How to clean the old cast iron frying pan of a deposit after cooking: how to wash and clean than to clean, how to update and restore

Cast iron skillet is the most durable utensils, its reliability is proven even our great-grandmother, and due to its unique properties, it continues to make modern housewives. Yes, indeed, cast iron has the necessary utensils for properties such as excellent heat capacity.

The cast-iron frying pan and operated home in expensive restaurants or similar culinary establishments.

Cast iron retains heat very well food on a pan turns out tasty, and if the electric stove that helps save on electricity. Old cast iron after ten years of lying in the bins at the grandmother in the country, all in rust and dirt after cleaning may again be used in everyday life, here I will reveal all the secrets and describe in detail the methods of cleaning the iron pans.

Cast iron pans do, it seemed, and so of all sizes and a variety of variations.

The first important rules in the cleaning are as follows:

  • A cast-iron frying pan can not be washed in the dishwasher.
  • You can not leave the pan on the stove, or to remove it in the refrigerator, it is advisable for the preparation does not tightening and rinse it with water without the use of detergents with a sponge, but very neatly. After wipe cloth and dry well on the plate.
  • At infrequent use cast iron cookware, you need to wipe it with vegetable oil, it should be done to the oil layer was uniform and filling all the pores of the pan, promazyvaniya pan should be heated on the stove for 20 minutes, then allowed to cool and clean before next use.
  • If this is a cast-iron frying pan for pancakes, after cooking, you can not wash it, just wipe with a rag or cloth and clean.


  • 1 Cleaning the pan after frying
  • 2 Chemical cleaning methods
  • 3 Cleaning a cast iron frying pan with special means
    • 3.1 A method based on heat treatment
    • 3.2 decoction
    • 3.3 The mechanical cleaning methods
  • 4 VIDEO: A simple way how to clean the pan from the deposit.

Cleaning the pan after frying

Another thing, when after frying meat in a pan may receive a large amount of soot, especially if it is a grill pan, here is already necessary to use other cleaning methods. It has to do with special cleaning agents to get rid of food become attached and varnish.

No modern mistress is not without a cast-iron frying pan.

Consider a few options:

  • It is necessary to boil the pan in the water with cleaning agent from the fat after, you can clean it with a brush using any abrasives, whether salt or sodium, the procedure can be repeated several times until the desired effect.
  • It can be flooded with water in the pan to pour 2-4 tablespoons baking soda and pour cup vinegar 1 to 1, boil for 10 minutes, and remove all the brush, after thoroughly dried.

Chemical cleaning methods

This cleaning method requires special chemicals and skill and is a more expensive procedure of the advantages of this method, we note significant better effect compared to other methods. It should be noted that this method is just as dangerous and impossible to chemicals into the eyes and skin. The essence of this method consists in removing rust from metal surfaces, descaling by pickling in solutions of sulfuric, phosphoric and nitric acids.

With frequent use, of course, will accumulate extra fat.

The solution should be heated to 60-70 degrees, before application to the surface of the pan is necessary to remove fatty dirt, lower solution into the pan, a frying pan after this precipitate will appear to be deleted, then repeat until the desired effect. Another etching is used with the addition of additives to the etching solution Catalina. To prevent etching, use thiourea additives of benzotriazole in a proportion of 10 c. to 1 liter. Pan must make a bath of a solution of these acids in the form of a 10 percent solution.

After etching pan must be thoroughly rinsed with water and treated with a solution of sodium nitrite to prevent corrosion.

One of the many ways to clean cast iron pans cleaning is Coca-Cola, this method is applicable, most of all, when soot, grease, rust did not reveal themselves strongly. The method is simple, prepare the container, which can be fully put your pan, fill the container Coke and it is desirable to pour citric acid spoons 6 to 1 liter, the drown pan solution and will hold it there 12 hours then remove, rinse under running water, and calcined.

This old dirt simply disappear thanks to Coca-Cola.

Cleaning a cast iron frying pan with special means

those or other means can be used, depending on the type of pans. There are several types of cast iron pans. Cast iron pan there, protected by Teflon, ceramic coated with an enamel coating, without protective layer.

If funds permit, should just go to any store and buy household chemical cleaner specifically a deposit.

Special means for cleaning pans coated sold in every hardware store, for such pans are more suitable sparing cleaning methods. This soap solution, dishwashing detergent, soda silicate adhesive such pans can be washed with a sponge, but it is necessary to be careful because any coating is prone to scratching and chipping. For a typical cast iron pan without special protective layer used alkaline cleaners compositions, liquid, powder is not important, gel-type toilet duckling substance, in this uncoated iron unpretentious.

A method based on heat treatment

Pan well to wash, fluff with vegetable oil, I recommend to do it with linseed oil, it includes components that support the pan longer in good condition. After the first set promazyvaniya included pan on the stove, promazyvat desirable gauze or bandage, dip into the oil. This procedure is done in several stages, the first promazyvaniya leave the pan for 20 minutes, calcined, and then repeat again excluding wash cycle of a frying pan, coat with a thin layer of 5 times, interruptions between promazyvaniem 20 = 30 minutes calcination at plate.

Let cool and after completion of rag wipe, a very handsome and reliable non-stick coating.

The second way, it is possible to do both in the first and in subsequent use of the pan. It is necessary to enable the oven to 150 degrees, the pan pre-wash and fluff inside and outside vegetable oil (preferably, if it is flaxseed) to put the pan in the oven bottom up and leave her for one hour.

Through this procedure will find pan coating which will protect it.


One method of purifying iron pans include cleaning digestion using soap, soda and silicate glue.

With the help of soda, soap and glue can easily get rid of a deposit on a frying pan.

Here's how. We prepare dishes, where to put our frying pan, into the prepared container rub a piece of soap on a grater, add glue full tube and fall asleep all the soda, too, using a full pack. Pour the container with water and put on fire and stir after dissolving put a cast-iron skillet and cook before peeling varnish, remove and clean the pan with a wire brush, then rinse with clean water and dry.

Cleansing of the inner soot using soap.

The mechanical cleaning methods

To clean the pan car brush or sandpaper required pan itself, the tool to choose a screwdriver, a drill or a Bulgarian, personal protective equipment, safety glasses, respirator. The tool required nozzle (car brush, grinding attachment). Now that everything is ready include the tool in the socket and carefully remove scale, rust accumulated fat to shine. After that you need to handle the pan, ignited, ready. You can do the same, without tools under water jet rubbing sandpaper or pan metal brush with the addition of any abrasives, but this method requires a considerable labor endurance and patience.

Intensive work through the bottom. And washed using conventional detergents.

Restore and Update stick coating after cleaning help methods based on heat treatment, for example in a fire, when frying pan greased with vegetable oil and rushes into the fire brought to red, then cooled, after which you need to repeat the cycle.

Prolonged heating to cope with a black plaque and restore the coating.

Be sure to keep the pan in a dry place with low humidity, moisture contributes to rust. If properly stored cast-iron frying pan it will be a long and delight tasty dishes that you cook on it.

Result in the appearance of kitchen household items to complete the order is not always easy.

If you put the pan on top of each other using any of the pyramid pads, for example, paper for cooking or napkins.

Proper care will keep your cast iron products for many years of his life.

As a result, we can say that the cast-iron frying pan - it is a very robust dishes with unique properties, demands the care and attention, but for the attention it pays special taste of food is not comparable with other pans.

It is important to operate the cooking utensils if you want to have turned out delicious and healthy food.

VIDEO: A simple way how to clean the pan from the deposit.