On dachaWhere in most cases there is no possibility to connect to the centralized sewer system, Installed a toilet outside the house or in the house with the system local sewerage. Make this design a user-friendly and clean - a major challenge. And another important point for the garden - toilet odorless and pumping. About all the nuances of construction, especially the choice of materials and types of suburban toilets - in this article.

Read article
- 1 How to get rid of the smell of the toilet in the holiday: the basic techniques
- 2 Pros and cons of the sump in the country for the toilet and especially the choice of its location
- 3 What are the means for cesspools and latrines
- 3.1 Chemicals
- 3.2 Biologicals
- 3.3 The average cost of preparations for cleaning sewers
- 4 What is a toilet in the country without a cesspool?
- 4.1 Which is better to give a peat toilet and the principle of its use
- 4.2 Electrical and chemical toilet is odorless and pumping
- 4.2.1 Electrical appliance
- 4.2.2 Chemical (liquid toilet)
- 4.3 What to consider when choosing
- 5 Installation of a septic tank for the toilet cottage
- 6 Variants of the toilet stalls and installation tips
- 6.1 Factory option - plastic toilet garden
- 6.2 Installing a toilet from the barrel with his hands in the country
- 6.3 Construction of toilets for giving of concrete rings
- 7 What is the cost to buy a toilet garden
- 8 Sequence of instructions: how to make the toilet odorless cottage
- 9 Things to know about pumping suburban toilets
- 10 summing up
How to get rid of the smell of the toilet in the holiday: the basic techniques
Do you know what can really spoil the holiday at the cottage? Right! Unbearable smell of the toilet cubicles. Moreover, it pursues the owners of suburban area at each visit stimulated, he can get up and neighbors on the day of the sump pump. Is it possible to deal with this scourge?
There are some successful methods of struggle with a specific "flavors":
- installation of special structures;
- the use of chemicals to kill the smell.
In the first embodiment, a system is necessary to provide ventilation. It is its absence leads to the penetration of vapor into the cabin toilet and beyond. In some cases, so you can correct the situation, when the toilet has been built.
vent mounted the podium in the cabins and output to the outside, up 30 centimeters of the structure of the roof.

Among the constructive methods worth mentioning sealed with a lid, a two-meter depth pits and the use of chemical resistance of materials for decorating latrines tank. If properly applied, all these methods, cottage toilet will not disturb those around her "fragrance."
The second option to combat fumes - use of chemical and organic cleaning agents. This is a fairly costly procedure, but it is very effective.

Pros and cons of the sump in the country for the toilet and especially the choice of its location
Besides everything septic tank, there are other ways of arrangement of toilets - the use of portable devices from the peat-filled, fluid or electric toilets. Suburban pit latrines: what the advantages and disadvantages?
pros | Minuses |
Simple and cheap arrangement | The risk of groundwater contamination |
Rare treatment (no more than once a year) | treatment costs |
Fitted sump for dacha toilet with his hands |
To minimize the disadvantages of the sump, it is important to correctly position. Tips for site selection:
- the distance from the well to the well or well must be at least 20 meters;
- to minimize the risk of groundwater contamination, the latrine should be placed in the low-lying place;
- distance from home to be 10 meters from the bath - 6, from henhouse – 4;
- should not plant trees closer than 4 meters from the structure, bush - 1 meter;
- toilet cabin must be placed on the leeward side of the house;
- the door to the cabin should be hidden from prying eyes.

Important! If the groundwater level less than three meters, it is impossible to equip the cesspool on the plot. In this case it is necessary to use a bio-toilet. To install biotoilet important to observe only the location on the leeward side.
Everything for cesspit used concrete rings, Monolithic reinforced concrete structure, laying of solid bricks, septic Tank, Siding planks. The last option, paneling wood, ineffective, since the wood is rapidly destroyed in an aggressive environment, even if it is treated with a preservative.

