Teapot heated by heating candles stand glass teapot for tea

Enjoy the pleasure of all, it does not interfere with others - one of the components of human happiness. Nature has given us a magnificent gift of taste sensation. Why not use them for bringing to life the beautiful minutes at the table with family during a quiet and measured tea drinking. This will facilitate appropriate dishes and special tea maker with a device for maintaining optimum temperature of the beverage.

The solemn ceremony of drinking tea has its roots in ancient times.


  • 1 How to come up with teapot heated
  • 2 Pros and cons teapot for tea with a heating candle
  • 3 Variety of shapes and volumes
  • 4 Teapot materials from heating Stand
    • 4.1 glass kettles
    • 4.2 Made of porcelain and faience
    • 4.3 clay Tea kettles
    • 4.4 Cast iron
    • 4.5 steel
  • 5 What types of candles are used for heating
  • 6 Selection of high-quality kettle model
  • 7 Care and use of the teapot to stand for heating
  • 8 Well-known manufacturers teapot tea heated by candles
  • 9 Output
  • 10 VIDEO: Teapot 550 ml heated by candles.

How to come up with teapot heated

How not to link the appearance of the device history tea with China? Before there was a separate tea kettle, cooking fragrant healing drink produced in the cups. Artifacts link this dish from the XIV century. The process was simple - warming up the tea leaves were placed into a cup and pour water brought to a boil. In place of this method came first device for welding. Special kind they did not have - a small vessel, made from red clay. But the longer it was in the drink, the richer became his taste.

Teapot heated - one of the recent inventions.

After a few centuries in this form teapots appeared in Europe. Once here mastered the technique of manufacturing porcelain, exports stopped. Subsequently, the steel used for producing other materials - metal and glass. But there was the problem of rapid cooling of beverage within such ware. But the problem was solved the creation of a new type of containers - a teapot with heating from a candle.

The materials and workmanship of dishes directly depends on the taste of the drink.

product kit includes the following items:

  • Immediately zavarnik pyrex glass or other suitable material, made in various forms. In the case of glass participants of the ceremony falls pleasure to contemplate the game Fire in shimmering shades of tea. Borosilicate glass is particularly resistant to fire, is not afraid prolonged heating endures accidental impacts. There are models that use quartz glass, good transporting an open flame, high temperature differences.
  • High stand under the kettle from the heat-resistant materials, providing openings. Through which oxygen is supplied to support combustion. The design features eliminate flame from a candle touch the bottom of the container with the beverage.
  • Candle, placed in the pocket, thanks to which the maintenance of a constant temperature in the kettle. On sale you can find different kinds of them - from the ordinary to the colored and aromatic.

In most cases, it is manufactured in the form of a sphere. It is a versatile option that allows to reveal the richness of any tea.

Pros and cons teapot for tea with a heating candle

The beauty and mystery of living fire on the table already captivates and creates an unusual atmosphere. There are other advantages in an unusual dishes:

  • materials do not affect the taste and flavor of tea;
  • to maintain a stable temperature of the beverage at all times ceremony;
  • maintaining a cozy and comfortable home atmosphere;
  • no dependence on electric power;
  • Aesthetic pleasure.

Thick walls provide a good environment for the preservation temperature.

This dishes are not for daily morning tea in a hurry. You can use it to organize the evening with friends enjoying a drink and a pleasant conversation. Do not forget about the nasty little things:

  • appearance of soot on the outside of the bottom of the kettle;
  • open fire in the room - a constant source of danger that must be controlled.

Kettles for tea heated can be made from different materials.

Variety of shapes and volumes

Asian motifs historically prevailed in the forms Dummies: pagodas, animals, nose in the form of a dragon's mouth, etc. Subsequently it became fashionable form geometric shapes: cylinder, pyramids, cubes, ovals. The optimality of semicircular shape was the reason for its popularity. It is because of its features is capable of fully reveal the bouquet and save the bright taste.

Each of the materials suitable for certain occasions.

Important! Rectangular shaped teapots must have a large capacity - tea should infuse properly.

variety of tea also plays a role in the choice of the form:

  • brewing green varieties involves the use of vessels having a thick bottom for complete preservation of all nutrients in the beverage;
  • spherical glass bulb suitable for most black tea;
  • rectangular or oval container more fully reveal the aroma and taste of white tea varieties.

Quality product made of thick glass is expensive.

Spout-drain can be small if the tea party is organized in a narrow range. For special events, involving a large number of guests is preferable to a model that has a long curved spout upwards. So it is possible to secure all present from accidentally spilling boiling water on cloth or worse on the guest. Lightweight and ergonomic handles allow a well to hold the kettle, avoiding contact with the hot parts of dishes.

It allows you to watch from the process of disclosure of tea leaves.

Receive up in different capacity. It all depends on the circumstances and current needs. For lovers of thought alone could well become suitable dishes for a couple of cups (200 mL). For tea within the family exist kettles 800 and 1200 ml. For larger ceremonies used two-liter teapot.

The device itself is not a special trick to find: by type of teapot with heating candle may resemble the aroma lamp.

