Glasses of red wine: what should be the glasses, the size of vessels for dry varieties

The majority of holiday feasts and food intake suggests the presence of wine products, it is often put on the table glasses of red wine or white. It depends on the preferences of sitting at the table and the hosts themselves. They want to make it an enjoyable pastime, and the taste of drinks is seriously affected.

Wine - alcoholic beverage that humanity uses more than one century.


  • 1 The history of the emergence of wine wine glasses
  • 2 Features of the architecture and design of glasses for red wine
  • 3 What should be the size of the vessel for red wine
  • 4 Why form affects the taste
  • 5 What is the main difference between wine glasses for white and red wine
  • 6 How to drink wine from a glass
  • 7 Caring for wine vessels
  • 8 VIDEO: Glasses of red wine.

The history of the emergence of wine wine glasses

Wine glasses for red wine were invented by the Austrian glassmaker Claus Riedel in the middle of the 20th century. However, his contemporaries at first could not understand the idea of ​​the drink taste disclosure with the right selection of dishes. They drank it and more of the usual cups and glasses.

When it comes to quality and tasty drink, it is worth thinking about the dishes from which you will eat it.

But only at the end of the century Riedel managed to bring his idea to the masses. They realized what must have glasses of red wine to reveal all its bouquet. Klaus continued to make dishes for wine products from the small window, and this form was fixed for a long time, to date it has not changed much.

Only suitable tableware able to convey all the qualities of wine at one hundred percent.

Features of the architecture and design of glasses for red wine

Wine glasses of dry red wine (any other red) have a special structure, different from those that are used for champagne. After all, they have extended the lower and middle part and the top of the circle narrows, concentrating the flavor inhalation. Also be sure to have a leg to hold the vessel in his hand, avoiding heating the contents of his hands.

Experts and experienced tasters have long identified three types of glasses, which are ideal for feeding red wine.

But for various types of beverage needs its own form of glass, this is due to the heterogeneity of their taste and aromatic qualities:

  1. Burgundy used for mature wines having a low tannin content. Because of this, do not need a very narrow neck, you need only sufficient for high-quality bouquet disclosure. This wine glass is used for: some wines "Pinot Noir", Beaujolais, Barbera, Barbaresco and Barolo and Burgundy wines (not only red, but white).

    Burgundy wine glasses - packagings high stalk, broad cup and base.

  2. Bordeaux glass is slightly higher and has a downward conical shape. His neck is quite narrow, because it poured spirits with lots of tannins. Aroma spreads saturation along the wall, and then goes through a narrow circle, allowing him to breathe fully. To pour Bordeaux, Rhone varieties, Tempranillo and others.

    Its base is much smaller, which helps retain the flavor of the beverage.

  3. "Grand Cru" is used for the best varieties of Burgundy and Italian wines, different capacity. He laid out so that the content as much as possible filled with oxygen and aroma unveiled in all its glory.

    A special kind of glasses for supplying the most expensive wines in the world.

Note! Quality, taste and aroma of the wine beverage is impossible to assess if it is poured into the wrong container. Conventional cups or glasses inappropriate can distort the impression of giving false information about the ingredients and their interaction.

Each of them can reveal the uniqueness of the beverage.

What should be the size of the vessel for red wine

Fougeres Dimensions depend on the shape and type of wine. Bordeaux vessel type for most types of wine beverage having a volume of 600 ml. It is put on the table at any time, because most content does not have a particular strength. But such a shape and size are not able to reveal the "rich" options for wines, this will require Burgundy type.

This wine glass is easily in contact with the wine.

"Burgundy" is done in the amount of 700-750 ml, its form factor is suitable for larger amounts of tannins and strength. Externally dishes resembles a ball, otherwise it is called "balloon". It is this variation prefer sommeliers, because it makes it easy to identify the weak and fragile structure, which means that low-quality characteristics and the relevant price category.

taste of the drink did not change and does not deteriorate.

Why form affects the taste

Each variety of this drink has its own qualities to them requires a special approach, if you want to feel every note. This is interesting, because there are a variety of cooking options, depending on:

  • Grape varieties or combinations thereof used in the preparation;
  • Areas where harvested ingredients, because the land and the way of care, treatment effect on palatability;
  • Recipe, add additional spices or their absence. Each host typically has a secret that is different from cooking on other territories.

Overall size of the bowl for oxygenation beverage.

Also, a lot depends on the quality and storage method, if the necessary conditions are respected. And you should definitely mention the exposure time, it greatly affects the characteristics of the wine beverage.

On the market and in specialty stores are a lot of packaging options for supply of red wine.

That's all it is necessary to emphasize to feel the history and characteristics, it is important to dismantle it as a work of art. And to help in this well-chosen wine glass.

In most cases, these vessels remind items for supply of brandy and whiskey.

