It is hard to imagine country cottage area without necessarily attribute - hot bathhouses, levator vitality flavors broom birch and eucalyptus steam. Steam treatments cure for many diseases, relieve stress and provide an opportunity to mentally communicate with loved ones. So, anyway, and without it, darling, you can not do. The theme of our study - a bath with his hands. projects, Photos, important nuances and the invaluable experience of practitioners - all of this material.

Read article
- 1 On what is the choice of the optimal location for the construction of baths
- 1.1 Location bath at their summer cottage
- 1.2 How to attach bath to the house without harming the basic structure
- 2 What are the options for giving baths: a review of designs for every taste.
- 2.1 Bath of timber - quick and practical
- 2.2 Frame bath - cheap and cheerful
- 3 Erect a bath with his hands: a review of the stages of construction
- 3.1 Pier foundation for a bath with his hands: step by step instructions and video
- 3.2 Bath with shower at the cottage: how to draw and drain water
- 3.3 Roof bath with his hands: for the construction of instruction
- 3.3.1 Calculator for thermal insulation of roofs baths
- 4 Interior fittings bath in the country: the main aspects
- 5 Economic aspects: how to build a sauna to give their own hands cheap
On what is the choice of the optimal location for the construction of baths
Perhaps for someone to be news that the bath can be delivered at any place. There are a variety of formal and practical principles to be followed. Moreover, the wrong choice of location can lead to tragic consequences. Consider all the rules.
Location bath at their summer cottage
The layout of the bath complex arrangement of the garden area there are three basic requirements:
The distance from the border area | Distance from bath complex to fence - at least three meters. The structure should not obscure the territory of a neighboring plot. Such a gap will protect buildings from a possible fire, because the bath - it's fire-hazardous object. Another important aspect - drainage. The three-meter zone, even if your bath is the most primitive drainage system will not allow dirty water to penetrate to the adjacent section. To be safe, can be laid along the fence drainage ditchFilled with gravel. And a couple of important points: to the residential house neighbors the distance should be at least eight meters (six - if bath brick). When deciding where to build a facility, be aware that the smoke from the furnace of bath should not reach the windows of a neighbor's house. |
Distance from reservoir | On the one hand, the location of buildings on the bank of a river or lake is very favorable. And the water is easier to type, and guaranteed fun when paired with a running start to dive into the cool waves. On the other - should strictly follow the rules, preserving the body of water from the negative the impact of wastewater. To do this, the structure must be located no closer than 15 meters from the shore. This distance, moreover, will prevent foundation cleaning the structure of a flood. Coastline should strengthen their own hands with the help of wooden or concrete frame. |
The gap to the residential buildings | Russian bathhouse on the "black" It is located on the leeward side of the house at a distance of at least twelve meters. So the smoke will not get into the room. It is advisable to close to the building there was no other readily combustible structures. Experts recommend that a four-meter distance from the henhouse or barn. |

There are situations when a purchase goes to suburban area bath that is called inheritance. In this case, of course, move it to a new location in accordance with the above rules are not always given the opportunity. But, with the help of a competent reconstruction can achieve fire safety standards.
How to attach bath to the house without harming the basic structure
Not always plot size allows to meet all the above requirements. Only one way out - to attach bath complex directly to the house. Consider this decision the advantages and disadvantages:
- saving area portion;
- winter use bath home is more convenient because there is no need to go out;
- you can save considerably on insulation constructionSince one is an inner wall;
- you can use a common heating system and water.

- may have difficulty connecting the structure to the bath house. Require special measures during the construction foundation and connecting wall planes;
- association drainage system may cause excessive load on the local sewer system;
- fire risk object represents a certain threat to the residential buildings.

Projecting both bath extension to the houseIt is necessary to consider all important aspects of the decision. First of all, the foundation of a junction with the foundation of the house, or do separately. In the second case for docking using metal brackets and joints filled with foam.
The walls and the roof extension is best done from the same material as the main structure. Different weight materials give an uneven shrinkage. Roof extensions do pent, its upper part is to go under the main roof and adjacent to the wall.
In the following video material instructions on how to make bath-extension:
What are the options for giving baths: a review of designs for every taste.
Before we discuss the design features of various bath complexes, should determine the type of bath that you want to build with their hands on the site.
- The most popular among us is, of course, Russian sauna. Its indispensable attributes - oven heater, and the presence of wet steam font or natural reservoir, which can dive to takeoff after steam.

