and the edges tightly tie a red thread. It will motanki shoes. Then twist must be folded in half and, departing from the edge of 1 cm bandage tight thread. The result is a body of the mascot.
Now it is necessary to make stripping of the head for a doll. For this purpose, you need to evenly and firmly screwed to the free tow centimeter of body jewelry. From the second square of white material necessary to form the head, hands and shirt. To perform this, the center piece should be placed the head of the tow and tightly tie a thread of red in the neck area. From matter free angles by linking cruciform filaments is necessary to form a shirt, and hands. Now a piece of colored fabric for the skirt is gathered and the need to fix at hand motanki while lifting them up.
To create hair combed flax is necessary to fix a talisman on his head, so that part was tied in the middle hairstyles. This is followed closely cover the strands of his head dolls and linen bandage under the neck. From the free edge of the hair must be tight plait braid and secure the end with the help of satin ribbons or barrettes.
That's all, Ward ready. A gift from a friend product will help her in all things, and bring happiness to her house.

Bouquet of gofrobumagi and sweets
can do for his beloved girlfriend from the original composition of corrugated paper and candy, if desired. Such a composition certainly enjoy it because, showing little imagination, you can do the work of incredible beauty. Such a present suitable for the decoration of the room. For creativity you need to prepare the following materials:

- glue;
- line;
- knife and scissors;
- candies;
- penoplex;
- skewers;
- sisal (palm fiber);
- gofrobumagu bright colors;
- pot;
- teip feed.
Red paper can be cut into small segments, the size of 17h2 cm, as well as the band 8x4 cm. Then, a long strip need to twist a couple of times in the middle, bent in half, and then straighten the strip so that it acquired a convex shape. Then you need to put into the candy and make a few turns.
Small strip is needed to fold in half and cut a petal. Similar actions have to do with the remaining strips. Followed by paper stretch in the central part, giving it a concave shape, and attach to the workpiece resulting petals with candy. Thereafter, based on the need to attach the skewer and wrap it teip-tape.
Now paper green strip 2 to be cut size 16x2 cm, bend it in two and cut sheet. Then, in the central part should stretch sheet. The same action is required to perform the second strip, and then attach the leaves to the stem. This results in a tulip.
According to this principle should produce the desired number of flowers of different color, and then proceed to manufacture the pot. For this shape the container, which will be tulips, it is necessary to cut penoplex and place it in a pot. Finally, insert the flowers in pots and decorate it with palm fiber.
helpful hints
Before you give a homemade gift, it is recommended to properly arrange it. When choosing a design must take into account the preferences and personality of the birthday girl:
- energetic and cheerful friend, you can wrap the gift in bright gift wrapping;
- for a gentle personality is better to choose the package soothing shades;
- if the girlfriend loves puzzles, it is desirable to give preference to packaging, nesting dolls;
- suitable for a creative nature design creative gift.
You also need a good think about how to present a gift. This can be done in different ways:
- with poems;
- kind and sincere wishes;
- just hand to hand;
- present in the most unexpected moment at the festival;
- express delivery.
Gift, made his own - a very valuable thingThat is easy to make by providing a bit of time, patience and imagination. This exclusive Present necessarily stand out from the rest of the gifts, the birthday girl leaving pleasant memories of the holiday.