Advantages and disadvantages of traditional materials for the hole:
Material | dignity | disadvantages |
concrete rings | Low cost, ease of installation, use of materials Bioprotective | Frequent leaks, pollution of groundwater sources |
Monolithic reinforced construction; | Tightness, strength, durability. | The high cost of works and materials costs. |
Brick | Easy installation, the cost of materials available | Rapidly destroyed in a hostile environment, contaminate groundwater |
septic tank | Complete sealing structure, the use of biological cleanse durability. | It takes up much space. |
When choosing a suitable type of container for your site, carefully weigh the pros and cons. You need to select the right ratio requirements for the placement of the type of material. Another important factor - the simplified cleaning of toilets and cesspools.
What are the means for cesspools and latrines
Biological and chemical agents for suburban toilets and pit latrines can not only cope successfully with harmful vapors sump, but also to minimize its harmful effects on the soil and groundwater water. Now these drugs are easy to find in any store for gardeners.

What is the use of biologics for cesspools:
- organic wastes decompose faster than normal;
- disappear odors;
- sewage effluent disinfected;
- is cleansed drainage wells and septic tanks;
- sediments decrease in volume.
Note! If you regularly use Biological means, can be much less likely to engage in pumping sewage.
Chemicals for cleaning sewer - fast preparations which can be used at any ambient temperature. They will work even in cold days, when the Biological means are not able to clean.

All is good, but there is in the ointment and its fly in the ointment. It is clear that aggressive chemicals adversely affects the soil, groundwater and has a devastating effect on the sewer system. Even tubes of wear resistant plastic react to aggressive chemical preparations.
That are commonly used for cleaning local sewage:
- Formaldehyde. This is the cheapest, but the most toxic substances.
- Nitrates. Oxidants nitrate-based quickly liquefy the contents of the sewage and eliminate unpleasant fumes. These substances are one of the safest means for cleaning the soil. Their only drawback - the high cost.
- Ammonium. Fast-acting and effective drugs on the basis of ammonium excellent job with fumes. Their drawback is that the effectiveness of drugs is reduced by contact with a surfactant. That is, the dishwashing detergent and laundry detergent in wastewaters neutralized ammonium compounds.

Important! The scale of the negative impact of drugs on the basis of ammonia to the environment is not yet fully understood, however should be extremely cautious in cleaning sewers containing such substances. Better use of mechanized cleaning.
How to choose the right himsredstva for cesspool? When choosing a drug, you should pay attention to several important aspects:
- if there is no need to engage in recycling the contents of a septic tank, you should pay attention to antiseptics, thinning solid waste;
- if the contents of the pit will be used as fertilizer for garden use nitrate to oxidize. Nitrogen compounds - this is the most common type of fertilizer, in addition, these substances accelerate the decomposition processes in the compost;
Note! There is a common opinion that it is impossible to drain the water from the washing machine in the sump tank. If you plan to use its contents in the compost. Refuting this postulate, we note that modern detergents are biodegradable, and therefore do not harm the environment and does not change the quality of the compost.
- a great option for those who do not often visited the dacha - Tablets for sewage treatment. They convert the solid organic waste in the liquid. The obtained substrate can be used as fertilizer. For the processing of cubic meters of feces take just one pill;
- if drains are clogged, you can use nitrate drugHe will clean the pipes and neutralizes odors.

Practice the use of chemical drugs has shown that even with careful observance of safety standards, they have a negative impact on the environment. Most truckers are actively moving to the biological agents that safely and effectively perform the same task. waste decomposition occurs under the influence of active bacteria. The obtained substrate can be used as compost.