- Finnish sauna dry steam is different. Dry heat is not as aggressive effect on the body, so you can sit in the steam room, heated to hundreds of degrees. But in this case you can not use a broom, as even a harmless pat can cause serious burns.

- Hamam Turkish never heated above sixty degrees. In such a comfortable environment, you can steam a few hours sipping procedure.

- Japanese version, ofuroIt represents wooden Hot disposed in the heated room. In such barrel you can swim for a long time, but to be honest, the bathhouse this procedure is difficult to call.

For the construction of Russian or Finnish saunas do not require large expenditures of these options can be considered budget. But hammam and ofuro require large investments, since they require premises impressive size.
Consider the economy variants of buildings:
- Mini bath of the carcass or timberConsisting of one or two rooms and the vestibule.
- Bath, and attached to the outer wall of a house. For its construction using the same materials as that of the main building.
- Capital construction of a full-size with terrace of the pool.
- Bath-trailer. made on wheels and it can be moved, for example, in the summer - to the pond, and in the winter - into the yard.
- Bath from the container. Inexpensive compact version, is quite spacious. If desired, you can form a complex of several containers.
- Dismountable construction of a metal frame and an awning fabric. Suitable for field conditions or as a temporary structure during construction work on the site.
The original idea for the bath complex in the photo:
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What mini-bath to give, Advantages and disadvantages of the design, as it is to build and what materials are needed, review finished models on the market, tips and expert advice - read our review.
Bath of timber - quick and practical
Construction of timber it is possible to master their own hands. It is not difficult, and the result will be no worse than a brick or a log structure. Consider how to build a simple construction of the profiled beam.
First of all, determine how to choose the right material. For a square log baths require board section of 150x150 or 100x150. Standard length - four or six meters, so it is best to select the size of projects 3x3, 3x4 or 4x4. So it is possible to achieve maximum material savings.
Now about choosing wood. The best option - linden or larch. The best, but most expensive - cedar. Conifers, pine and spruce, will flow when heated resinous "tears."

Factory finished projects include the use of saunas laminated veneer lumber. This is not a bad option. Glued laminated timber does not deform over time, not subject to rot and insect drevogryzuschim perfectly resists. If the choice fell on the material, make sure that the top layer was made of larch or limes.
Important! Note the timber variety. Builders suitable grade A, B, and Extra. It is not necessary to use wood with cracks or blue in the fibers. Change in color indicates the development of the fungus.
Features of the use of different types of timber:
types of timber | pros | Minuses |
![]() shaped | Easy to install, resulting structure has no slits. The relatively low cost and environmental friendliness. The ability to use a lightweight foundation. | After a long period of operation requires additional insulation, but it can not just caulk. Sheathing have inside and outside. |
![]() Glued | You can use a smaller cross-section material. Baths of polubrusa quickly erected, and not inferior to solid wood teplosberezheniyu. Furthermore, for this construction also sufficiently lightweight foundation. | High price. Use in the manufacture of adhesives containing formaldehyde. |
Low price, environmental friendliness. It does not need to finish inside and out. It does not need a reinforced foundation. | It requires warming and seal crevices and cracks. Shrinks, deforms when dry. Darkens. |
Tip! Purchasing material, make a small margin. It will be useful in the case of damage to the part.
Step by step construction of a small bath:

- For bath suitable columnar, ribbon or pile-screw type of foundation. The base does not require amplification. Little wooden bath does not have a serious load;

- Given the high humidity in the sauna room, it is necessary to protect the foundation of quality waterproofing. It is best to use mastic and two layers of roofing material;

- Before laying the wreath should be treated with a special compound or conventional waste oil. It is important to set the crown level and avoid curving;

- Lags make of boards 50h150 on edge. How to make the floors, we discuss in detail below;

- No need to wrestle with how to put the board, if in your possession profiled material. The walls of it going just like children's designer. For additional fastening nageli use of wood or iron. How to build with the help of pegs in the following video the plot:

