The rating of Russian banks by the volume of deposits of individuals

There is quite a tough competition in the retail deposits market today. Banks try to attract the client not only with a favorable interest, but also with bright advertising and even gifts when they receive service.

However, those credit organizations that entered our today's rating of Russian banks in terms of deposits of individuals , unnecessary advertising is not required. Russians are well aware of these solid brands and demonstrate special trust in them.


  • 10. Promsvyazbank( deposits as of the end of June 2013 - 174 billion rubles)
  • 9. Bank of Moscow( 179 billion rubles)
  • 8. Rosselkhozbank( 198 billion rubles)
  • 7. Home CreditThe bank( 202 billion rubles)
  • 6. Russian Standard( 207 billion rubles)
  • 5. Raiffeisenbank( 234 billion rubles)
  • 4. Alfa-Bank( 323 billion rubles)
  • 3. Gazprombank( 324 billion rubles)billion rubles)
  • 2. VTB 24( 1 114 billion rubles)
  • 1. Sberbank of Russia( 6,809 billion rubles)

10. Promsvyazbank( the volume of deposits as of the end of June 2013 is 174 billion rubles).

Despite the fact that the main activities of the bankThis service accounts and corporate lending, PSB actively developing its retail business. Since 2005, the Bank has been increasing its popularity as a retail and actively attracting individuals.

9. Bank of Moscow( 179 billion rubles)

This "daughter" of VTB Group is a large universal bank. The retail business bank develops along with servicing financial flows of the capital budget and lending to large corporate clients.

8. Rosselkhozbank( 198 billion rubles.)

One of the largest banks in Russia specializes in financing agricultural enterprises. The full package of shares of the RSHB is in the possession of the state. Until 2015, it is planned to increase the authorized capital of the bank at the expense of investors, but with the preservation of a significant share of state participation.

7. Home Credit Bank( 202 billion rubles)

A large retail bank is the "daughter" of the Czech financial group Home Credit Group. The Bank is engaged in lending, raising funds in deposits and settlement services for individuals, gradually "unfolding" their interests and toward corporate business.

6. Russian Standard( 207 billion rubles.)

This highly specialized retail bank belongs to the creator of the eponymous brand of alcohol Rustamu Tariko. Deposits of individuals make up more than half of the bank's resource base. In addition, the Russian Standard is one of the undisputed leaders in the credit card market.

5. Raiffeisenbank( 234 billion rubles.)

The subsidiary structure of the Austrian Raiffeisen holding in Russia is a universal credit institution. The development of work with individuals in the bank was greatly facilitated by the acquisition in 2007 of the predominantly retail Impexbank.

4. Alfa-Bank( 323 billion rubles.)

Alfa-Bank is the largest credit institution in Russia without state participation. The positions of this private bank are strong both in the retail and in the large corporate segment. The bank is part of a large consortium of Alfa Group.

3. Gazprombank( 324 billion rubles)

Participation of the state in the capital of the bank is indirect, through a majority shareholder, OAO Gazprom. The Board of Directors of Gazprombank is headed by Gazprom's presidency Alexei Miller. The GPB group also includes smaller banks - Credit Ural Bank, GPB-Mortgage, and Eurofinance Mosnarbank.

2. VTB 24( 1 114 billion rubles)

VTB Group's retail subsidiary is responsible for working with individuals and small businesses. About 99% of the bank's shares belong to VTB.In addition to the high position on the volume of deposits, VTB 24 takes the second line in the rating by the volume of individual lending.

1. Sberbank of Russia( 6,809 billion rubles)

The SB RF is the largest bank, not only in Russia, but also in the CIS.It has the most developed network of units and offers the widest range of services. The main shareholder of the bank is the Central Bank of Russia, and over 40% of shares are owned by foreign companies. The bank employs more than 233,000 people.