How to wash clothes with clerical bar: types of correctors and methods for removing stains

How to remove correction fluid with clothesCorrector - is a very useful stationery, with which you can hide errors. In another proof-reader is also called bar or plain plaster. Most often this accessory is used by office workers, students, schoolchildren. Despite the usefulness of this invention, careless use can be faced with an extremely unpleasant problems - spots on clothing.

Because of its dense structure and composition bar very poorly satisfied with this content with the clothes. Ignorant housewives often rush to throw up and throw away the soiled items. However, despite the difficulties encountered, to wash bar is still possible. It is only important to know what and how to get the concealer with clothes.


  1. Types of correction fluid
  2. Removal of stains from hard water or stroke
  3. The wash putty alcohol-based emulsion and
  4. Spot Corrector from solvent-based
  5. Ways to wash bar with delicate fabrics

Types of correction fluid

Varieties of correction fluidThe complexity of removing stains and the possibility of using one or another agent depends on how corrector contaminated clothing. In its composition office bar can be of several types:

  • Water.
  • Alcoholic.
  • Emulsion.
  • Solid.
  • Solvent based.

Depending on the type of corrector, which is stained with wardrobe thing, you should choose the method and cleansing agent. So do not throw away the container with putty. Before you start removing stains necessarily need to be familiar with the composition. On the bottle, as a rule, always indicate the basis on which it is made stationery.

Removal of stains from hard water or stroke

How to remove stains from clothing with correctorWater corrector is the most harmless, because it is easiest to bring a tissue. Wash out such a spot may be conventional manner by soaking in cold water and detergent or soap for 30 minutes. Then you can lay clothes in the washing machine, select a mode suitable for this type of fabric.

Fresh stains remove even easier. It should be immediately wet scrub bar sanitary napkin or another wet cloth. If the adjuster has already managed to dry on clothing, pre-need to scrape it. This procedure will require an ordinary nail file, brush for clothes or small nail scissors.

The wash putty alcohol-based emulsion and

The corrector to remove alcohol-based emulsion andAlcohol and emulsion correctors eats into the fabric is much stronger than significantly complicate the process of removing stains. Rub has not dried putty alcohol-based can not, as a white pigment even more impregnated fabric. Therefore, it is important to wait until the bar is dry on clothes and remove it using the materials at hand.

Then you need to put clothes with a stain on a hard surface, but underneath podstelit light fabric that will not be painted. For administration spots need to moisten the cloth or cotton swab in a liquid comprising alcohol. Suitable vodka, cologne, perfume or lotion to the skin after shaving. During the purification of the remains of dried corrector may spread, so in order to avoid increasing the spots you need to wet the cloth around the pollution. After removal stroke washable item in the normal mode, adding any stain remover.

Emulsion correctors are made based on various oils. Remove such a spot can only be by chemical means, for example, ammonia. To prepare the cleaning solution should be mixed water and alcohol in a ratio of 2 to 1. Processed such liquid stain should be left for 15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with cool water. If the stain is removed successfully, you can wash the clothes in the machine by selecting the appropriate temperature. Sometimes stains correctors not possible to deduce from the first time. In this case, you want to repeat manipulation with ammonia again immediately after washing.

Spot Corrector from solvent-based

In the event of such spots should take more drastic measures. Remove contamination is possible only by means of household chemicals:

  • Nail polish remover.
  • Kerosene.
  • White spirit.
  • Solvent.

The chemical should be applied on the spot with a cotton pad or a clean cloth. Leave for two minutes and wash in the intensive washing mode. All these chemicals have a pungent unpleasant odor, so immediately after washing them as possible should be aired outdoors. This method of removing heel is not suitable for all fabrics.

Ways to wash bar with delicate fabrics

How to wash clothes with a touch of delicate fabricsThe fibers of silk, velvet, wool and some synthetic fabrics can be broken under the influence of toxic household chemicals. Unfortunately, there is a risk irreversibly damage the clothes. Therefore, prior to the application of a chemical reaction can be checked fabric on the underside of the seams of the product.

If after a couple of minutes after application of the test as the tissue begins to any change, continue such cleaning is by no means impossible, the only option breeding spots - treatment in dry cleaning.

To remove stains from the correction fluid is not very difficult. It is only important to know the composition of putty and choose the best way to remove contamination. All of the above techniques can be used at home, anyone will cope with them. However, if there are doubts about the possible outcome, or there is a strong pollution, should have recourse to experts and to apply to the dry cleaners.