- the door and window in the bath square log, you can simply cut it out after the laying and shrinkage of the walls;

- shrinkage to the final set of walls blister roof. A year later, you can do normal roof the rafters.
Tip! The most eco-friendly steam bath obtained from bars. Drawings, designs sizes with different layouts can be found in the public domain on the Internet.
Small video of how to build a sauna from a bar:
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The foundation on screw piles with their hands. This technology is used to accelerate the construction is not too heavy buildings and other architectural structures. In this article you will find a step by step construction of structures and useful advice from professionals.
Frame bath - cheap and cheerful
It may surprise you, but for framing the bath do not need any drawings or some expensive projects. It's pretty simple - start from the standard sheet sizes and collect bathhouse, as a designer, quickly and inexpensively. The foundation will need the easiest, columnar or on stilts. Lightweight construction on frame technology does not shrink and is collected in a matter of days.
Pros and cons of the construction:
dignity | disadvantages |
The low weight of the finished design | The need for external and internal decoration |
excellent thermal insulationIn no way inferior to the brick and wooden models | Comparative fragility of structures |
the construction speed is greater than all other construction technology | |
The low cost of materials and labor make this design the cheapest | high fire risk |
Easy to assemble by yourself allows you to build such buildings |
How to make high-quality structure based on frame technology? It is necessary to provide a reliable vapor barrier. The humid climate and the impact of bath rainfall adversely affect the wall materials.

Tip! Experts do not recommend to use for waterproofing roofing material or roofing bath. When heated, they emit an unpleasant pungent odor and, moreover, are materials that support active combustion.
Warming bathhouse - is another aspect. Whether you are building a mini bath 3x4 or 6x6 full-size bath. From good thermal insulation depends on the comfort temperature in all rooms.

For the carcass can be used metal or wood. The first embodiment has virtually no defects. He does not shrink, does not deform. Baths with a metal frame easily repaired. The only drawback of metal - the need for a detailed diagram and a qualified welder. If the choice is made in favor of a wooden frame, make sure that the boards and beams were made of larch or limes.
For internal use natural skin linings.

Internal device frame baths is no different from the other options. The only thing worth remembering - requires quality wiring insulation and protection okolopechnogo space from accidental ignition.
In general, the reviews of the skeletal structures positive. Online you can find detailed photo-house craftsmen on the construction. You can find the circuit construction of baths sizes 2x4, 3x5, 4x6 and more.
Photo and video story about how to build a framework bathhouse:
Erect a bath with his hands: a review of the stages of construction
The construction of baths in the country with their own hands begins with the project. You can use ready-made design or order the individual design in one of the firms that specialize on such developments. It is not difficult to prepare the construction of the scheme on their own, a simple bathhouse has a simple layout.

- Where to begin construction? Of course, with the construction of the foundation. This is the first stage, which should be approached very seriously. To build a strong structure is required to establish a foundation, relevant features of soil. In the old wooden bath set on large boulders.

Guided by the experience of ancestors, bathhouse small size should be set on a hill - on the pile or pier foundation. Compact shield structure of the OSB does not need to be strengthened based. Another thing, if planned brick building. In this case, can not do without a belt reinforced foundation. He, unlike pile, It will be more expensive and require more time to manufacture. How to install the tape-reinforced foundation for a bath - in the following video material:
- Next step - floors. In a typical Russian bath it is preferable to make the floors of the boards. They are less durable than concrete, but on such floors can walk barefoot, they quickly dry out moisture and heated to extreme temperatures in the steam room. But the lag should be made of asbestos-cement pipes, this little trick suggested to professional builders. Concrete lags do not rot, they are strong and durable.
- The walls in the bath complex can be made from logs, beams, boards. They are brick, block. You can assemble the wall of the sandwich panels. It all depends on your decision and financial capabilities. It is clear that to build from scratch a brick sauna is more expensive than, for example, frame structure.
- roof rafters to the bath complex is easier to collect on the ground and then lift and set on the wall.

- Final stage - The outer and inner trim and installation of equipment for a bath. From inside the walls is usually sheathe birch or lime clapboard exterior skeleton structure can be clad siding or do an imitation log cabin from the slab.