Stand teapots with heating candles are made with different materials. He does not have to repeat the material of the vessel. It is important to know the characteristics of which are responsible for thermal compatibility pedestals and teapot. Important aspect - consistency with the general design trends of both elements.

Candle will heat up the air inside the container, it will prevent cooling of the liquid.

Heat-resistant glass kettle classically embodiment is set in a heat resistant glass stand. Such tandem looks beautiful and elegant. Especially good in the work of a pedestal, when flames of candles refracted in the glass, poured florid dance under the brewing vessel with fragrant tea. When the first strength and safety, then stand on the basis of the metallic elements, the optimal solution.

There is one feature in this device - an aesthetic.

Unusual view have glass vessels on ceramic supports with deliberately primitive design. Thus, it is possible to maintain a traditional Japanese or Chinese style of ceremonial tea. Modern design solutions involve the use as preheating the base metal.

If the apartment is decorated in the style of hi-tech, minimalist model of the kettle heating is necessary to the court.

Coasters have a spherical shape and a deep bowl. Top - the lid with a hole. The walls of the pedestals designed high in order to avoid touching the base flames kettle vessel. Models with large side openings make it possible to shift the sleeve with a burnt-out candle, without removing the kettle from the base.

Teapot materials from heating Stand

Typically for manufacturing zavarnik use three groups of materials: ceramics, metal and glass.

glass kettles

Seahorse these products in transparency. Impressive visual lightness and weightlessness material. Especially fascinating admiration processes occurring in the tank at a constant heating - the color of fire game, streams of tea leaves - in connection with a delicate aroma and taste of a great set of aesthetic pleasures.

In the manufacture of used types of heat-resistant and tempered glass.

Made of porcelain and faience

Look charmingly and closest to the eastern ceremonial. They are light and graceful. But the fragility and the need to gently and carefully handle them - the reverse side of beauty. Thin faience can not long keep the temperature. Enamel attractive colors and an abundance of happy.

The complexity of manufacturing porcelain products significantly affects the price.

clay Tea kettles

It belongs to a group of natural environmental materials, the most conducive to the preservation of all the taste qualities of tea. Look pottery few rough, but it had a kind of historical ancestors of modern kettles.

Such vessels are particularly close to the country-style.

Cast iron

Heavy weight thing, but having a very high heat capacity. They keep the temperature for a long time even without heating. Good deal for the fans many gatherings at tea.

Use should carefully so as not to damage the body.


Tea kettles made of stainless steel, are quite expensive in terms of price. They look great in its glory. Despite the impact, you need to treat them no less carefully than the glass - even small deformations are evident. Metal has no effect on the taste of tea, but retains heat poorly.

Such kettles are popular at home. They have an attractive appearance.

What types of candles are used for heating

For the heating process used candles in sleeves ( "Tea"). The sale can be found simply and cheaper options, which are placed in the cradle. Especially enchantingly to observe the process, when the stand is made of glass. Diversify the buying process can be colored or candles with glitter.

Add additional subtle odor is possible, using scented candles.

Selection of high-quality kettle model

Manufacturers and models are presented fairly in stationary retail outlets and online shops to suit all tastes. In the process of selecting and buying pay attention to the nuances of the following:

  • to avoid spilled unnecessary, the form must be curved spout up;
  • ease of use depends on the compactness and the ease of the handle;
  • Cover should fit snugly to the vessel. Presence of the special recess prevent it from falling during pouring the beverage into cups;
  • check that the steam outlet opening on the lid, it will keep the flavor intensity.

This allows the product to maintain a certain temperature of the beverage, opens even the smallest flavor notes.

Care and use of the teapot to stand for heating

Tea will need a certain amount of black or green tea (depending on the expected strength and spaciousness zavarnik), several lobules orange, lemon slice, currant or mint leaves, berries several raspberry and strawberries.

Material not affect the taste of the brewed tea. You will enjoy the true taste and aroma.

Important! It is desirable to light a candle at the table before serving. On the path from the plate to the table, it can slip, go out, etc. Some candles, you must have a reserve just in case the tea party will be a sequel.

Care teapot has difficulties. After using it should be washed under running water and wipe with a dry cloth.

A small heat source allows you to keep warm liquid, creates an atmosphere of comfort, comfort.

Well-known manufacturers teapot tea heated by candles

YAMA Glass. In the manufacture of kits used tempered crystal, which gives a beautiful appearance of the kettle, stand and small containers for drinking.

In the case of disconnection of electricity you will not depend on the kettle, and will be able to warm drink on the open fire.

Mayer Boch. Capacity 1.2 liters made of pyrex glass cover that protects against scalding. Tea brewing is poured into the metal sieve inside teapot.

This is a great option for special tea ceremonies, as some models - a whole work of art.


Enjoy the real taste of tea and talk with dear people will allow glass tea kettles with Stand for heating. They may also be manufactured from porcelain, iron and stainless steel. When choosing a need to define the scope and to take into account some of the nuances for the convenience of the tea ceremony.

Now you can buy the product on the Internet or in a store. Are a lot of models from different manufacturers.

VIDEO: Teapot 550 ml heated by candles.