What is the main difference between wine glasses for white and red wine

Because red wine has a distinctive taste, gives the berry and fruit notes, reports tartness and sweetness, he needs a vessel, capable of transmitting it. Wide "side" wine glasses are needed precisely in order that the contents fall into the mouth without tilting the head. Then it just comes to the tip of the tongue, where the receptors that are sensitive to sweets.

Form containers for drinking red wine has a direct impact on the assessment of the palatability of the beverage.

But white wine should have a fresh delicate taste with a slightly sour taste, and feel you can, placing the drink directly to the lateral buds language, is responsible for the sour taste. This helps form Fougeres. It is small, has a volume of about 70-100 mL so retained the original taste and tongue ingress carried out by tilting the head. For the "glasses" glasses are narrow and do not allow the drink to try a different way.

Depending on the design of the glass, the user will be able to understand - what is the real taste of the drink.

The main and the main difference lies in the different configuration and volume of the vessel, because they have different objectives the disclosure of properties of the beverage. If it has a sour taste, it should be taken to the appropriate receptors, retaining all its qualities. For this is a small vessel, and the content is cooled before being fed to about 17 degrees.

Each variety is unique wine - sour, sweet, dry, semi-sweet, etc.

But the presence of sweet and tart notes speaks about the need for their impact on the tip of the tongue, because the glass is rounded, and the amount of oxygen saturation provides for the disclosure of the bouquet. Content served chilled to about 21 degrees.

Wide glass edges allow alcohol vapor to evaporate more quickly. You can not say about the bowls with narrow edges, in such vessels aroma and taste richer and brighter.

How to drink wine from a glass

Proper use of wine beverage provides not only the impression of knowing and owning the rules of etiquette, but also give pleasure of taste, aroma. These rules are able to improve the quality pastime for tasting some varieties or rare wines. Each of them has special properties that we must try to uncover not only through the proper selection of the vessel, but also correct use.

As a rule, almost all models of glasses of red wine reminiscent bellied barrels with too narrow margins.

The basic rules are available not only sommeliers and gourmets, but also for those who want to get new experiences and get in this business to the next level:

  1. wine supply must take into account the necessary temperature of the drink. White wine should be a little more cool than red.
  2. Do not use a narrow container for champagne, it is for the contents of the bubbles, so they last longer. However, the taste quality is getting worse, because there is a constricted neck, and red wine can not get enough oxygen.
  3. Do not hold the wine glass of the vessel, it is better - the leg. Heat hand changes the temperature of the beverage, the base can also be used to carry the dishes.
  4. Red wine does not need to pour in a large volume, it has to "breathe", plus more delicious when the drink has no time to warm up before you "upgraded".
  5. It is not necessary to shake the drink, it can be a bit povraschat to fill the liquid oxygen. But excessive force will provoke oxidative process and the distortion of taste.
  6. Depart from tradition to clink glasses, tilting the vessel by itself, it is fraught with spray, and also appears the risk of cracks in the rim (where thin glass). It is slightly tilted it to yourself, or to keep the right to touch other glasses of the lower part.

Not drink poured to the brim, and only half of the glass.

These rules do not apply to a particular type of wine beverages, they should be used, according to etiquette. It also affects the atmosphere, pleasant surroundings and makes a pastime filled and comfortable.

Not only the shape but also the sizes of glasses can affect the quality of detection and drink.

Caring for wine vessels

Drinking wine can be manifested in the proper care of the dishes for him. If it is time to clean and well-kept, and the appearance of it permanently retain pristine.

After the holiday, always comes not the most pleasant moment - do dishes. Particular attention should be paid to the glass product, especially glass.

The basic rules of care for vessels for wine products:

  • They are made of thin glass, because it is necessary to wash them by hand. Dishwasher uses extremely high water temperatures;
  • Dishwashing detergent should be of high quality, and better - especially designed for food transparent glass;

Wash the rest of the wine and to eliminate the smell is not so simple.

  • Properly used in cool wash water to avoid clouding the surface;
  • About washing vessel is worth keeping the leg (there is risk of damage by pushing), but for the widest part;
  • It can be used ammonia, if a wine glass began to look dim or darkened. It should be added a few drops of cold water and rinse;

After use, it is desirable glasses immediately wash them with hot running water. Thus, you get rid of traces of bright wine and partly from its smell.

  • If after cleaning stains remain, they are easily can be removed with a dry cloth, this can be done well before serving, but it is usually polished with a special material;
  • If you want to minimize the forces applied to the drying and polishing the surface of the glass, you can simply put the wine glass upside down after washing.

Dry the glasses upside leg to clean product does not accumulate dust.

So, not only sommeliers and gourmets want to feel the full range of flavor and aroma. A glass transparency and regular shape provide quality control and the beverage color.

With proper care the glasses can last for much longer and are able to preserve the original appearance for many years.

VIDEO: Glasses of red wine.