Here is the summary of the main stages of construction. It is time to show each of them in detail. We offer a phased showing the construction of the bath complex and video instructions on how to build a sauna.
Pier foundation for a bath with his hands: step by step instructions and video
In principle, a framework bath can also be constructed without foundationFor example, on a substrate of tires. But keep in mind that in a year - two structures might be skewed. A waistrail rot from exposure to flood waters.
The best option - pier foundation. It is great stand lightweight structure. It is possible to build not only a bath, but summerhouse, home garage and others outbuildings.

Advantages and Disadvantages pier foundation:
pros | Minuses |
It can be erected with his own hands, without attract spetsrabotnikov. Installation on a foundation frame structure requires no special skills. | Not suitable for brick and block buildings |
Suitable for almost any soil (including heaving) | |
Compensates for height differences on the site does not require alignment | |
It is set for one or two days | Arrangement does not provide for a ground floor or basement |
It does not need waterproofing | |
It has a long service life | |
It does not require capital investment |
By setting the depth of the base differ on:
- recessed mounted below the freezing of the soil;
- weakly deepened - from 40 to 70 centimeters deep;
- not flush - mounted directly on the soil with the bedding.
Step by step installation algorithm:
![]() | It is necessary to clear the site of debris and weeds |
![]() | To mark the foundation of the future with the help of ropes and pegs |
![]() | At a distance of half a meter apart holes drilled with horticultural borer blade diameter corresponding to the diameter of the pillars |
![]() | The holes are cutting concrete pipes. The height above ground level is aligned with a laser level pipe are trimmed excess |
![]() | Inside the pipe is laid fittings for reinforcement, the cavity is filled a mixture of concrete and gravel |
![]() | After hardening of concrete is set grillage - metal or wood. |
Tip! It can be used for light pipe structures are not concrete and plastic, or wooden poles treated with resin to protect against rot.
Detailed video material, how to build the foundation for a bath 4x4 with their hands
Bath with shower at the cottage: how to draw and drain water
Sophisticated drainage system - an important point in the design of the bath complex. Proper drain in the bath will not only protect the base of the structure from mold and rot, but also save you from the problems with the neighbors in the area.
Where can I withdraw the sewers:
- in the drain holeLined with brick or concrete rings. Pit located in close proximity to the structure of the bath and periodically cleaned with a special machine;
- in the sump to a filtration system. As the filter used gravel, shells, gravel. the upper part well filled river sludge containing the bacteria, purifying waste water;
- at septic tankSpecially arranged a container in which there is a filtration and decomposition of wastes, to defend the water goes into the ground.

Kindly requested to dig a trench for the sewer pipes and bring them to the place of discharge from the steam room and washing. Laying tube should be inclined five degrees. To drain not frozen, it can warm your hands by using insulating materials.
Walkthrough on arrangement of the sump in the following videos and photos:
Another important point - the device of floors in the steam room and washing. The easiest option - flowing floor. Water simply enters through the cracks between the boards. Underneath undeveloped sealed reception plane with a hole for drainage.

Tip! The floors leakproof drain must have a water trap, otherwise unpleasant odors spoil the pleasure of the bath procedures.
You can make a fully concrete floors, close them ceramic tiles.

But keep in mind that the tile is easy to slip, and the pair ceramic heats up quickly, so it barefoot will not enter.
It remains to solve the problem of summing up the water. The detached building water supply is best done under the ground in a secure enclosure. If your region severe winters, it is necessary to provide for heating water pipe, to prevent the occurrence of accidents. How to install a system prompt photo reports, which are not hard to find online.

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Camoreguliruyuschy heating cable for water. The article we will look at where the cable is used, how it works, the types, the average cost, advantages and disadvantages. How to calculate the length and power cable for heating pipes and installation of secrets.
Roof bath with his hands: for the construction of instruction
Features of operation of the bath complex lies in the fact that the steam generated as a result of the procedure, enters the podcherdachnoe space and settles on the truss system. Excessive moisture leads to premature deterioration of wood. Beams and rafters begin to mold and collapse under the influence of the fungus. How to avoid this unpleasant effect?
The solution lies not in the form of the roof, it can be anything, pent, gable or complex geometric shapes. The main thing - the right and the hydro and thermal insulation ventilation roof space. These three conditions are the key to success.
To prevent the formation of condensation should be carefully insulate the roof. This can be done in several ways:
- secure insulation directly under the rafters;
- bed material for insulation on rafters;
- place insulation between farms.

