Geyser coffee: how to use the device, the operating principle, reviews

"What a strange tea?" - thought our readers. "The answer lies in our paper!" - is responsible editors


  • 1 What is it - geyser coffee: a little history
  • 2 Construction and operation of geyser-type coffee makers
  • 3 Types of coffee pots geyser type - choose the most convenient option
  • 4 How to make coffee in the coffee maker hot spring: effective tips and secrets
  • 5 How to clean a coffee maker geyser: learn to use the techniques of both amateurs and professionals
  • 6 Advantages and disadvantages of geyser coffee makers - to prioritize
  • 7 What Geyser coffeemaker is better to buy in 2019: choose the best model
  • 8 Reviews of the best geyser coffee makers: they know in person!
  • 9 We draw conclusions. Turk or a geyser coffee - which is better?

What is it - geyser coffee: a little history

To date, there are about ten types of coffee makersDiffering as a method of preparing a beverage, as well as functionality. What methods are not only manufacturers use to achieve the best results! But how such a physical phenomenon like a geyser can be useful for making coffee?

Apparently, these questions arise and the Englishman Samuel Parker, opened back in 1833 technology preparations beloved "elixir of courage" with the help of water vapor pressure in the closed space. enterprising Italian Alfonso Bialetti has issued a patent for the "Moka Express" One hundred years later - the world's first coffee machine Geyser. Since then, the design has remained unchanged to the present day, bringing joy to all gourmets and lovers of quality products.

Unlike its competitors, this model is easier to use and does not require any additional components or accessories.

NOTE!(Click to see)


"Moka" is the second official name geyser coffee makers. Faced with a similar name in the store or in the vast web, you can be firmly convinced that you offer not a fake.

Construction and operation of geyser-type coffee makers

Visually geyser coffee is similar to an ordinary kettle with a small spout. It consists of three main parts:

BaseIt is a hollow container, which is filled with the water needed for the preparation of coffee in a coffee machine geyser
Filter AdapterIt laid ground for the seeds of their brewing
Top partIt serves to collect the cooked product

Knowledge of the principle of operation of the device in this case is very important, because it gives an idea of ​​how to make coffee in the coffee maker geyser:

Description of actionIllustration
In the lower part of the appliance is filled bottled water (cold or room temperature).
To the filter, located in the center, poured a certain quantity of ground coffee beans.
The device is sealed. Following heating of the water is carried out - this different heat sources are applied (of which be discussed later).
As a result of heating will produce steam which, in turn, begins to displace the remaining fluid in the upper reservoir. Water inevitably pass through the filter, gradually turning into a strong and aromatic coffee.
As a result obtained coffee mix has a high temperature and forced out under pressure, it actively splashes in the upper bowl of the holes in the cone - because coffee and is called geyser.

Of course, in words everything can seem complicated and confusing, so we offer you to see the video of how it works geyser coffee:

Types of coffee pots geyser type - choose the most convenient option

As with any home appliances, our review of the hero has a certain internal classification. But in this case there are only two versions. Let's examine them in detail.

Geysernaya coffee for a gas or induction cookers

Simpler and more practical option, suitable for all the family. It does not require additional wiring, or "bloat". You know how to use the coffee maker in the hot spring gas? It's easy - you just put the coffee maker on the stove and wait for the water heating. However, such a device will produce the coveted drink you long enough.

At the time of completion of the cooking, you hear a hissing sound.

Geysernaya coffee with an electric heating element

These models are more expensive than their non-autonomous competitors, but have a number of significant advantages. Among them - the ability to make coffee in the country, in the car, on a business trip; timer; program for making different types of coffee - espresso, cappuccino and many others. But note that if you do not have access to electricity supply - there will be an invigorating drink.

Do not forget to turn on the timer on the equipment in order to save a few minutes of your precious time.

How to make coffee in the coffee maker hot spring: effective tips and secrets

In order to "elixir of courage" vegan was the most tasty and healthy, you must abide by the rules of preparation, we have described above in the instructions for use of the hot spring coffeemakers. But even this is sometimes not enough. Therefore, our editorial staff gathered for you a few recommendations for a truly effective use of the device at home.

  1. Use only fresh water during operation. Desirably - pre prokipyachonnuyu or filtered. Otherwise, you risk getting a product with a unique and very pleasant aftertaste.

    For water purification use specialized filters. But that's another story ...

  2. Use a household coffee grinder for the preparation of the necessary blend of: semi-finished product do not have sufficient freshness, and not all manufacturers of high-quality coffees used in manufacturing.

    Modern grinders have a wide price range - it allows you to have a similar technique to almost everyone.

  3. Use only for cooking medium or coarser grains. Then drink as much as possible with oil and get all the necessary strength. Fine grinding suitable for the Turks or brewing a cup.

    Freeness readily determined both visually and by touch.

  4. Do not be afraid to experiment with different additives. Add the cinnamon, vanilla and other spices to give a special taste.

    Some manufacturers produce special sets of aromatic components for brewing

  5. Before pour coffee cups, pre-warm them in any convenient way (e.g., pour boiling water for a few seconds). So you can ensure the integrity of the original flavor of the drink.