Important! If you decide to buy the bacteria for cesspools, buy drugs only in the official outlets. These substances have a limited period of use and special storage conditions. Provide the necessary requirements Only authorized dealers.
One example of successful biologics for cesspools - "Doctor Robic." He not only successfully decomposed faecal matter, but also to cope with the cellulose. One bottle is enough material for two thousand liters of waste a year.
The average cost of preparations for cleaning sewers
We have written some of the most popular version of Yandex Market of biological products for the treatment of a septic tank:
A drug | Picture | The volume of the sump, cub | Frequency of use | Price, rub |
green pack | ![]() | 2 | 1 month | 76 |
JOY | ![]() | 2 | 1 month | 110 |
BB-YS | ![]() | 2 | 1 month | 125 |
EXPEL | ![]() | 2 | 1 time in 2 months | 149 |
Dr. Robic 109 | ![]() | 1,5 | 1 time per month | 150 |
green Pine | ![]() | 2 | 1 time per week | 150 |
What is a toilet in the country without a cesspool?
The design of this type is necessary in case the ground water level is high enough - at least 3 meters. If you set the pit latrines, sewers will be distributed throughout the site, poisoning plants well or well.
Making holiday toilet without sump - not a difficult task. Advantages of such a design are obvious:
- easy installation;
- the ability to install in any place portion;
- minimum cost of accommodation;
- the ability to use the contents of the septic tank for composting;
- no need to comply with sanitary norms for placing toilet.

Types of toilets without holes:
- Toilets with peat-filled.
- Elektrotualety.
- Chemical (liquid) toilets.
Consider each of these kinds of details.
Which is better to give a peat toilet and the principle of its use
The design of peat toilets rather primitive. In principle, it is the most common container (bucket) with seat and lid. The toilet stall with such a special tool must be a container with a loose peat and sovochkom. After use, simply sprinkle the contents of the tank. After complete filling of the buckets, the contents shake composted.

Without a doubt, the factory holiday peat toilet Bole looks aesthetically pleasing through the use of durable plastic and compact design.
It is possible to produce a peat toilet with his hands. Here the design scheme:

Peat peat toilets can be purchased at a garden store or prepare yourself. Flow rate - about 20 liters (5 kg) per month for one man.
Electrical and chemical toilet is odorless and pumping
Compact and attractive to look at toilets to give an odorless can be installed directly in the summer house. Like any other, this design requires the arrangement of the ventilation system.
Electrical appliance
This device has two tanks - for collecting liquid and solid waste. Liquid sent to the drainage system or evaporate, and the solid by the compressor device, is dried to a powder. Both of these processes require the installation of high-quality ventilation hood. As a result of all the contents of the device you need to throw out a couple of times a year.

Chemical (liquid toilet)
Liquid biotoilet to give has two tanks: the top and bottom water with the chemical reagent. Washout occurs by means of water pump. In the sensor device, showing the lower level reservoir filling.

The only disadvantage of this design - the need to purchase chemical preparations. Considered the safest drugs green - they do not cause irreparable harm to the nature.
Note! Chemical preparations for chemical composting toilets for the cottages are sold as concentrates, they should be thinned by instructions on the package.
Another important point - the usual toilet paper in the liquid preparation does not decompose, it must be disposed of separately or acquire a special soluble paper.
What to consider when choosing
How to choose a bio-toilet for a summer residence of a large assortment in our stores? Here are a few options:
- The volume of the reservoir. For example, a tank capacity of 14 liters is filled with 3 days, if the family is three people. The larger the tank - the less it will have to be cleaned. But keep in mind that it will weigh much more. The capacity of 12 liters in the inflated state will weigh approximately 14 kgs, and the tank-already dvadtsatilitrovy 25 kg.
- The height of the structure. There are devices of low height - 30 centimeters. They are suitable for children and people of small stature. The optimum height of 42-48 centimeters.
Installation of a septic tank for the toilet cottage
The principle of operation of a septic tank is to separate waste into liquid and solid. The capacity of the septic tank mandatory supply vent pipe and manhole.

For installation septic tank no smell of concrete rings need to dig a pit depth of 23 m with a diameter of 2 meters. This tank is enough for a small family. If you intend to use as a plastic tank capacity, the pit wall must be strengthened brickwork. It will not allow in the case of ground deformation crush plastic construction.
On the one hand, it is connected to the tank sink, on the other - a pipe for removing water, it should be located 20 cm below the waste. If the well is made of concrete rings, the bottom is filled with gravel after installing the rings the gaps between the walls and the ground, too, are filled with a mixture of gravel.