Above the roof system under the roofing material, it is imperative to lay paroizoliruyuschy layer. A preservative must be treated (resin waste oil, paint) for greater reliability all the wood elements of the roof structure.
And finally: ventilation system. When installed in an attic vent with a protective grating, problems with the preservation of the roof will not arise.
How to build a roof on the bath in the next photo and video material:
Calculator for thermal insulation of roofs baths

Interior fittings bath in the country: the main aspects
Doors and windows in the sauna room specially set smaller format. This technique allows for maximum heat retention in the room. Cloth in the doorway of a way. It opens to the outer side.

Indoor washer door must have a waterproof coating.
Important! Door handles in the bath can only be made of wood. The metal can be burned.

The windows in the sauna complex is not located vertically and horizontally. The windows do not only in rooms, but in the doorway. The sauna can be made of bricks with their hands transparent wall of glass blocks.

Important! All wiring must be protected by fire-resistant casing. If the wiring is disposed within frame wall, it is placed in metal pipes.
The shelves in the pair is made of basswood, aspen or poplar. Wood these breeds dries quickly, does not contain a resin.
Tip! Finishing in the bath does not provide for the use of paint and varnish.
A few ideas on how to make the inside comfortable shelves:
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Shelves made prefabricated manner. Patterned polished boards fixed crosswise on a framework with a small gap. For fixing use screws stainless steel. All hats utaplivajut into the surface of boards. If this is not done, the red-hot pieces of metal will burn the skin. The same principle applies to the construction of floors in the bath.
Construction of the bath, in photos:
1 of 4

Tip! Shelves in the steam room and washing are collected at a slight slope so that water runs off and does not linger on the seats.
And a little more about the accessories for the bath. Gang is better to choose wood, although this choice can not be called an economy option. Practical plastics and metal - durable, but neither nor the second will not be as easy as a tree.

And finally, the most important element - oven. To install the furnace constructing a separate foundation. On the Internet you can find a variety of projects and step by step instructions production of home-made stoves.
Inside and outside the oven obkladyvayut stones.

Should not seek to smooth, uniform in size pebbles. It is better to choose the pellets of different sizes, they will cool down at different speeds, keeping the heat for a long time. Best used for steam crimson quartzite, it does not contain harmful impurities, not radioactive and long cool down. But it is quite rare and expensive stone. It is possible to do with granite and basalt.
Important! Before you place the stones in a steam room, ignited them in the oven. Defective pellet burst and let the better they will burst in the oven to check, than in the steam room, where there will be people.
In the video, step by step installation guide of bath furnace:
Economic aspects: how to build a sauna to give their own hands cheap
How you can save the project at the bath complex? For the construction budget baths need to follow a few guidelines:
- Bani economy class usually have a small size.
- If the task is inexpensive to install bathhouse, discard the exterior finish. The walls are made of natural timber, covered with a conventional stain will look good and without superfluous decoration.
- Balconies, atticTerrace - all of this adds to the cost of construction. How to quickly and cheaply build a bathhouse? Choose a primitive design.
- If you want cheaper to build bathhouse, do it with your hands. Turnkey construction with the involvement of professional contractors will cost several times more expensive.
- When deciding how to build a roof bath, prefer simple designs without the high ridge.
What is not worth saving:
- From which to build the wall? It is not so important, it is important to the quality of the material. timber and log should be well dried and whole, heaters for frame buildings - lightweight and non-combustible. Do not skimp on the quality of materials.
- Carefully close up all cracks and joints in the structure. Heat losses are fraught with not only the lack of comfort, but also additional costs.
- Do not skimp on quality oven. If not confident in their abilities, consult an expert. Otherwise, the savings can turn into a fire.

And the last. If you want to save money and at the same time build a high-quality sauna, do not be lazy to explore photos and videos of Master Practitioner. They are prompt, from which it is cheaper to build and decorate the room as a bath, how to conduct communications.
Do not forget to share your experience, perhaps someone he is very useful!