In some recipes (for example, in the recipe of Irish coffee) necessarily require pre-heating cups.

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Do not forget about the fact that the electric models are capable of producing geyser coffee pot of coffee in different shapes and forms, from a strong and tart to sweet espresso cappuccino or latte. Use this advantage to save money on buying the more expensive members of the class.

How to clean a coffee maker geyser: learn to use the techniques of both amateurs and professionals

So, now you know exactly how to use the coffee maker geyser type. Coffee drinking is certainly good, but the need for timely clean the unit owners No one is exempt. Unlike many known modifications of our review of the hero has a few special rules do not apply to the other models of equipment.

  1. In the process of making coffee, do not exceed the maximum level laid down by the manufacturer of water in the lower reservoir. In case of violation of flavored drink will start to flow onto the plate or table, contaminating the well and the surface of the device.

    The mark may look different, but its purpose is always the same - to prevent overflow of liquid.

  2. In no case do not open the cover during its operation! At a minimum, it is fraught with splash of drink and coffee stains all over the kitchen, as a maximum - burns of varying severity.

    If your curiosity overcame caution - even wear gloves and protect exposed skin!

  3. Do not use any chemical cleaners or abrasive sponges in the cleaning process. Their use will provoke the occurrence of unpleasant "metallic" aftertaste when re-preparation of the beverage.

In order to remove moisture from the elements of a product, it is best to use a microfiber.

Want to know more about how to use the coffee maker hot spring after a preparation of aromatic extract? Here's a video, a small but very informative:

Advantages and disadvantages of geyser coffee makers - to prioritize

Before finally establish themselves in the decision that the purchase of the coffee machine type geyser will be a great addition to the technology on your kitchen, offer to bring together all the strengths and weaknesses of such equipment - it is not just the perfect option exist.

The brewing process as simple as possible and does not require additional controlThe need to periodically replace the filter adapter and a rubber gasket
The filter prevents the ingress of coffee grounds in the finished cola drinksWhen the device is operating, slastony can not add sugar
Due to the design of the cooking time and the output is a maximum and a strong, saturated productThe machine quickly clogged, so needs to be cleaned after each use
Price geyser coffee makers are much lower coffee machines or other similar articlesA limited amount of coffee, the resulting preparation

Disputes between judges of different types of coffee pots do not cease for a long time. But the decision to each person still receives individually.

What Geyser coffeemaker is better to buy in 2019: choose the best model

Here is our article quietly and close to the most interesting - present to you the rating of the best models geyser coffee makers as of 2019. We hope that it will help you make the right choice and decent.

Geysernaya coffee ENDEVER Costa-1010

It opens our top fiscal and practical model of Russian-Swedish manufacturer. Very democratic price and availability of all important functions can recommend this product as a choice for entry-level.

source of energyPower, W.The volume of the resulting coffee l.Presence timer
Electric heating element4800,3no

Evaluation edition: 8,9/10

ENDEVER Costa-1010

Geyser maker Bialetti Moka Induzione

How can you ignore the products of the company, which owns the title of the first coffee maker manufacturer of this type? Yes, it's Alfonso Bialetti alive until now. We have chosen, the device offers an excellent combination of price and quality. And in the category of classical devices had almost no competitors.

source of energyPower, W.The volume of the resulting coffee l.Presence timer
Gas / induction cooker0,24

Evaluation edition: 9,4/10

Bialetti Moka Induzione

Geyser maker Rommelsbacher EKO 366 / E

German technology has long been considered a symbol of reliability and reasonableness. You need only look at the chrome housing EKO 366 / E, to understand what Rommelsbacher engineers have once again proved the truth of the expression. In addition to the stylish appearance, pot differs worthy characteristics.

source of energyPower, W.The volume of the resulting coffee l.Presence timer
Electric heating element3560,35No

Evaluation edition: 9,5/10

Rommelsbacher EKO 366 / E

Geyser maker De'Longhi EMKM 4 Alicia

"Gold" rating in our small receives the product from another Italian company - De'Longhi. They specialize in household appliances in the budget and mid-segment, producing excellent products in all respects. And our winner - is no exception. In it all perfectly - and the price, and the build quality and functionality.

source of energyPower, W.The volume of the resulting coffee l.Presence timer
Electric heating element4500,4Yes

Evaluation edition: 9,7/10

De'Longhi EMKM 4 Alicia

Reviews of the best geyser coffee makers: they know in person!

Review model Bialetti Moka Induzione:

More on Otzovik:

Review model De'Longhi EMKM 4 Alicia:

More on Yandex. Market: track = tabs

We draw conclusions. Turk or a geyser coffee - which is better?

Now, it's the end of our small study. Today you have learned a lot of interesting and useful information - for example, saw a video about the principle of operation geyser coffee makers and found the secrets of proper preparation of refreshing drinks.

In conclusion, we want to resolve the long-running dispute all the coffee. What better use of ground coffee beans: a classic Turk or progressive geyser equipment? Despite the fact that the drink in Turku obtained the most delicious, in his cooking will take at least ten minutes. The heroine of this review is not required such costs that, in the XXI century is the most important indicator. In terms of palatability both options are equally good, no matter what anyone said.