Variants of the toilet stalls and installation tips
Toilet cubicle can be built virtually from scrap materials, using what was left after the construction of a country house. The course will trim lumberSlate, cladding boards, remnants brick. When a certain percentage of the fantasy of all this you can build quite a remarkable structure.
Photos of wooden cottages toilets:
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Standard dimensions of the booth - meter and a half, and the height - two and a half meters. The "Overall" home garden, the greater must be the cabin. The network can find many ready-made designs with dimensions and recommendations, according to which it is possible to build a cottage suite with their own hands. Photo of some drawings:

The frame is usually made of timberAnd used for the cladding boards, OSB board or even opaque polycarbonate.
Important! When installing the frame, note that the house should be put forward by about two thirds to septic tank. This arrangement will avoid problems when cleaning the pit.
To design sustainable, experts recommend installing shallow foundation, Monolithic or columnar.
Factory option - plastic toilet garden
Chalet plastic toilets - a simple and cost-effective option arrangement of the latrine. With its purchase disappear all issues related to the installation of the sump and construction of the booth. Here, everything is ready. Each cabin is equipped with a capacious reservoir from one hundred to four hundred gallons. All factory booths have an effective ventilation system. In some models, in addition to the toilet provided and sink, urinal and even shower.

Dates of operation of such devices is quite large, with proper care booth will serve more than one decade. Among the drawbacks is worth noting only that in cold weather so it is not necessary to operate the toilet.
What should I look for when choosing:
Options | Description |
The presence of the drain tank | Some models have built-in tank, instead it will have to substitute any suitable container - bucket or a barrel or output drain into the sump. |
The presence bitualeta | There is a design, complete with toilets that go with full functionality. These can be peat, electrical and fluid design. |
The presence of additional facilities | For convenience in the cabin can be mounted hooks shelvesSoft seats, sinks, urinals, soap dispenser, the system lighting and heating. |
material booths | lockers frame can be plastic, like its walls, or metal. Are considered the highest quality products made of polyethylene, it is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and chemically active substances. Such structures are highly resistant to mechanical damage. |
Installing a toilet from the barrel with his hands in the country
Using a conventional barrel as septic tank - a convenient and cheap option. This design will replace the usual cesspool and reliably protect the high-lying ground water from contamination.
To work better to pick a metal barrel with a corrosion-resistant coating or plastic container. Keep in mind that the metal container will not serve more than four years. It costs more expensive than plastic. So it makes sense to think before you make a choice.

Plastic container will last much longer, for several decades.

Moreover, the cost of such a tank will be much less than the cost of the metal barrels with thick walls. The only negative - plastic does not like freezing temperatures. To keep it in extreme cold, when installing the barrel outside "wrapped" with mineral wool.
Important! The plastic container is very easy. So it does not pop up, it should be firmly fixed in the pit.
Installation sequence:
- should dig a pit the size of 20 -30 centimeters longer barrel sizes. If the barrel without a bottom - at the bottom of the pit is filled drainage layer of gravel, sand and clay;
- Install a barrel. The spacing between the side walls and ground pour fine gravel or crushed stone;
- pour a foundation under the booth 20 centimeters thick. In order to strengthen the foundation of using metal rods. In order to concrete I did not hit the tank, use a barrage of rim and cover.
After the foundation hardens, you can begin to build the booth.
Construction of toilets for giving of concrete rings
Metal-reinforced concrete ring - a reliable material for the sump. Their only drawback - a lot of weight.

For normal sump only two rings meter height.
The sequence of works:
- you need to dig a trench to install rings. It is important to provide that to the foundation pit could drive buses;
- sequentially immerse ring. Place seam promazhte grout. The top ring should protrude above the pad surface to twenty centimeters everything for the foundation;
- at the bottom is the screed. For this pillow is filled with sand, is mounted reinforcing mesh and concrete mortar is poured;
Note! In commercially available ready-concrete cover, corresponding to the diameter of the ring.
- the free space between the walls of the rings and soil covered with sand and fine gravel.

