Tea glass teapot: teapot glass filter, spring and heated, with a bulb of glass for brewing tea

Teapot glass attaches serving tea for special beauty and harmony. The tea leaves are beautifully reveals the inside and give the deep color of the infusion, in front of a crowd at the table. But, choosing a glass flask, need, be sure to make sure that the kettle is indeed brewing. Otherwise the glass may crack and you can get burned.

Comfort and warmth of home has long been associated with tea drinking.


  • 1 Advantages and disadvantages of brewing Glass kettles
  • 2 By what criteria to select the teapot for a glass of tea
  • 3 Types and properties of glass
  • 4 The shape and volume of the teapot for brewing tea
  • 5 What made the handle and the cover and design
  • 6 Types of glass teapots on the device
    • 6.1 Teapot brewing in the water vial
    • 6.2 Teapot with a glass flask and filter
    • 6.3 Kettle set with different strainer
    • 6.4 kettle nuances of "French-press"
    • 6.5 Kung Fu teapot with a button for Strait
  • 7 How to use and care for tea, teapot
  • 8 The best models teapots made of glass
  • 9 VIDEO: Brewing teapot with a glass button.

Advantages and disadvantages of brewing Glass kettles

Glass - the perfect and versatile material suitable for manufacturing pots for brewing. In support of this assertion is the following advantages:

  • environmental, glass does not enter into a chemical reaction with water or mixtures for welding, so the housing itself of the device does not affect the palatability of the beverage;
  • Glass is easy to clean, it can be done even in the dishwasher and use hard abrasives;
  • Glass painting is not able to absorb other odors, so the taste of the drink always remains the same;
  • glass model always fit into the serving and will not stand out even against the background of the service, as it can be with teapots made of porcelain or clay.

such moments include Disadvantages:

  • Glass is difficult to dry so as not to leave smudges and divorces;
  • zavarochnik if left for a long time in the sun, the tea leaves inside the darkened and turbid;
  • with a sharp temperature drop can form even heatproof burst;
  • for full brewing red teas and herbal infusions need to tightly wrap up tea, or water temperature drops rapidly and does not reveal the drink.

The most fragrant tea is obtained in a special container for brewing.

By what criteria to select the teapot for a glass of tea

Before you buy a teapot made of glass, it is best to consider other selection criteria:

  1. Round pots are best suited for brewing, this form allows the temperature to be distributed throughout the volume of water evenly.
  2. The handle of the kettle should be on either side bulb itself must be in a metal case. Otherwise the pen will be too hot and slippery from the steam.
  3. In the kettle should be long and narrow nose, which ends at the neck level. Otherwise the water will continue to be poured, and poured the tea leaves in the cup will be uncomfortable.

Who or festive evening meal is complete without a cup of refreshing beverage.

Types and properties of glass

When choosing a teapot it is necessary to pay attention to the glass from which it is made. Dishwashing contacting with hot liquids, special glass produced.

Brew tea first learned Chinese, solve the mystery of the transformation of the tea bush leaves in flavored and refreshing drink.

  1. Heat resistant. This borosilicate glass fabric, it is intended for direct contact with hob and oven.
  2. Heat-resistant. It is because of such a material makes zavarochniki, but they can not be heated on the stove.
  3. Refractory. Such material can be warmed even on an open fire, but if the pour hot water into the cold dishes, the glass may crack.
  4. Quartz. Cloth made of silicon oxide. The strongest, but also the most expensive glass.

The shape and volume of the teapot for brewing tea

The usual and traditional form for zavarochnika - it's round. But there are also other models.

  1. The shape of the cylinder. This model fits well with the serving of a suitable form of the cups, it is convenient to wash and drain spout conveniently cleared of plaque tea.
  2. The square model, only good that can echo the modern form of the service.

Often, customers choose a glass teapot, explaining his choice of simplicity and elegance of the product.

The volume should be chosen based on the number of people who attend the tea party. For a small company is fine kettle of 0.5 - 1 liter, if you expect more people, you can buy a kettle with a volume of 1.5 liters or more. Before purchasing large instrument should take into account the strength of the handle. The handle should be such to withstand the appliance itself, and the entire volume of water.

Modern glass teapot-child inventors heat-resistant glass.

What made the handle and the cover and design

Best suited for glass kettle lid of the same material or of metal. Such help cover securely close the neck and prevent a quick exit of steam. Caps made of plastic can weld and in any case produce toxins that significantly alters the taste of the tea.

For taste nuances beverage is important not only the thickness of the glass, but also the shape of the vessel.

Types of glass teapots on the device

When choosing a teapot should pay attention to its structure. There are interesting models with a stand for heating, they are usually composed of two parts of the kettle and heat-resistant stand, where a special tea candle set.

The first and foremost advantage of this ware - environmental friendliness.

Teapot brewing in the water vial

This model is effective and practical. Firstly, in a glass flask, a second teapot is brewing and it seems that the tea leaves and tea leaves as if hanging in the air. Second, the air gap between the bulbs creates a thermos effect and even a well-brewed red varieties of teas.

Teapot made of glass does not absorb odors, so steeped in it without fear of black tea after the grass.

Teapot with a glass flask and filter

Some models have a built-in filter flask. Teapot glass filter is preferred for oolong, white teas and sencha. Since the metal or glass filter securely holds the leaves together, they have time to soak up the water, but at the same time retain all their properties for further brewing.

This serves dishes in the kitchen decorative and practical function.

Kettle set with different strainer

If you intend to purchase a universal glass teapot with a strainer, which can brew different types of teas, you should look at tea, to which different strainers fit. For example, red tea or Rooibos is better to brew loose tea strainer and use a tanker.

To tea revealed in full force and effect, it is recommended to purchase teapots made of glass with thick walls made of heat resistant glass.

kettle nuances of "French-press"

It is not necessary to acquire French-press, which is being prepared, and tea and coffee, because a more pronounced aroma of coffee will soon be present in all tea drinks. Also press plate itself must be made of metal, plastic wear quickly and spoil the taste of the beverage.

While the tea is brewed, through the transparent walls you can watch the dance of tea leaves, watching as they slowly give the desired hot water fortress.

Kung Fu teapot with a button for Strait

An interesting solution would be the acquisition of Kung Fu teapot. Its design suggests that tea is brewed in a container that is placed within the base of the flask. After infusion brewed, the button is pressed, and the entire solution is drained into the lower container, and the leaves are above. This is a spectacular and interesting reception.

Their only drawback-fragility. Also dishes made of thin glass is not a long time keeps the desired temperature.

How to use and care for tea, teapot

It is best to wash the flask kettle plain warm water and, if necessary, a weak soda solution. Strainer flask and cleaned with a brush dipped in the same solution. Detergents generally not washed until the end, and greatly influence the taste of the beverage.

The best models teapots made of glass

GIPFEL produces interesting patterns. Despite the fact that usually the manufacturer maintains circular geometry, teapots seem different, because they have either flattened or elongated riding, can also be packaged with stand.

Glass kettle for making tea in the kitchen will not only subject to proper brewing refreshing drink, but also a highlight of interior.

BODUM produces good French-press, where the bulb is made of glass, and stand under the flask, and the press of metal.

The vessel is made of glass organically fit into any kitchen design: whether classic, modern or high-tech.

KITFORT produces models that can be heated on the stove.

Teapot made of glass necessary to attract the attention of visitors, warm warm body and soul.

VIDEO: Brewing teapot with a glass button.