Rating of the best car batteries

Choose a battery for a car is not an easy task. It is necessary to know what capacity, starting current, dimensions are needed. The most important thing is to choose a quality manufacturer. In recent years, the recognition of Russian motorists received batteries from Bosch, Varta, Medalist, Beast. I am glad that among the best there are domestic producers. To finally understand the good and bad sources of power, read the rating of the best car batteries, compiled from the reviews of thousands of motorists

This list is outdated. Read the new battery rating of 2014 , compiled based on test results.


  • ZUBR
    • ACTECH
    • ACDelco
    • Mutlu
    • TopBat
    • A-mega
    • Beast
    • Varta
    • Medalist
    • Best in rating: Bosch


The Belarusian concern produces a good product by a combination of price and quality.


A good battery from the Russian manufacturer ZAO "Actech-Baikal", by all parameters slightly exceeds the Zubr, is very reliable, in comparison with foreign products.


Battery from the world famous brand for the production of various spare parts, can not boast of special characteristics despite its price. In addition, often the actual battery power is less than the claimed manufacturer.


Turkish battery of good quality, manufactured for more than 20 years and widely known in the Russian market. Akkum belongs to the average price category, so do not expect to start in a severe frost at 40 degrees, especially after the first year of operation.


The average position in the rating goes to the manufacturer from the Nizhny Novgorod region. Their factory is equipped with modern equipment, which makes it possible to produce good products at democratic prices.


The Ukrainian child, which meets all world standards, is fully certified. The advantage is that this battery is much cheaper in comparison with top representatives, however, the models differ in the high mass of products.


The best Russian battery, not inferior to the German giants both in quality and price. If you choose from Russian manufacturers, then safely buy "Beast"


The most famous and popular batteries are the North American manufacturer Johnson Controls. They are considered the best, in terms of price / quality. The German technology used in this product is used by many countries, including Spain, Korea, the United States and others.


It is possible to name the analogue Varta, but with the raised quality and accordingly the price. They are equipped with cars by many leading automotive companies.

Best in rating: Bosch

The products have been manufactured since 1927, innovative technologies of production are constantly introduced. Products are characterized by increased capacity and increased starting current of the starter. Such batteries will last at least 5-7 years. A feature is the increased dimensions and, as a rule, a rather high price.