What is the cost to buy a toilet garden
Of course, everyone wants to buy cheap toilet garden. How much will a complete, factory model water closet? We studied the reviews, composting toilets prices for cottages and picked the most popular models on the version of Yandex Market:
Model | Picture | Characteristics | Cost, rub |
Ekolayt Dachnik | ![]() |
| 15940 |
Biolan dry toilet with a separator | ![]() |
| 27300 |
SVITI 20-L | ![]() |
| 4700 |
Biotoilet SEPARETT VILLA 9000 | ![]() |
| 36750 |
Related article:
A lovely alternative to sewer - are mobile toilets. In this article, we will consider best for home composting toilets. Examine the existing device models, average prices, reviews and some guidelines to help make the right choice.
Sequence of instructions: how to make the toilet odorless cottage
The easiest project - "Birdhouse." This simple design is being built just for one day. Construction Plans:
To work required:
- concrete blocks for a base;
- a piece of roofing material;
- sand and gravel;
- Edged board, Beams, paneling;
- galvanized steel sheet;
- door unit;
- screws, Bolt, door knob;
- paint.
The sequence of construction:
Operation | Description |
![]() | It is necessary to dig a hole the size of 1h1h2 meters. The walls of the holes being strengthened with one of the methods described above. At the bottom is filled with a mixture of sand and gravel. |
![]() | At a distance of 20 centimeters from the edges of the hole are laid concrete blocks. For stability, they should be a bit bury in the ground - about ten centimeters. |
![]() | At blocks stacked roofing bands with several layers. |
![]() | On concrete blocks is done wooden grillage and it establishes a framework of timber. Paul half-sewn planks. Boards should be on the lower side handle with linseed oil or waste oil. |
![]() | The walls are sheathed clapboard or OSB. For thermal insulation can make a double lining, placing it between the layers of mineral wool. |
![]() | On the frame is set low (50 centimeters) podium. In its upper part an opening is cut and the lid secured. |
![]() | In the rear wall at a height of about 25 centimeters slotted hole and the vent pipe is inserted with pivoting the knee. At the top of the tube baffle is installed. |
![]() | Secured door unit. The door leaf is cut out an opening for natural light booth. On the purlin roof must secure the roofing material, and on it - the steel sheet at an angle to the natural flow. Stoke must not be directed at the front door. |
![]() | Construction should be painted in a booth need to install bolt, toilet paper holder and magazine rack (and how not). |
That's so simple to install their own hands cottage toilet odorless. If you have time and desire - to approach the problem with an invention. See what other masterpieces able to gardeners:
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Related article:
How to arrange the toilet to give their own hands. Of course, it may seem that it's pretty easy job at first glance, but on closer considering you can see that there is quite a lot of nuances that should be addressed Attention. Step by step guide to help in this.
Things to know about pumping suburban toilets
How often should the toilet pumping in a private home, it depends on the speed of filling the sump. Composting toilets cleaned at least once a month. Cesspool usually rake once a year.
Important! Even if the hole is not filled during the year, it is still clean it. Long-term waste deposits become a place for the development of harmful bacteria and microbes. Even with a good ventilation system, evaporation penetrating into the cabin, and you have to breathe this every day.
Clean the sump can be manually or by machine assenizatorskaya. Manual toilet pumping in the country - a very time-consuming and unpleasant task.

About a week before pumping should thin out the contents of the pit by means of chemical or biological agents. During the day, you can not use the toilet. Evacuation is carried out in a compost pit. This process is long, his time is better to remove children from home and pre-warn the neighbors. The compost pit is filled deflated waste nitrogen fertilizers and peat or soil.

vacuum trucks Cost of services depends on the remoteness of the site and size of the sump. It is important that the car could drive as close to the toilet - the hose is usually not more than four - five meters.
summing up
Cottage toilet - not such a primitive design, as it seems at first glance. Toilet facilities for giving odorless and pumping should use the advice of professionals. It is important to provide ventilation of the booth and use biological products for the early decomposition of the waste. Keep the latrine, produce its regular cleaning and the strategic object will not bother you unpleasant odors.
Finally, a small video on how to build the cottage WC on the site: