ART decal difficult to some, it seems incomprehensible, but it is very interesting and exciting. To the surprise of many people today are familiar with the basic rules of etiquette and a secular society do not tend to drink wine from a glass of cognac or a glass. But all the same types of glassware for various drinks a lot and get lost in it just to even the most advanced person, to say nothing of ordinary citizens. In today's article we will talk in detail about all the intricacies of glasses for alcohol, their origin, and even about the popular brands of utensils.
Types of glasses are extremely diverse.
- 1 How did the glasses
- 2 What materials do glasses
- 3 What are the names of different glasses for drinks
- 3.1 Wine glasses for champagne
- 3.2 Variety of glasses for red and white wine
- 3.3 Brandy glass
- 3.4 The types of vessels for whiskey
- 3.5 liqueur vessels
- 3.6 Glasses with beer
- 3.7 Dishes for alcoholic drinks
- 3.8 martini
- 4 VIDEO: Types of glasses for alcoholic drinks.
- 5 50 photos of glasses for different types of alcoholic beverages:
How did the glasses
The interesting thing is that the people of ancient Greece and Rome did not use glasses, but the ancient Egyptians often drank wine from them. Glass goblets appeared in Europe in the fifteenth century AD thanks to the Venetian glass blowers of Murano, the design of them was quite simple: a small bowl on a glass stem. Quick dishes such acquired aesthetic appearance and spread through different countries like hot cakes.
In practice, for each form there is a beverage glass, glass of a glass or a special form.
Each European country has its own authentic culture and brings in the element of the refectory ware something of their own. For example, monograms, ornaments, religious images. It is known that in the German states enjoyed a wide popularity jewelry craftsmanship, so the fact that the glass glasses inlaid with precious stones, will not be for anybody surprise. In our country glasses came from the "window to Europe", along with numerous other reforms of Peter 1. Then they were called "pokalami" in German speech.
Due to the popularity of alcoholic cocktails emerged and many types of special breakfast dishes.
What materials do glasses
It is considered that the beverage tableware is manufactured only from glass, or, in an extreme case crystal. But in fact this is not true, and in some bars can be found glasses of non-traditional materials. Metal utensils like immerses man in a medieval atmosphere, you can imagine that you are drinking wine from this cup. Stone ware for drinks looks stylish and beautiful, bringing the interior of the room a feeling of luxury and wealth, they are not the most practical, heavy, and drink from them and not very convenient. So that the products of turquoise, jasper, malachite and quartz will be an excellent decoration of the bar or in the kitchen, rather than the table.
Understand the types of glasses is necessary not only restaurateurs and tasters.
Rates extraordinary dishes consist of rarity materials, quality production, and complexity of the design shape. In elite pubs there are wooden mugs with steel rivets. It looks very nice and authentic. Metallic glasses are typically sold individually or in pairs, entire sets are made to order and therefore are much more expensive.
Stone ware is even more difficult to find and it costs a lot of money.
What are the names of different glasses for drinks
There is a glass for every drink, and each glass has its own name:
- For white and red wines using wine glasses.
- Sparkling wine, champagne and some cocktails are traditionally served in wine glasses.
- Liqueurs, vodka, absinthe, vermouth, sherry and drank from glasses.
- Beer mugs are used.
Modern technologies allow to create types of glasses of any shape or design.
Wine glasses for champagne
Champagne is one of the most popular alcoholic drinks. It is drunk on New Year and birthday. He could often be seen at social events and meetings of old friends. Champagne is usually served in special glasses - wine glasses. They, in turn, are divided into several types.
A glass is considered to be a narrow elongated glass on a high stem.
Let's look at these points in more detail:
- Flyute. This cookware is much more romantic and friendly name: a glass or flute or wine glass flute. This elongated shape of dishes for sparkling wine is considered a classic and most common. Flyute drink before feeding should be cooled very well. It is desirable to form frost on the glass walls of Fougeres.
As a rule, are used for champagne glasses classic elongated shape.
Interesting fact: since the "Flute" has been used for several centuries, it has been observed that it is such shape contributes to the appearance of liquid over the active and apparent gas bubbles and lifting at their beautiful surface. And it is for this quality and appreciate champagne.
- Cup. This type of champagne also has a second name, but less than a romantic and refined: a glass or cup. Such a bowl of champagne or any other sparkling wine has a very wide neck. So evaporation of gas bubbles much larger area, and almost nothing will be left after a few minutes away. Bowl or cup for those people who get drunk quickly, and they want to postpone this point. Cup has received a lot of popularity in the thirties and forties of the last century.
Now a similar container can be found except in the events, which provides for a pyramid of champagne glasses.
- Tulip has an elegant appearance. He is much rarer "flute" and even more "cup". This is due to the fact that it is used only by people who truly appreciate and love a great love and a warm champagne and sparkling white wines. Form "tulip" recalls "flute", but has a large volume. Bowl expands to the center and tapers slightly in diameter to the edges, like a tulip flower, which left very little time to complete and blossoming bud opening. A small area of contact with air can save playful bubbles as long as possible and collect all the flavors in one, with a pair of alcohol does not beat in the nose. In addition, you can note that the taste of the drink reaches the desired part of the tongue and spread evenly on it.
Increasing the diameter of the dishes in the center allows you to better reveal the bouquet of champagne, and the taste concentrate.
Summing up: the glasses shaped "tulip" should be selected if in your menu often found sparkling wine of premium high-grade, suitable for mid-market and the classic "flute".
In most glasses are made of thin glass or crystal, but is a more expensive option for connoisseurs.
Variety of glasses for red and white wine
True wine connoisseurs know that each variety of this noble beverage requires a separate kind of dishes.
Kinds of glasses for drinks, there is great variety.
Tip! Choosing a wine glass should be guided by the rule: the average cost of one glass of a set must be equal to the cost of a bottle of wine that you drink.

Glasses of red wine is always a large volume, but she has a rounded shape bowl large diameter.
Hard to believe, but the taste, flavor and even color of the wine will directly depend on what kind of shape, size, glass and he was made of a glass. This will be very easy to be convinced, just tasted wine from the same bottle, spilling it, for example, in a coffee mug or glass. The taste of the beverage glasses will differ greatly from its taste from a special glass.
Wine, touching and interacting with air, fully reveals the taste and aroma, because the vessel diameter allows it.
The main parameter that affects the choice of dishes, it's sort of the wine itself. If you are a true professional in your arsenal there are certainly put to ten different sets. But for ordinary people will be sufficient to have only two sets:
- Glasses of red wine, in turn, there are two "Bordeaux" type and the "Burgundy". The first type is the most common, because for many varieties of red wines "Beaujolais", "Dolcetto", "Sangiovese". glass bowl must have a volume of more than six hundred milliliters, otherwise you risk losing the flavor and full bouquet of flavors some rich red wines. "Burgundy" will be perfect for wines with high acidity and moderate tannins. For example, "Pinot noir", "Barolo", "Barbaresco". The volume of this type of cookware longer: seven hundred milliliters or more.
The shape resembles a balloon glasses.
- Glasses of white wine with its form is very similar to "Bordeaux", but the amount they are almost twice as less. White wine is advisable to drink chilled, and similar containers able to maintain optimum temperature through the fact that a small glass of drink is drunk much faster and does not have time to warm up to the temperature of the palm or room.
In such forms of wine topped up frequently and it's not time to heat up.
Brandy glass
Cognac is one of the most handsome of intoxicating beverages. It is usually rough and were drinking strong men, romance with elements of a noble nature. But fragile woman tart taste of brandy, too, is not alien. Noble ladies prefer to enjoy alcohol from an elegant glass with engravings and beautiful ornaments. The shape of the classic glass of brandy is often comparable to the tulip bud, which is delicately placed on a short but steady leg.
The vessel was perfectly fits in the palm of heat which warms the drink and reveals the taste and bouquet.
Important! Pay attention to the fact that the glass according to the rules of etiquette can not be filled up to the rim. Typically, the beverage fills the space of the container only by a quarter. Then, a glass hand lightly necessary to twist, to wander. This is done in order to infuse the drink with oxygen and at the same time dispel the heady aroma of strong brandy.
The material of which is typically made classical glasses is a thin glass or even crystal. It is clear that the dishes made of crystal will be much better and more luxurious, but it will cost many times more expensive than a cheap glass.
subject often decorated with gold and silver engravings.
Note! Brandy glass with a nominal engraving is a perfect gift for any occasion for those who like strong, but noble drinks.
The types of vessels for whiskey
Good whiskey is supplied in the old-fashioned glasses fashion, the volume of which varies in the values of 180 to 320 milliliters. It is interesting that before this cookware has been popular for any hard liquor, were served with ice. This is not surprising: despite the seemingly small size glasses of whiskey fairly roomy.
Also such utensils equipped with thick walls, which prevents excessively rapid melting of ice.
liqueur vessels
As already mentioned above liquor is usually served in a glass. Classical liquor glass cup volume is forty to sixty milliliters per thin long leg. In such a vessel the liquor is usually served in a pure form, without diluting the coffee or tea.
The canonical form that has come down to us from the beginning of the last century, while maintaining the elegance of legs with shaped form.
Important! Note that liquor is usually served before or on time, and immediately after a hearty lunch.
Glasses with beer
Glasses or to be more exact - with beer mugs are distinguished by their great height and diameter expanding toward the center. He, like a glass for whiskey simply must have a fairly thick walls to keep cold drink because the beer should be served chilled. The volume of such a circle has an impressive, up to a thousand milliliters. Such as cookware features a convenient large handle for easy drinking of alcoholic beverage.
Beer mug has a larger volume than the glass, - from 250 to 1000 ml.
Dishes for alcoholic drinks
In modern bars bartenders can offer their clients a wide range of delicious alcoholic cocktails. Therefore, the bar required following types of glasses:
- A small glass with straight walls, "shot" is more like a glass. The only difference in the thickening of the bottom. This "glass" has a small volume: about forty to sixty milliliters. This cookware is intended for strong alcoholic beverages subject to strong cooling. Most often in the "shotah" presented undiluted alcohol. But some layered drink as well served in these glasses, but only if they are designed for one big gulp.
Drinking from a wineglass need literally swallowing the contents inside.
- Hayboll is a tall glass, which amounts to about 150-300 milliliters. The walls of the receptacle are thickened, in fact, as the bottom. The diameter of the glass extends to the neck. Most often served in a glass of water, some soft drinks and certain types alkogolesoderzhaschie drinks.
It is used to supply water, soft drinks and some cocktails.
- Collins - a tall glass, looks like a "hayboll" truth is much more capacious volume: about 240-340 milliliters. These glasses are designed for alcoholic beverages that are mixed with soda and ice.
The most popular glass of spirits mixed with soda and ice.
Martini glass is a cup shaped like a triangle with a wide neck. Leg in such a thin glass. With this cocktail does not heat up much.
Glass triangular shape with a wide neck and a long slender stalk, whereby cocktail not heated.